The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

III. Philadelphia Writer Focalizes Periods on 1844

Several numbers of a curious thirty-two page periodical called Watchman of the Night and Millennial Morning appeared in 1833 at Philadelphia. The sponsor, or producer, concealed his name under the pseudonym, “A Voice From Pennsylvania.” 51 Repetitious and poorly written, it nevertheless stresses the imminent, personal, literal, second advent of Christ, the impending establishment of the kingdom of God, the importance and meaning of prophecy, and the blighting mystery of Babylon. PFF4 266.1

The preface declares that the paganism retained in papal Babylon has permeated the various churches in Christendom, with their man-made creeds. 52 The advent hope is declared to be at low ebb, but the signs of the times are nevertheless clear and manifest—celestial signs, conditions in the religious world, and the approaching terminus of the last of the prophetic time periods. The drying up of the Turkish Empire, or “River Euphrates,” is under way, 53 this “expulsion of the Turkish power” beginning with the time of the end. 54 PFF4 266.2


The familiar pattern of the four monarchies of Daniel 7—Babylonia, Persia, Grecia, and Rome—with the papal Little Horn the same as the Beast and the Babylon of the Apocalypse, appears repeatedly. 55 The first beast of Revelation 13 is papal Rome, and the two-horned beast is his accomplice. And the climax and hope of the grand outline of prophecy is the second advent of Christ. The dominance of the papal power—for 1260 years, or 42 months—is based on “a day for a year,” 56 ending in the French Revolution, with the outpouring of the first vial. The 1260 years are placed, beginning under Justinian, somewhere between 527 and 533, but preferably the latter, and so terminating in 1793. 57 PFF4 266.3


Referring to the 2300 years, 58 reaching to the cleansing of the sanctuary (Palestine), this Pennsylvania “voice” gives this caution: PFF4 267.1

“The sanctuary of Palestine shall be finally cleansed, in 1847 sacred—1843 or 44 modern year, which many suppose to be the time of the Advent. But in this let us not be too positive, remembering that before the midnight cry, the parable of Christ implies, that even the wise virgins will conclude that he tarrieth, and become drowsy and sleeping; though they afterwards shall know.” 59 PFF4 267.2


This Philadelphia writer believes the pouring out of the seven vials is progressing: PFF4 267.3

“We now live under the winding up period of the fifth, the middle period of the sixth, and the preparatory period of the seventh vial, and under the time of the end terminating in 1844.” 60 PFF4 267.4

4. 1260 YEARS OF WITNESS (A.D. 533 TO 1793)

His views on the Two Witnesses and the 1260 years are succinct: PFF4 267.5

“The witnesses—their sack-cloth period commenced first in 533, and after 1260 years, terminated 1793, in the French Revolution; the 40 years wilderness period thence ended 1832, in the expulsion of the Ottomans, when the 12 years, i.e. ‘the time of the end’ commenced; which again will carry us to the Advent, 1843 or 44.” 61 PFF4 267.6

But he places the resurrection of the Witnesses just before the advent, still set at 1844. He also acknowledges indebtedness to Newton, Bengel, Wesley, Irving, and Stilling, and he says that his initial conviction (back in 1818) that the 2300 years might end about 1843 or 1844 has “been confirmed since by able commentators.” He specifically mentions J. A. Brown, who had previously (1823) set the 2300-year terminus for 1844. 62 PFF4 267.7

5. REGARDS 666 AS YEARS (1177 TO 1843-44)

The time of the end he considers as a brief period, from 1832 to 1844, and the “666” as years, possibly 1177 to 1843 or 1844. 63 PFF4 268.1

6. DATES 2300 YEARS FROM 456 B.C TO A.D. 1844

This unidentified writer, possibly A. J. Krupp, dates the 70 weeks from 456 B.C. to the death of Christ in A.D. 33 or 34; and consequently he expects the advent, at the close of the 2300 years, in 1844, 64 as surely as the death of Christ occurred on the very year predicted. His is an odd note, sometimes off pitch, yet fairly in tune with the majority on the chorus of contemporary voices concerning the speedily approaching end of the 2300 years. PFF4 268.2