The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

IV. 1863 White Chart Becomes the Standard Exposition

For some time James White had felt the need of an improved, cloth-backed prophetic chart for the use of the Sabbatarian ministers in their public evangelism and for Bible studies in the home. He designed it himself, and arranged for it to be competently made by lithograph process in Boston. The Review and Herald of October 6, 1863, describes it as “much improved in arrangement” over the former chart. The cost of the charts and key was $3,000 (for which White borrowed the money). The price was announced as $3.50 and $4.00 a set (including the companion Ten-Commandment chart). It bore the legend: “A Pictorial Illustration of the Visions of Daniel and John, Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, Battle Creek, Michigan. J. H. Bufford’s Lith., Boston.” 25 PFF4 1079.4

The charts were called for faster than they could be supplied, though by December 29 White stated they hoped now to fill all orders. On February 2, 1864, he reported that the charts were being received “with satisfaction.” And on March 15 announcement was made of an accompanying Key to the Prophetic Chart, as now available, written by Uriah Smith (but representing the joint exposition of headquarters leaders). This issue of March 15 quotes Bates as saying, “The charts appear to be perfect.... The explanation by diagram of the 2300 days is simple and very plain.” 26 PFF4 1080.1


The 1863 White chart was definitely an improvement over the 1850 Rhodes-Nichols chart, which was cluttered with detail both in the symbols and in the text. White’s chart was materially simplified and matured. There was omission of speculative details marking the earlier transition hour. They had now found their stride in exposition. Problematical items were dropped out, and emphasis was confined to the basic outlined and established fundamentals. It was so well designed, in fact, that it became standard for decades following. PFF4 1080.2


The forty-six-page Key to the Prophetic Chart, prepared by Uriah Smith, but representing the exposition prevalent among the Seventh-day Adventist leaders in 1864, adheres strictly to the outline of the White chart. But it amplifies each feature, giving further descriptions, dates, and details, citing authorities (such as Croly, Clarke, Prideaux, and Hales) and making specific applications. The image of Daniel 2 is paralleled by the four beasts from Babylon to Rome. The ten horns are listed, along with the three that were plucked up. And the 1260 years of the papal Little Horn are placed from A.D. 538 to 1798. PFF4 1080.3

The Persian ram, the Grecian he-goat, and the remarkable horn (pagan and papal Rome) form another series in the prophetic “line upon line.” And special stress is placed on the 2300 year-days of Daniel 8, with the 70 weeks “cut off” from the first part of it for the Jews, and starting with Ezra-both periods beginning together in 457 B.C., with the timing certified by the cross in the “midst” of the seventieth week (A.D. 27-34), and the longer period extending to 1844. PFF4 1081.1

Then the sanctuary, portrayed in diagram, is expounded in the Key in type and antitype—the great antitypical reality not being the earth, the land of Canaan, or the church, but being in heaven. The features of the daily and yearly services are rehearsed, the last phase of Christ’s priestly ministry in heaven beginning in 1844. And the three symbolic angels, heralding three successive messages, are followed by the appearance of heaven’s “royal personage”—the Lord Jesus Christ. PFF4 1081.2

The dragon, pagan Rome, the fourth supreme earthly kingdom, with the seven heads indicating the seven successive forms of government, gives its power to the Beast, or papal Rome, which matches the Little Horn of Daniel 7, developed out of the fourth or Roman Beast of that chapter. The Little Horn, or Beast, persecuting and blasphemous, continues in special power for 1260 years, this period closing with the captivity of the pope in 1798. PFF4 1081.3

Then the two-horned beast, coming up at this time in the presence of the Old World papal power, but rising out of the “earth” in a quiet peaceable manner, was designated as “Protestantism.” It is gentle in character, its two lamblike horns standing for civil and religious power, or Protestantism and republicanism. There are no crowns on its horns. It is not monarchical—the people making the “image,” or likeness, of the papal union of church and state. That was the accepted position by this time. PFF4 1081.4

Finally, the three woe trumpets are listed, with the first as the 150-year period of torment by the Ottoman Turkish power from the well-known July 27, 1299, to 1449, and the second woe of greater severity for 391 years, from July 27, 1449, to Aug. 11, 1840. The third woe, the Key concludes, coming after the end of the 2SOO days, involves the finishing of the mystery of God, when the dead are judged, the saints rewarded, and the destruction of those who corrupt the earth takes place, and the vials are poured out. Seven distinct lines of prophecy are thus covered, all converging in the end of all things, 27 which is set forth as drawing nigh. Such is the representative outline held by the leaders in 1863. PFF4 1082.1