The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

III. Seventh Day Baptist Expositor Is Postmillennialist

One Seventh Day Baptist clergyman entered the prophetic lists, “Elder” 23 ELIAS A. BURDICK, M.D.” 24 of New York State, who read his exposition before a group of Baptist ministers in 1848. This was reported in the New York Baptist Register, and was afterward published in pamphlet form, called An Essay on the Millennium. (The present discussion is based on the 1852 revised edition.) PFF4 357.1


Like many other postmillennialists, Burdick championed the standard view of Daniel 2 and 7—namely, the four beasts, the Chaldean, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires, with the subsequent divisions of Rome, and the papal Little Horn, that is still opposing the “rise and progress of Christ’s kingdom.” But the saints will take over universal dominion. Christ’s present stone kingdom is to overcome and destroy all opposing powers and literally fill the earth. Burdick continues, “It is in vain to say, this prophecy has been fulfilled in any general spread of the gospel-past or present.” The stone has not yet become the mountain. And he explains that the image will be destroyed by the stone before it becomes the mountain. Burdick also, looking for the return of the Jews, observes that we are still in the “times of the Gentiles,” which are not yet completed. 25 PFF4 357.2


Burdick applies to the millennial period the prophecies and promises of the earth being subdued and restored, “thus preparing many millions for the more glorious kingdom above.” With Satan’s influence removed, Christianity will prevail. 26 He begins a figurative millennium with a figurative resurrection. As to “the rest of the dead,” he adds that “while the character and energies of the martyrs will live in the saints, the characters and actions of the wicked will not appear again in the earth till the end of the thousand years, when Satan shall be loosed.” Then follow the general resurrection and judgment. 27 PFF4 358.1

Burdick inclines to an extended millennium of “365,000 years”—so as to enable the earth to be subdued and cultivated, and thus “bringing forth millions and millions and preparing them for glory.” Then Christ’s victory will be glorious. Prior to the millennium comparatively “few” will have been saved, whereas on the whole, comparatively “few will be lost.” He adds: “That the second personal advent of Christ, is not to be expected till after the Millennium, has already been made to appear.” 28 PFF4 358.2


Bishop Newton is cited for the seals, the trumpets (embraced in the seventh seal), and the vials (embraced in the seventh trumpet). The three unclean spirits are now preparing for the pouring out of the seventh vial upon mystic Babylon as the first object of God’s wrath, followed by the destruction of God’s enemies. 29 Then he makes this clear statement: PFF4 358.3

“We also live, no doubt, in the day of that angel of mercy who is flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, just before the fall of Babylon. This period, probably, commenced with immortal Gary [sic]—the pioneer of eastern missions.” 30 PFF4 358.4

This worldwide spread of the gospel, he adds, will be followed by the cry, “Babylon is fallen,” to be heralded by “an angel having great power,” whose “mighty voice” will roll out over the earth. And he adds significantly: PFF4 359.1

“Who knows but what it is the light of this period just beginning to dawn upon the world, by which all Europe is discussing the question of the union of Church and State, ... the chief corner stone of Babylon’s power; which, when removed, will leave the whole fabric to fall.” 31 PFF4 359.2


“Babylon” is not expressly denned, but the context seems to indicate papal Rome. The Man of Sin is scattering the power of the holy people, through the sects more or less adopting the “institutions of the man of Sin”—mixing truth and error in different proportions, and each contending with the other. But Babylon’s corruptions will be known through her fall. The term “fall” does not mean her final destruction, at the millennium, but her losing her hold on the civil arm; then God’s people must come out. This fall Burdick expects at the end of the prophesied 1260 years of papal Rome, which followed the fall of hindering pagan Rome (2 Thessalonians 2), in the time of Constantine. The period would thus end in the Reformation of the sixteenth century; but for Antichrist’s culminating rise and completed fall he leans to the years 606 to 1866 as the probable timing. 32 So the postmillennial pattern is much the same, although somewhat colored by denominational affiliation. PFF4 359.3