The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


IX. Beecher-Signs Herald the Millennial Day

Then there was LYMAN BEECHER, D.D. 47 at the time pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Litchfield, Connecticut. In a sermon at New Haven in 1812, on “A Reformation of Morals Practicalle and Indispensable,” he spoke of the evils of the time and the judgments of God in the land. But he noted signs in New England that a reformation was already beginning—the softening of the manners of the people through the progress of civilization and religion, the progress of evangelical orthodoxy against heresy, the revivals, the new missionary spirit, the rising temperance societies. If we endure a little longer, he added, the resources of the millennial day will come to our aid 48 Here is the next paragraph, couched in prophetic phrasings, uttered as he calls for a reformation, and declares the angel of Revelation 14:6, 7 has begun his flight: PFF4 102.2

“Many are the prophetic signs, which declare the rapid approach of that day. Babylon the great is fallen. The false prophet is hastening to perdition. That wicked one hath appeared, whom the Lord will destroy, by the breath of his mouth and the brightness of his coming. The day of his vengeance is wasting the earth. The last vial of the wrath of God is running. The angel having the everlasting gospel to preach to men has begun his flight, and with trumpet sounding long and waxing loud, is calling to the nations to look unto Jesus and be saved. Soon will the responsive song be heard from every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, as the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluiah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth 49 PFF4 103.1

It has been said that to Beecher the internal harmony of New England Congregationalism and its union with Presbyterianism was “the glory of Christ’s kingdom, and the threshold of the millennium 50 Such were his rosy aspirations for the future. PFF4 103.2