The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


VI. American Reprints of British Expositions

Note should be taken, in passing, of the extensive and systematic American reprinting of the recent leading British works on prophecy. Orrin Rogers of Philadelphia conducted an unusual semimonthly magazine called The Literalist 116 at Philadelphia from 1840 to 1842. It was simply composed of reprints of British books by Way (Basilicus), Cuninghame, Anderson. Habershon, Brooks, M’Neile, Noel, Bickersteth, Cox, Thorp, Sirr, and others. A number of these were publicized in the early issues of the Millerite Signs of the Times before a distinctive American advent literature had been developed in the New World. And apart from these two, The American Millenarian and Prophetic Review, of New York, edited by I. P. La bagh, publicized Begg, Pym, Anderson, and Irving, and offered their works for sale. 117 was published in 18 numbers, totaling 864 pages. (See “Notice to Subscribers” announcing volume 2.) PFF3 723.1