The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


III. Meeting the Test of Fulfilled Predictions

Prophetism, as has been noted, is much more than mere prediction. But when an individual professes to speak through the Spirit of prophecy, and in the name of the Lord explicitly depicts future events or conditions to come, then failure of such predictions to come to pass would obviously demonstrate the falsity of such a claim. 8 Therefore, not only must Ellen G. White’s teachings accord with the principles and precepts of the Word of God, just surveyed, but her predictions must be judged by the clear evidence of fulfillment. They stand or fall upon these basic tests. That was clearly recognized. PFF4 996.1

These predictions that we shall now note were neither in the category of the basic “time prophecies” and great “outline prophecies” of the Bible, such as those of Daniel and John—the exposition of which we are systematically tracing in these volumes—nor are they to be confused with them. Such master prophecies are the sole prerogative of Scripture and are confined to Holy Writ. In contrast, Ellen White’s predictions concerning modern developments—along national, international, religious, social, industrial, and political lines—were but the local, or present, and more expanded application of these overall Bible prophecies on record through the centuries. PFF4 996.2

That, in a word, is the relationship. Mrs. Ellen White’s predictions are not contrary to or part of Bible prophecy, but fit into the fundamental framework of Bible prophecy. They give particular applications to the general prophecies of the Word. They foretell specific developments or fulfillments, so men need not be taken unaware when they come to pass. Let us now survey a few specific predictions. PFF4 996.3