The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


II. Otis Nichols’ Interpretation of Key Positions

The development of Revelation 13-17 in detail as the special new area of study and emphasis is seen in these points discussed by Nichols according to the sequence of publication, between 1851 and 1853. PFF4 1075.1


In 1851 he explicitly explains the two-horned beast of Revelation 13:11-18 as the “Protestant Republic of the United States.” This was his explanation of the two beasts, after the chart had been produced: PFF4 1075.2

“The burden of the ‘loud voice,’ so far as the worship of the ‘image’ is concerned, is yet future. The ‘image’ is an institution which receives its life and power from the two-horned beast, the Protestant Republic of the United States. It is an image, or a likeness to the beast which received a wound by the sword. PFF4 1075.3

“The beast that received ‘a deadly wound’ is called ‘the first beast.’ Revelation 13:12. It is described briefly in verses 5-10. It was the union of the ecclesiastical and civil bodies, under a supreme ecclesiastical head, the Pope; or, in other words, it was the Papal church instituted with the supremacy, the highest authority, or ‘dominion.’” 8 PFF4 1075.4


In discussing an 1844 article from the Voice of Truth on mother Babylon and her Protestant daughters, he speaks of this mother-and-daughter relationship: PFF4 1075.5

“The ‘great city’ I understand symbolizes the church incorporated, and united to the state. Both the Catholic and Protestant are included. Its primitive existence commenced with the Catholic church, the ‘mother.’ The Catholic church as a ‘mother,’ or parent, exercised its authority during its appointed time, 1260 years. Then her daughters came on the stage, and as her children have been growing in strength, influence and power, the mother’s power has been diminishing, as our parents naturally do, through enfeeblement by age. Take them as a whole, mother and children, they are one family, ‘that great city, Babylon’ Revelation 18.” 9 PFF4 1075.6


Nichols contends for the papal control of the European nations during PFF4 1075.7

the 1260 years. PFF4 1075.8

“During this period of time, [the 1260 years] the woman was seated upon the beast, held the reins, dictated, guided, and was the mouth of the beast, (chap 13:5,) had the ‘dominion’ and reigned over the (ten) kings of the earth. The history of the Catholic church proves this to be literally true. She did actually have dominion over the crowned kings and emperors.” 10 PFF4 1076.1


The “hating” of the apostate church is thought to be before 1798: PFF4 1076.2

Revelation 17:16, 17, shows conclusively the chronology of the ‘whore’ seated upon the beast, as it is described in verses 3-6, to be previous to] 798. ‘The ten horns shall hate the whore, make her desolate, &[c]. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will.’ This has been literally true with regard to the Papal church supremacy. For the last 50 years the ten kingdoms have hated the temporal dominion of the Pope, who is the head of the Catholic church. The reign of Napoleon made her desolate and naked; ‘for God put in their hearts,’ to do this, to ‘fulfill his will.’ 11 PFF4 1076.3


Justinian’s part in the spiritual establishment of the Papacy in 538 was this: PFF4 1076.4

“The Emperor Justinian became the head of the civil and ecclesiastical governments, and consequently was the instrumentality, and mouth of the dragon, that gave the beast his seat, and power, and great authority.... ‘The dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.’ Chap. 12:2, 5, 7. The Emperor Justinian (who was the chief executive of the eastern empire of Rome) made the bishop of Rome the head of all the churches, in A.D. 538; and he gave him his seat, (Rome,) and the supreme authority over the church ‘in all nations, and tongues,’ to dictate and discipline, according to his will, in matters of religion, and chastise or put to death such as would not obey the dictates of the church of Rome; and the civil governments were subservient in executing the mandates of the Pope.” 12 PFF4 1076.5

6. Daniel 11-Verses 40-45 APPLIED TO EUROPE

The prime place occupied by the Papacy in European affairs throughout the Middle Ages and up to the closing scenes, but involving France, is put in this way: PFF4 1076.6

“Since the days of Pagan Rome, the little horn, Papacy, has been the principal noted power referred to in the prophecy of Daniel’s visions. Chapters vii, viii, xi, 32-39. Verses 40-45 refers more particularly to the doings of France, as that nation had the ascendency from ‘the time of the end’ in A.D. 1798, and effected the reversion of the Papal power, and subjected the Pope to its dictation!.... Thus France has been the principal acting power in all the important events that have affected the little horn. And it remains to be seen whether France, under the reign of Napoleon III, in confederacy with the Pope and his priesthood, will be the principal actors, on the one part, in the closing scenes of ‘the little horn that waxed exceeding great,’ when it ‘shall come to its end with none to help.’ Daniel 11:44, 45.” 13 PFF4 1076.7


Nichols differed from most of the early Sabbatarians in suggesting Protestant England as the specific king of the north, with papal France as king of the south: PFF4 1077.1

“As the empire of France, under Napoleon 111, is viewed with alarm and jealousy by England and Russia, the northern and eastern powers of Europe, it is not improbable that ‘tidings out of the east and out of the north’ may trouble him; [verse 44,] the French empire confederate with the Pope. England stands at the head of the Protestants in Europe, the king of the north,’ France now stands as the head of the Papal power, ‘the king of the south, and Russia is the power of the Greek church in the east,—the three divided parts of the great city, Babylon.” 14 PFF4 1077.2

So, while the early 1850’s show definite advances, there are yet many details they arc still studying and seeking to clarify. PFF4 1077.3