The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4

The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Volume 4

The Saviour’s Solemn Assurance of his return at the end of the age, attested by angels and echoed by the prophets, became the hope of the apostolic church and is to be the keynote of heaven’s last message to men
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The Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation by

New World Recovery and Consummation of Prophetic Interpretation

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20039-0555

TO THAT Goodly Company of Pioneering Prophetic Expositors, Spread Across the Centuries, Whose Principles of Sound Interpretation, Supported by a Record of Progressive Fulfillments, Have Been as a Flaming Torch Illuminating the Uncharted Path of History, and Have Become Our Heritage Today, This Volume Is Affectionately Dedicated

Copyright 1954, Review and Herald Publishing Association

[Copyright transferred from Review and Herald Publishing Association to Fenton Froom.
CD-ROM release: Used by permission, LeRoy Edwin Froom heirs]

[CD-ROM Editor’s Note: The original “Table of Contents” is located on pages 5-6]

   1. From the Author to the Reader9
Part I - American 19th Century Revival of Prophetic Interpretation Among Men of All Faiths, 1800-184413
   2. CHAPTER ONE: The Background of the American Denominations15
   3. CHAPTER TWO: The Great Revival and the Camp Meeting36
   4. CHAPTER THREE: Light Dawns on the Last Days56
   5. CHAPTER FOUR: Prophecy Ascendant at Turn of Century82
   6. CHAPTER FIVE: British Exposition Reprints Influence America108
   7. CHAPTER SIX: Periodicals Become Forum for Prophetic Discussion134
   8. CHAPTER SEVEN: Prophecy Expounded by Outstanding Leaders153
   9. CHAPTER EIGHT: Fulfilling Signs of Times Emphasized179
   10. CHAPTER NINE: 2300 Years Become New Point of Emphasis204
   11. CHAPTER TEN: 70 Weeks Considered Key to 2300 Years226
   12. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Ephecies Dominate Debates and Periodicals249
   13. CHAPTER TWELVE: JLVLedley of Voices Swell Prophetic Chorus269
   14. CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Meteoric Showers Seen as Heralds of Advent289
   15. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: International Character of Emphasis301
   16. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Conflict Centers Around Millennialism330
   17. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Premillennialism Rallies Stalwart Defenders350
   18. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: scholarly Treatises Stress Expectancy of Times366
   19. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: The Status of Prophetic Interpretation382
   20. CHAPTER NINETEEN: Breakdown of Historic Premillennialism411
Part II - Prophetic Exposition the Foundation of The Millerite Phase of the Second Advent Movement 1831-1844427
   21. CHAPTER TWENTY: Tremendous Changes Alter World Picture429
   22. CHAPTER TWENTY ONE: Preview of the Amazing Advent Movement443
   23. CHAPTER TWENTY TWO: The Founding Father of the Millerite Movement455
   24. CHAPTER TWENTY THREE: From Initial Sermon to Full-Time Preacher476
   25. CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR: From Individual Effort to Group Endeavor503
   26. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE : Earliest Ministerial Recruits Join the Cause528
   27. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX :Successive Conferences Solidify the Movement555
   28. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN: Momentum Increases as Conferences Progress582
   29. CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT: Conferences Make Impress on Great Cities598
   30. CHAPTER TWENTY NINE: Unrivaled Battery of Millerite Periodicals621
   31. CHAPTER THIRTY: camp Meetings Bring Millerism Before the Masses642
   32. CHAPTER THIRTY ONE: Close ups of Miller’s Lesser known Associates663
   33. CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: Miller’s’s Power in the Pulpit681
   34. CHAPTER THIRTY THREE: American Base Expansion and Overseas Extension699
   35. CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR: Millerite Charts Epitomize Their Interpretation719
   36. CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE: Increasing Attacks by Press and Clergy738
   37. CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX: Rising Opposition Leads to Separation761
   38. CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN: Transition From Spring to Autumn, 1844784
   39. CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT: seventh-Month Movement Launched at Exeter810
   40. CHAPTER THIRTY NINE: The Parting of the Ways827
Part III - Completing the Contribution of the Centuries by Retention, Restoration, and Advance, 1844-1875854
   41. CHAPTER FORTY: The Aftermath of the Bitter Disappointment855
   42. CHAPTER FORTY ONE: Clarifying Light Dawns on Sanctuary’s Cleansing877
   43. CHAPTER FORTY TWO: seventeenth-Century Emergence of Sabbath Issue906
   44. CHAPTER FORTY THREE: The Sabbath Penetrates the Western World918
   45. CHAPTER FORTY FOUR: The Rise of Sabbatarian Adventism941
   46. CHAPTER FORRTY FIVE: The Spirit of Prophecy Manifested964
   47. CHAPTER FORTY SIX: Testing the Validity of the Messages989
   48. CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN: Sabbath Conferences Consolidate Emerging Movement1021
   49. CHAPTER FORTY EIGHT: Raising Up the Foundations of Many Generations1049
   50. CHAPTER FORTY NINE: Studies Cluster Around Third Message1070
   51. CHAPTER FIFTY: The Two-Horned “Beast” of Revelation 131093
   52. CHAPTER FIFTY ONE: A Systematic Harmony of the Prophecies1109
   53. CHAPTER FIFTY TWO: The Larger Aspect of Prophecy1138
   54. CHAPTER FIFTY THREE: Prophecy’s Place in the Master Plan of God1152
Epilogue - Persistence of Premillennial Second Advent Emphasis in America and Britain, 1878-19521175
   55. CHAPTER FIFTY FOUR: The millennial Emphasis Persists1177
   56. CHAPTER FIFTY FIVE: British Exposition Parallels American Interpretation1186