The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


VIII. Group Sees Striking Parallel With Disciple Disappointment

Now we are prepared to follow the Port Gibson study group more understandingly, as they study and review, and restudy and search most earnestly over a period of months, seeking to develop a well-rounded exposition of the typical and antitypical sanctuary service. Edson, Crosier, and Hahn systematically and prayerfully surveyed the entire past experience of the Advent Movement in the light of the leading hand of God. They methodically and intensively searched the Scriptures anew for understanding and guidance in the light of their disappointment. They therefore restudied the striking parallel between their own recent disappointment and that of the apostles, who had passed through a similarly distressing disappointment over Christ’s crucifixion, caused by their misunderstanding of the events actually foretold in prophecy. PFF4 892.2

It was clear that the death of Christ on the cross, though expressly foretold in the prophecy of the 70 weeks, at the time seemed to the disciples like the utter failure of Christ’s earthly mission. At first His crucifixion appeared like a tragic mistake, which in turn had brought upon them the sneers and abuse of the populace. But instead, they soon came to see that it was the very foundation upon which the entire structure of the Christian church was to be built for all time-the sacrificial death, resurrection, ascension, and subsequent priestly ministry of Christ Jesus their Lord, in heaven above. The kingdom for which they looked was not to come until later-not until the time of God’s appointment at Christ’s second advent at the end of the age, when He would return in person to redeem His followers by resurrecting the sleeping saints and translating the living righteous. They looked for Him to become King, instead of Sacrifice and then Priest. PFF4 893.1

Similarly, it had now become crystal clear to Edson and his two companions that the climax of the great interlocking prophecy of the 70 weeks and 2300 year-days was never intended to involve Christ’s glorious second advent. It was, instead, His entrance upon the second, or final, phase of His high priestly ministry. Judgment scenes must first take place. All that had been implicit in the prophecy of Daniel 8:14, they were now constrained to believe. And this had indeed been fulfilled as foretold. The prophetic time element—the 1844 terminal dating-stood unimpeached. They had simply read into it an unwarranted and un-Biblical expectation. PFF4 893.2

They had therefore been mistaken in the nature of the terminal event that was actually to take place, just as were the disciples of old in their fond hopes of an earthly kingdom, to be established at Christ’s first advent, eighteen centuries before. There was therefore a paralleling misconception and disappointment in connection with both of these sound prophetic movements. And who was to say, they pondered, which was the greater and more blameworthy misconception? It was not the mistake but the rectification that was of paramount importance. On this they were clear. PFF4 893.3

And, as the disciples at the beginning of the Christian Era were to carry the glad word first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles, so this fuller, corrected understanding concerning the judgment hour must likewise be told forth, first to all who had been participants in the Millerite movement. They had indeed fulfilled prophecy in 1844, as far as they could at the time. They had begun the giving of the predicted judgment-hour message, despite their limited views and misconceptions—just as the disciples rightly proclaimed the Messiah’s appearance at the first advent, though seriously misunderstanding and misstating the kingdom phase of His mission. So they came to see that their own former witness had been just the preparatory announcement—the blowing of the alarm, as in the days just before the ancient Day of Atonement, according to the type. The great and final declaration was yet to come. PFF4 894.1

No, the timing of the prophecy was not a mistake. In a painstaking review of the prophecy, no fundamental error in the time count could be discovered. The date 1844 was correct. But the second advent was not involved in that particular prophecy, but rather preliminary judgment scenes, with events leading inexorably on to the end—and thus ultimately to the second advent as the crowning climax of all. Why had they not seen it all before? Why, O why, had their eyes been holden, as were those of the disciples of old? PFF4 894.2

But now they saw clearly that in 1844 the heralding cry was to be given, announcing that the hour of God’s judgment had come. This they had attempted to do with gratuitous emphasis on the coming of the King and the establishment of the kingdom. The fulfillment of last-day prophecy and the imminence of the advent was the universal message of the hour, given in stentorian tones by thousands of voices on both sides of the Atlantic, down in Africa, and out in Asia. Even Australia and the islands of the sea had felt the reverberation. It was apparent that Christ had indeed entered upon the final, special, priestly work appointed for that hour, the hour of God’s judgment, the last phase of His priestly ministry—but not as King, and not coming to this earth. That was the crux of the whole issue. PFF4 894.3

There had been great bitterness of disappointment in 1844, when Christ failed to appear as King, for which they had unjustifiedly looked. There was inevitably a marked falling away from the advent faith as a result. And the great body of those who still held to the doctrine of Christ’s soon coming would probably, erelong, begin to break up into various smaller bodies, with divergent views and diminishing numbers. The parallel to apostolic days was vivid and inescapable. PFF4 895.1

So it was that what had seemed like the greatest disappointment of all time was now seen as indeed one of the most remarkable fulfillments of all prophetic history—a movement of God’s own appointment, despite its human limitations and misconceptions. And the transactions foretold were now the foundation of God’s last message of warning and entreaty to men. PFF4 895.2