The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


VI. Their High Caliber and Motivating Force

Men from various denominations—some with wide experience, liberal education, and mental strength, balance, and acumen comparable to any of their day, versed in Scripture, and proficient in Biblical languages, history, chronology, and calendation—were drawn together in joint study and comparison of conviction and Biblical evidence. They then reached certain united conclusions which in turn impelled them to proclaim their joint findings to all mankind. This Biblical and prophetic basis, and the logical reasoning and historical evidence that sustained it, was so convincing that hundreds of keen-minded clergymen were persuaded of its soundness, and sooner or later came from all the leading denominations to throw their strength into this new movement. PFF4 453.2

And thousands of intelligent laymen, many of whom were trained in the various professions—as educators, physicians, lawyers, editors, businessmen, et cetera—likewise joined heart and hand in the great proclamation. This was no mere wholesale gullibility. We must seek, then, for the philosophy of their faith and the spring of action that impelled them forward and produced one of the most amazing religious crusades of modern times. PFF4 454.1

This we shall seek to find by comprehensive surveys of the contemporary sources—the writings of men on both sides of this supreme theological battle line of the time—their books, periodical articles, pamphlets, tracts, broadsides, charts, and above all the more intimate manuscript materials, such as diaries, letters, sermon outlines, addresses, articles, exchanges, and pronouncements. These will form the sources from which our factual testimony will be drawn. The evidence will be frankly and faithfully presented, that all who wish to know the facts may have them in reliable documented form. PFF4 454.2