The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4


III. Dual Shift in Prophetic Emphasis Marks Nineteenth Century

Around the turn of the century, however, two remarkable yet closely related shifts in study and emphasis occurred in the field of prophetic interpretation—a shift of interest from Daniel 7, with its 1260 years, over to Daniel 8 and the great 2300-year period; and second, from Revelation 13 to Revelation 14. 13 Observe these in greater detail. PFF4 207.2

1. CHANGE-OVER FROM Daniel 7 TO Daniel 8

During the first four centuries, Rome as the fourth world power- the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and Macedonian having already passed from view-was the focal point of contemporary prophetic interest in the expositions of Hippolytus and other early Christian interpreters. In the next century the spotlight shifted to the ten horns as the ten barbarian kingdoms in the territory of old Rome, as stressed by Sulpicius Severus and Jerome. Then, in the late medieval period and the great Protestant Reformation era, the penetrating beam of clear recognition and declaration played upon the eleventh horn, or Little Horn, as the Papacy-an identification that had become established since Eberhard of Salzburg, about 1240. This was declared by Wyclif, Luther, Knox, and many others, and was now taken as axiomatic among all Protestants. PFF4 207.3

The allotted time of the Papacy’s special spiritual domination-the 1260 year-days-became the next point of sustained interest. Beginning a full century before the French Revolution, men like Cressener, Fleming, Newton, and others looked for that period to end about 1800, or shortly before. PFF4 208.1

Then, following the captivity of Pope Pius VI, in 1798, there was wide recognition on both sides of the Atlantic of the fulfillment of the close of the fateful 1260 years. (See Volume II.) That left only the closing events of Daniel 7 yet to be accomplished-with the awesome judgment scenes at the end of the world. PFF4 208.2

And now came the remarkable shift of immediate interest and study from Daniel 7 over to Daniel 8 and the 2300-day prophecy. Among varying interpretations there arose-not only in Britain and Europe, but extending down into Africa and even over into India, and especially here in America-some threescore of earnest students of prophecy, in various denominations and language areas, sounding this new note, that the 2300 year-days would end around 1843, 1844, or 1847, though they differed as to just what would then take place. And a thousand pulpits in Britain alone, we are told, echoed this contention, with scores in North America declaring the same. Never had there been such a chorus since prophetic interpretation began. PFF4 208.3

And following 1836, hundreds of other clergymen and lay preachers in North America took up the note, and an even greater chorus of learned and respected voices rang out in the New World that arrested the attention of the entire populace, though with conflicting results, as we shall see. PFF4 208.4

Picture 1: Left: Petri’s Home at Seckback
Here he wrote a succession of expositions, presenting the seventy weeks as the key to the 2300 years
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Picture 2: Petri’s Church in Germany
Here he expounded the prophecy of the 2300 years and its timing, pointing to 1847
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2. PARALLELING SHIFT FROM Revelation 13 TO Revelation 14

Paralleling this, the emphasis shifted from Revelation 13 and the ten-horned beast power-the fourth, or Roman, beast of Daniel 7, in its later phase-interpreted as either the Papacy or the secular empire supporting it (with the same allotted 1260 years, ending with the stroke of the sword by the French). Study and emphasis transfers over to Revelation 14, with its flying angel announcing the judgment hour of God and the impending second advent and the harvest of the earth. PFF4 209.1