The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

VIII. Every Fundamental Sustained by Some Critics

Contending that each “point in our belief” is “sustained by some of your number,” the Address cites examples of the opponents’ support of seven major expositions. PFF4 869.6

1. That the 2300 days are years is sustained by Bush, Hinton, and Jarvis. 32 PFF4 869.7

2. That the 1260, 1290, and 1335 are years is admitted by Morris, Dowling, 33 Bush, and Jarvis. PFF4 870.1

3. That the 2300 years begin with the 70 weeks is conceded by Bush and many others. PFF4 870.2

4. That Rome is the fourth empire, symbolized by the legs of iron and the fourth beast, is admitted by Bush, Jarvis, Hinton, 34 and Morris. PFF4 870.3

5. That the Little Horn of Daniel 7 is the Papacy is like wise sustained by Bush, Jarvis, Hinton, 35 and Morris. PFF4 870.4

6. That the exceeding great horn of Daniel 8 is Rome is held by Jarvis and Hinton. 36 PFF4 870.5

7. That the 2300 year-days extend to the resurrection of the dead, and Christ’s advent, and the beginning of God’s ever lasting kingdom, is likewise admitted by Jarvis and Hinton. And Morris asks, “Who cannot see that all things are now ready for the sounding of the seventh angel?” So the Millerite Address then repeats the assertion: “There is not a point that is essential to this question, but some of you admit we have the truth respecting it.” 37 PFF4 870.6