The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


CHAPTER FIVE: Laymen, Governors, and Educators Expound

Variety of vocation characterizes the witnesses who testify to their understanding of the prophecies. They are noticeably men of learning, promise, and leadership in their respective communities. Their testimony carries weight. But they wrote as individuals, not as members of a group organized or meeting for the study of prophecy. The exposition of prophecy was, however, a common interest among men in all walks of life, and the terms and symbols of prophecy were familiar to all and had the same general connotation. In this chapter we summon five more ministers, a layman, a catechist, a governor, and another Harvard president. In addition, we hear the concerted testimony of the Confession of Faith of the New England churches concerning Antichrist-the only instance of its kind in the colonial period. We shall now hear their witness. PFF3 98.1