The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


VIII. Extension Movement Spread to Ends of Earth

The really astonishing spread of the distinctive Millerite teaching and influence, out through the four quarters of the globe, is not commonly known. Yet it is attested by contemporary evidence. Millerism was actually world wide in its penetration and influence-as far as any mission movement of the time. Here are evidences. From the Millerite presses in North America, especially from Boston and Montreal, second advent publications were sent out in a constant stream to the far corners of the earth. In 1842 Josiah Litch declared that, quite apart from the extensive emphasis on the second advent emanating from Britain and the European continent—and which had penetrated Asia Minor, Africa, and Asia (particularly India)—North America was now playing an even larger role in propagating the advent faith. Here is his statement: PFF4 711.3

“Within the last three years, there have been sent from our office in this city [Boston], second advent publications to nearly all the English and American missionary stations on the earth. They have been sent to China; to Burmah; to Hindostan; to the East Indies; to Persia, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, Greece, Constantinople; into Africa, the W. India Islands, the Islands of the Pacific.” 25 Then in July, 1843, in commenting on the plan of “sending tracts to the islands of the sea,” the Signs of the Times declares significantly: PFF4 712.1

“Advent publications have been sent by the hundred thousand, broadcast all over the world, to the islands of the sea, and to every missionary station on the globe. They have been scattered over land and ocean, and the sailors who come into port testify that the coming of Christ is a subject of conversation all over the world.” 26 Dr. Richard Hutchinson’s Montreal Voice of Elijah was, perhaps more: than any other Millerite journal/widely scattered throughout the United Kingdom. Even over in Australia the advent message, thus propagated; was accepted by Thomas Playford in Adelaide* Australia, and heralded in that sparsely settled giant land down under. A volume of Playford’s published sermons on the second advent has been preserved. The signs of the times are emphasized, along with the parables on the second advent, the Midnight Cry, and the prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7-the successive empires followed by the coming kingdom of God. 27 So, wherever given, the message was essentially the same. PFF4 712.2

In November, 1843, Litch gives a further report on the spread of the glad tidings of the second advent out to the ends of the earth, as predicted by prophecy. He asserts: PFF4 712.3

“Within the last few years, there has been a continuous effort by the [American] believers in the speedy coining of the Lord, to send light on this subject to the whole world. And so far as the opportunity has offered, publications have been sent to every English and American Mission in the world. These publications have gone to the various parts of the four quarters of the earth and various islands of the sea.” 28 Litch then tells of the spread of the advent message in other lands, and throughout Norway in particular, as reported by emigrants. The Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands are also specifically mentioned. 29 And ships, touching at Catholic Chile, reported fearful expectation of the second advent even far in the interior. Litch adds: PFF4 713.1

“Mr. Wardell, our informant, says that the thing was understood far back in the interior; and that persons from a hundred miles back in the country had been brought together at the town for the occasion. It is thus the New York SUN has given light to the world, and sent it to the regions and places we could not have reached.” 30 PFF4 713.2