The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


V. Feminine Pens Promote and Defend

The first number of the 24-page Advent Message to the Daughters of Zion, of May, 1844, was released just after the spring disappointment. It was comprised of short articles and some poetry, and presented the Adventist essentials in simplified, condensed form to make special appeal to women readers. Prophecy had a vital place, with emphasis on women’s unique place in the work of warning and entreaty. And there was recourse to history as it has played its part. It was issued under the guiding genius of Mrs. Clorinda S. Minor and Miss Emily C. Clemons. Here is one of the poems in none-too-common triplet form, with its prophetic overtone: PFF4 707.1

One foot on sea and one on land,
See the mighty herald stand,
As he utters his command.
PFF4 707.2

See him lift his hand on high-
Swear that Time shall shortly die-
Sounding forth the ‘Midnight Cry.’
PFF4 707.3

His voice is like the lion’s roar,
The trembling earth from shore to shore
Echoes, ‘Time shall be no more!’
PFF4 707.4

Give to God the glory! Tear!
Lo! the judgment hour is near;
‘Tis hasting, and will soon appear.’
PFF4 707.5

“On the gospel armor gird:
Watch and pray-believe the Word Of the angel thou hast heard.
PFF4 707.6

“‘Rocks and mountains on us fall!’
Soon, poor sinners, you will call,
When your hopes have perished-all:
PFF4 707.7

When the clouds of vengeance lower,
Who, oh! who may ‘bide the hour-
Unrescued by the Saviour’s power?
PFF4 707.8

In the covert of thy side
Then, Lord Jesus, let us hide-
So shall we thy day abide.” 22
PFF4 707.9

Still another feminine document, a pamphlet issued in 1842 “by a Female,” was entitled A Voice in Neiv Hampshire The publisher’s introduction states that she is a woman of attainment who wishes to remain anonymous. Incisive, well reasoned, and overthrowing the rather flimsy attacks against Miller with devastating logic, it does credit to the feminine ranks, and effectively sustains the Millerite teaching on the prophecies. The impression is inescapable that the movement drew men and women of unusual mentality, balance, and piety. Miller and his associates did not lack for able defenders. Here is another less-known advocate. PFF4 708.1