The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


IV. Nott Predicates Missionary Sermon on Prophecy

Flashes of exposition frequently illuminated sermons on various topics, preached on all kinds of occasions. One of these illustrative uses was by ELIPHALET NOTT, A.D. (1773-1866), president of Union College, of Schenectady, New York, from 1804 onward for nearly sixty years. In a sermon given before the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church on May 19, 1806, and published at their request, Nott speaks of “the types which prefigure, and the prophecies which foretell” the coming kingdom of eternal righteousness. He cites the “memorable vision” of Daniel 7, concerning “future events,” to provide the historical sequence and relationships for his main theme. The “beast” symbols of the four kingdoms, as practically all expositors had conceded, are followed by the rise of the various kingdoms of Europe, and these in turn by the Little Horn, which is identical with the power portrayed in Revelation 12 and 17. This power wears out the saints during the 1260 year-days, which period, however, is short in comparison with the kingdom of the saints, which will stand forever 14.” PFF4 89.2

Citing Second Peter, Nott declares the present world system is advancing “towards that dreadful catastrophe, of which revelation pre-admonishes the saint. The six thousand years of Satan’s triumph is almost over 15 But to Nott, steeped in the Whitbyan postmillennial concept, the reign of Christ “is to be introduced BY HUMAN EXERTIONS,” which he thus emphasizes by full capitals in the printed sermon. This, he holds, is exactly as the early heralds of the cross extended apostolic Christianity over Europe, Asia, and Africa—“through the intervention of human agency.” That is really where the divergence and the issue lay, between two basic schools of thought. PFF4 89.3

All seemed agreed on the grand outline of prophecy and in the year-day principle for the time prophecies. But what would occur at their close was a matter of sharp difference of view. One group held stanchly to a cataclysmic end of the age, brought about by the personal, literal, second coming of Christ in power and glory, accompanied by the literal resurrection of the saints and followed by the earth redeemed. The other held tenaciously to a spiritual coming and spiritual resurrection, and the gradual extension of God’s kingdom by human endeavor, until it prevails over all the earth. And this vital divergence was destined to grow, until it came to an open break in the forties, as will soon be seen. PFF4 90.1