The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


V. Aspinwall-Echoes Fifth Monarchy Dream

WILLIAM ASPINWALL (fl. 1030-1662), who came over with Winthrop, was an eminent man in the colony, a deacon in the Boston church, and a member of the General Court. In 1637 he was disfranchised and expelled from the Court for his anti-nomianism, whereupon he went to Providence with Ann Hutchinson’s party; but in 1642 he returned, and his submission was accepted by both church and government.’ 44 Slight echoes of the “Fifth Kingdoine” emphasis in Britain reached the colonial shores in his tractate, A Brief Description of the Fifth Monarchy, or Kingdome that shortly is to come into the World (1653). The four monarchies of Daniel 2 and 7, he holds, soon will be superseded by the everlasting and universal fifth monarchy of God. 45 It is also the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, with Christ as the Sovereign. 46 This will bring to an end “that mother of harlots (which is the very stump of the fourth Monarchy).” 47 And this will be followed by the thousand-year reign and rule of Christ, during this fifth monarchy. 48 PFF3 88.1

Attempting to give a “hint of the time,” Aspinwall suggested it should not be later than 1673, by which time the “ten horns, or kings, which are the strength of the beast,” should be broken. But “as for the precise yeare, I dare not determine.” 49 It is brief, but indicates the common interest in prophecy. PFF3 88.2