The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

II. Nineteenth Century Introduces Third Epoch


Such was the situation when the special 1260-year era of the dominance of the papal Little Horn was recognized and declared by many expositors as ending about the time of the French Revolution, or soon after. It was then that the conviction became widespread that mankind was entering the “time of the end.” And this consciousness helped to bring on the third epoch of new emphasis on prophecy, and the obvious “latter days” and approaching second advent of Christ. And this tremendous stir occurred simultaneously in the Old World and the New. 11 PFF4 388.1

Up to the close of the eighteenth century Daniel 7 had been the line of advancing study, with progressive, contemporary recognition of its fulfilling features. Its 1260 years were seen by a number of eighteenth-century expositors as a special period in the long life of the Papacy, beginning in the time of Justinian and now ended through the French Revolution (generally considered as 533 or 538 on to 1793 or 1798). Some, however, still looked to later dates, such as 1866, for the close of the 1260 years. The healing of the “wound,” caused by the stroke of the French sword, and the consequent papal resurgence were matters of common discussion. Thus attention on both sides of the Atlantic was now focused on the 1260-year period of Daniel 7 and the paralleling and amplifying portrayals in the Apocalypse. 12 PFF4 388.2

and India, as well as North and South America, Earnest Heralds of the second advent appeared. Among the lesser known of the continent were heintzpeter in holland and Richter and Kelber in Germany
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At the very dawn of the nineteenth century a remarkable revival of prophetic study and interest began simultaneously in Europe and America. 13 The resurgence of premillennialism was really phenomenal, and clearly marks the opening of the in contrast with “Babylon”), as well as the simultaneous attack upon the “Two Witnesses” and upon the times and laws of God. Here are the occurrences: third great epoch in the development and pre-eminence of Bible prophecy. PFF4 389.1

Significantly enough, the spotlight of interest and concern now passes from the ending of the 1260-year period in the life of the papal Little Horn, over to the approaching close of the great 2300-year period of Daniel 8:14, with the then widely accepted principle of its synchronous beginning with the 70 weeks of Daniel 9. PFF4 390.1

And with this prophecy was coupled the flying angel of Revelation 14, with the renewed proclamation of the everlasting gospel and the heralding of the judgment hour. Both of these were centered in the imminent millennium, as both premillennialists and postmillennialists agreed. And the resurgent premillennialists looked to the approaching second advent—which would raise the righteous dead, bind the devil for the millennial period—to bring to a close the great outline prophecies, to destroy both the Papacy and Mohammedanism, and to establish God’s kingdom on earth. All five determining factors in sound prophetic interpretation were again ascendant. Both the early church and the Reformation positions had been restored, and were now being carried forward to their consummation. Prophetic interpretation was approaching its highest peak. PFF4 390.2