The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

VI. Prophetic Setting for the Coining Kingdom

Litch’s final address, “The Glorified Kingdom of God on Earth, at Hand,” is typical of the prophetic interpretation always presented at these conferences. His first point was that Christ’s kingdom of glory is not simply the gospel dispensation, introduced by the first advent of Christ. Even His immediate disciples had a misconception concerning it—believing it “should immediately appear.” But Christ gave the parable of the nobleman and the pounds to correct that—the nobleman went away to receive the kingdom, and when he returns he will then reward his servants. So at the advent will come the resurrection of the righteous and the translation of the righteous living. This was confirmed by the transfiguration—with Moses and Elijah representing the raised and the changed saints in the last day. This was the figure and forecast of the coming kingdom. So, “beyond all successful controversy,” the kingdom is “subsequent to the second coming of Christ,” and will be glorious and immortal. That kingdom Avill be “everlasting” in duration. (Daniel 7:13, 14; Revelation 11:15.) Moreover this kingdom is at the door. But it cannot come “until all the prophecies which are to be fulfilled before it, shall be fulfilled.” First, it cannot come until the great Antichristian papal apostasy has had its day. This is found in Daniel 7. In the prophetic imagery of this vision, four beast—kingdoms—Babylonia, Medo—Persia, Grecia, and Rome—arise out of the sea of humanity. And out of the fourth and fifth centuries—as the standard lists of Machiavelli, Lloyd, Lowth, and Hales attest. And the blaspheming, persecuting Little Horn is the Papacy, permitted to have dominion over the saints, or church for 3i/L “times,” or 1260 year-days. The four world powers, and the division of the Roman fourth, precede it. Then Justinian passed his edict constituting the Bishop of Rome the head of “all the holy churches.” Three of the ten horns—the Arian Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths—were plucked up before him. As long as they held Rome, the decree “could not be carried into effect.” 17 PFF4 593.1

Then in February, 1798, the pope’s dominion was temporarily taken away by Berthier, the French general. From 538 to 1798 was the period of the 1260 years. True, “Popery still exists.” But its dominion in the medieval sense was to be taken away. In Revelation 13 this same power is presented under the symbol of the ten-horned beast from the sea, having power over the saints for 42 months, or the same 1260 year-days. And he foretold that this period was to be terminated by the stroke of the sword, when the papal government received its “deadly wound.” 18 PFF4 594.1

Then, under the second, or two-horned, beast from the earth, Litch understood, it is to be healed. In 1804-1805 Bonaparte was crowned emperor of France and king of Italy. Speaking like a lamb at first, he came to exercise “unlimited power in modelling religion to his own liking, and imposing its observance on his subjects.” And he causes all to worship the first beast (popery) whose deadly wound was healed. This he did by reconstituting popery. So the Papacy was restored after its fall in 1798. And the deadly wound was healed when a new pope was elected. 19 (In this Litch differed sharply from Miller.) PFF4 594.2

Daniel 7 therefore predicts the course of empire down to the second coming and kingdom of Christ. It is likewise predicted by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2, for the Man of Sin to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming. The kingdom of God was not established during the 1260 years. That was not the millennium, but its opposite. And there is no place for the millennium, Litch assures us, between the close of the 1260 years, in 1798, and the second coming of Christ. He then brings his exposition to a close with this threefold appeal: PFF4 594.3

“The doctrine of a temporal and spiritual reign of Christ for a thousand years before his second coming, is but a cunningly devised fable, and in its very nature only calculated to lull men to sleep in their sins, and to induce them to say, ‘My Lord delayeth his coming.’ PFF4 595.1

“Perishing sinner! if this argument is sound and conclusive, then you have no time to lose in preparing for the judgment. Then delay not, but haste thee to Christ for refuge, while he waits to be gracious. PFF4 595.2

“Christian professor! you have a great work to do to clear your skirts of the blood of souls, and to have your own lamps trimmed and burning, and oil in your vessels with your lamps. Remember, only perfect love can cast out fear, and give boldness in the day of judgment. Seek, then, and live it day by day. PFF4 595.3

“Minister of the gospel-Watchman on Zion’s walls! lift up thy voice Jike a trumpet, cry aloud, spare not; show the people their sins, arouse them from their lethargy, lest, like the inhabitants of the old world, they know not till the door is shut. Amen.” 20 PFF4 595.4

Such is the heartthrob of a typical Millerite lecture—rooted in Scripture, buttressed by history, and enforced by logic as they saw it. It therefore appealed both to head and heart. PFF4 595.5