The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


III. “Cry” Carries Lucid Chart of Daniel’s Prophecies

Another of the simple early charts of “Daniel’s Visions” appeared in the Midnight Cry for February 3, 1843. 9 In small type across the top of the page appear the words, “Read, Daniel 2, 7 and 8. ‘Whoso readeth, let him UNDERSTAND!’” And on the left-hand side of the page, alongside the vertical column of century marks, this interesting sentence appears, referring to the time that has elapsed since Daniel’s day: “The years seem to diminish in length at a distance from that point, like objects seen in a natural landscape.” PFF4 725.1

The chart carries the leading dates in the march of nations, from 677 B.C. for Babylon, down to A.D. 1843. These are in a vertical column at the left, paralleling the full-length metallic image of Daniel 2. The divisions are labeled, “Babylon, 139 years; Medo-Persia, 207 years; Grecia, 173 years; Rome, 2001 years”—including, of course, the modern divided state of the feet and toes. The cross is placed at A.D. 33. PFF4 725.2

Then, in the center column, appear the winged lion, the bear, the four-headed leopard, and the ten-horned fourth monster that sprouts the strange Little Horn among them, with the pope’s head on it. These same four world powers are identically named and dated, as with the parts of the metallic image. Finally, in the right-hand column, opposite the Medo-Persian breast and arms of silver and the Persian bear, is the Medo-Persian ram-as simply different symbols for the same power. And similarly, opposite the Grecian waist and thighs of the image and the Grecian leopard is the Grecian he-goat. The explanation as to the starting point is that the vision of Daniel 8 was given just after the fall of Babylon, “according to Light-foot, Townsend, and other eminent chronologers.” Babylon had therefore become history, and consequently “had no place in this prophecy” of Daniel 8. PFF4 725.3

The point is enforced that “the Grecian power was at first united, as represented by the single horn of the goat. It was “afterwards divided into four parts, represented by the four horns, of which the angel said—‘Four KINGDOMS shall stand up out of the nation.’ Here we are taught, in the plainest manner, that a horn in the vision means a kingdom.” Then follow nine tabulated reasons why the last power described in Daniel 8 is Rome. These are: PFF4 725.4

(1) It rose to power in the “latter part” of the Grecian kingdom; (2) it was of fierce countenance; (3) it was “little” at first; (4) then it waxed “exceeding great,” toward the east and south (citing Sir Isaac Newton); (5) it cast down the host and the stars to the ground by “persecuting Christians, Apostles and ministers of Jesus”; (6) it magnified itself against the Prince of the host, or Prince of princes, when Herod and Pilate conspired against Jesus, and later the pope usurped His place when the pope became “Head of all churches”; (7) he would destroy the mighty and holy people; (8) but he will be “broken without hand” by the stone “cut out of the mountain without hands”; and (9) Rome was the only power that became “exceedingly great,” fulfilling all specifications. The final argument was on the logical principle of the paralleling sequences. Medo-Persia and Grecia have been presented twice before, in the image of Daniel 2 and the beast of Daniel 7, and “it is absurd to suppose that the power which follows them is a different power from the one which twice before has been seen succeeding them.” PFF4 726.1