The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

XI. Honest Hewitt-First Sabbath Convert in Michigan

Bates’s pioneering spirit soon led him West to Michigan in 1849. It was the time of the famous gold rush of the “forty-niners” to the Far West. But Bates was seeking golden characters—truth seekers, men of honest heart. The flaming torch of Bates’s own faith and ardor soon set other souls ablaze. And a company of Sabbathkeepers was raised up in Jackson, Michigan. In 1852 he went on to Battle Creek. Arriving early in the morning, he asked the postmaster for the name of the most honest man in Battle Creek. The reply was that a Presbyterian by the name of David Hewitt, living on Van Buren Street, had the reputation of being the most honest man in those parts. PFF4 963.1

Bates was soon rapping on his door, telling Hewitt that he had some important Bible truth to tell him. Hewitt replied, “Come in. We are just sitting down to breakfast. Eat with us, and we will then listen to you.” 36 After breakfast they had family worship together, and then Bates conducted him through a systematic, thorough study of the entire Advent Movement. The session lasted until dinner. Then, after the noon meal, Bates continued throughout the afternoon, Until five, this time setting before them the third angel’s message of Revelation 14 and the Sabbath. It covered a vast amount of territory. But the Hewitts accepted the entire presentation, and became the first converts in Battle Creek—the Hewitt home constituting the meeting place for a growing group until a little wooden church could be built. That episode was characteristic of Bates. He would go where there were no churches, secure a schoolhouse, hall, church, or even a home, hang up his chart and preach the new-found light. And churches came into being. And always the prophecies were a vital factor in his success. PFF4 963.2

And when at last,—in 1860, the Sabbatarian Adventists decided to organize, Joseph Bates was placed in the chair and guided the conference through to a successful conclusion. Thus the Seventh-day Adventists were formally brought into being. PFF4 963.3