The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

V. Belknap-France’s Conquering March to Be Checked

As noted, May 9, 1798, was set apart by Presidential proclamation as a day of special fasting and prayer. And likewise noted, various clergymen used this solemn occasion to discourse on the meaning of the times in the light of Bible prophecy. Among these was DR. JEREMY BELKNAP, 19 Congregational minister and historian of Boston, who, in a noteworthy address delivered upon that occasion, based on the prophetic outline of Daniel 2 dwells chiefly upon the multiple kingdoms of Europe that succeeded the fourth, or Roman, world power, which sweeping prophecy reaches its climax with the coming kingdom of Christ. PFF4 65.3

After stating that the prime purpose of prophecy is to keep alive the “faith and hope of God’s people in times of calamity and distress,” Belknap declares that the same progressive “series of events” are paralleled in the symbolism of Daniel 2 and 7, the latter including further particulars in relation to the church of God. Daniel 8 covers much of the same ground. And these visions culminate with the establishment of the universal and eternal kingdom of God, which, upon its establishment, will destroy all other kingdoms. 20 PFF4 65.4

These four world empires are the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Macedonian, and Roman; and the fourth, he says, is the same as the kingdom symbolized by the first, or ten-horned, beast of Revelation 13. At first Rome was as strong as iron, then became corrupted, weakened, and divided by internal quarrels and religious controversy-eventuating in the ten kingdoms, or ten “toes” or “horns.” The stone represents the “kingdom of Jesus Christ,” which “as long as the divided remains of the Roman empire shall subsist,” Belknap contends, will be as it has hitherto been, “a stone of stumbling and rock of offense,” but will “come, or be visibly and permanently established.” He sees the present period (in 1798) as still signified by the ten horns, which “comprehend western Europe,” including Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, et cetera, and notes that they still exhibit the same characteristics of strength and weakness. 21 PFF4 66.1

Belknap relates how he had begun the study of prophecy more than twenty years previously, his thoughts first being directed to this prophetic outline in May, 1777, in the midst of the Revolutionary War. He then perused the best helps available-Joseph Mede, Sir Isaac Newton, and Bishop Thomas Newton-obviously agreeing with them on the leading features. England’s earlier prospect, of exerting a dominating influence over the other nations through forging claims of control, had once seemed bright. But she had failed, proving herself “iron and clay.” And Belknap was against American submission to any “rotten toe” or “horn” kingdom. Nor does he expect “invincible” France, now riding high, to be able to carry out her proud boasts of power and influence. 22 PFF4 66.2

Further, it was foretold that an Antichristian power would arise and rule over the nations. This, he adds, is understood to be the “papal sovereignty.” But “there are many antichrists” opposing true religion. France had supported the Papacy, and had given its power to enhance the Papacy. But with others it was to turn against her, and was now, although still Anti-Christian, being used of God as a rod to punish others. Convulsions of the nations were to be expected. But the already existing stone kingdom, whose subjects we are, will smite these disturbing powers to dust. They “will vanish like the chaff of the threshing floor before the wind, and the gentle, peaceful kingdom of the SON of David” will be gradually but universally established. And we are to pray, “Thy kingdom come,” and hasten its progress. 23 PFF4 67.1

The subduing of the kingdoms of the world to the Christian faith will be effected, not by the sword, but only by the divine Spirit, by “the secret energy of truth”; until true religion prevails, “till it shall have eradicated war, slavery, oppression, tyranny, superstition and vice; till antichristian power and influence shall be abolished; till false religion, false philosophy and despotic government shall be destroyed; till love and peace shall reign, and truth and righteousness shall be established in the earth.” 24 So, a great many prominent and pious men turned to the glowing torch of prophecy to seek light on the dark and confusing times through which Europe was passing. PFF4 67.2