The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


IV. Doctor Skoldberg Otters Expert Medical Opinion

Vital testimony upon these cases is offered in Something on the Crying Voices 30 or the So-called Preaching Sickness in Smaland lit the Years 1842 and 1843, by an Eyewitness. This book, translated from the Swedish, was issued in German in 1843 31 he translator’s preface quotes a report from Dr. S. E. Sköldberg, medical officer of the province of Jönköping, Sweden 32 he appendix is a translation of the statement already quoted from Bishop J. A. Butsch of Skara. The translator’s foreword refers to this as ‘’dependable information,” based upon actual observation, and alludes to the difficulty of securing an “objective view 33 PFF3 683.1

Dr. Skoldberg at first was hostile, but this attitude changed through examination of the evidence. He cites the case of Lisa Andersdottei, aged sixteen- -already noted on p. 677-who engaged in this preaching and singing. Then he refers to Mary Swensdotter, thirteen, who, he says, contracted the “malady” from Lisa. He declares it “absolutely impossible” to stop her witness, even by compressing her nostrils and lips. She would not cease till she had finished her song. Next he refers to her alleged declaration that “the world would come to an end in five years, although, at another time, she declared that the thou sand years would begin 34 there being no conflict, however, between the two concepts. Other girls soon began to “preach and prophesy.” Then still other cases of the “preaching sickness” are cited from the diary of another eyewitness 35 his, be it remembered, is a physician’s declaration. PFF3 683.2


Declaring that these calling “voices” sometimes continued “for hours,” Dr. Sköldberg adds that they cautioned the people against believing that these calls had come from Satan. They claimed that the Lord had sent them to turn the attention of the people to the Bible, to the faith of Jesus, and to conversion. They declared, “He who says that these admonitions come from Satan is condemned.” Whisky they called the “wine of wrath. “They opposed all immoral life, drunkenness, dancing, and all kinds of vices, and asked the people to judge themselves in the light of the Ten Commandments. The voices claimed that they were not preachers, but that they were sent by the Lord to call people to repentance, and that no one, not even the angels, knows the exact time of the day of judgment 36 PFF3 684.1


Their utterances called for the renunciation of sin and for receiving the Saviour into the heart. Otherwise, “when the Lord will come, these fruitless trees will be cut down 37 Noting that the voices were not confined to “any special sect,” this further remarkable conclusion is drawn: PFF3 684.2

“The language is simple and none of them tries to do as the preachers- lake a Bible verse and expound their text; but they have gotten truths from God’s Word to strengthen their calls to repentance, and lovely verses of song were effectively used. Nearly all genuine voices speak without understanding what they say, sometimes continuing for four consecutive-hours. Consequently the people look upon these appeals as signs and wonders of God. The calls to repentance which I heard were so pure that no one, ... Bible in hand, could criticize them, much less say they were heresy. PFF3 684.3

“I had a prejudice, an abhorrence for all these voices, and considered them heretical and fanatical spirits. If an accidental circumstance had not directed that I hear one of them, I would still have been of the same opinion. I had believed it depended on their free will to speak when they wished.... But because I have become convinced that not a single word that must be spoken when the inner compulsion comes, is dependent on their own choosing-for then the message gushes from their breast like a bubbling spring I repent of all my harsh opinions and stand in amazement of them 38 PFF3 684.4


The radical reformation of life resulting; is next attested by the doctor: PFF3 685.1

“Very many listeners were prompted to denounce sin. Drinking, dancing, and card playing practically vanished.... When Stina Carlsdotter in Rydaholm began the call to repentance, within a fortnight seventy distillers declared themselves unwilling to distill further, which fact was publicly mentioned in the pulpit by Pastor Bexell 39 PFF3 685.2


Taking issue with the clergy, Dr. Sköldberg makes this amazing statement asto the origin of these manifestations: PFF3 685.3

“As to the voices, as already mentioned they have no free will, but arc impelled by an inexplainable urge, which greatest theologians and doctors could with difficulty explain by natural means. Lo, it must be recognize as a sign by everyone who looks above and believes that God rules the world. To the wise men of the earth all this may appear merely as a natural phenomenon, yes, without exception as an illusionary illness combined with illusions; but He who created the world has also sent this so-called sickness as a sign of the times. It is the all-wise God and no one else who has instigated this call to repentance of the true and the just, so that these callers [Rufer] were no more responsible for what they had to speak than was the son of the widow of Nain when he again received life. PFF3 685.4

“The voices did not pose as teachers but as awakening voices, and certainly said nothing from which confusion might be feared. The voices directed to God’s Word, to the ordained ministers, to the house of God, and pricked their consciences to search.... PFF3 685.5

“Certainly it is amazing that shepherds of the flock who devote them selves to the things of the spirit as leaders of others, have not considered it worthwhile to investigate for themselves what the real situation of these voices is, who bring a real awakening to the people, but listen only to the tales of other people. PFF3 685.6

“The spiritual leaders say: If this were of God’s Spirit, these voices would be able to interpret the Bible 40 PFF3 685.7


Concerning the physical phenomena connected with this supernatural preaching, Dr. Sköldberg gives his objective witness as a physician who has personally examined them, in these words: PFF3 685.8

“As to the outward appearances, the true voices lie in a stunned condition, sometimes for an hour, before the urge to call opens the mouth. It is remarkable to see what happens to them, as soon as they fall asleep, how the convulsive motion begins in the fingertips and the feet, advances through the limbs to the chest, which begins to heave. and continues toward the lips. Some lie still, pale as a corpse, wholly motionless, only the chest heaving, until the call begins, a circumstance which lakes place in all cases. Breath cannot be observed, although they doubtless must breathe. Of all these happenings the voices know absolutely nothing as long as the weakness and convulsion continue. I have endeavored to sec and examine as much as I possibly could, but still can comprehend nothing, but only see and hear what transpires 41 PFF3 685.9

“I have not brought this forth in order to sing the praises of the voices; no, I only wish to recount what I have seen and heard insofar as it can be useful in clarifying the facts.... Besides, what they stress from beginning to end of their speeches is the quintessence of Christianity-Jesus Christ, prayer, conversion, repentance, and renunciation. No one of objective judgment can say this is Satan’s work (Kleiner von gesundem Urtheile kann sagen, dies sei Satans Werk) .... The visions of these voices [concerning heaven and hell] may be interpreted by each as he is inclined. I have here stated my views, and what may be deficient in them, the more learned may correct. The persons whom I interrogated are still alive, so that further research might be undertaken at will 42 PFF3 686.1


The doctor closes his “observations” concerning his investigations wit. li this con elusion: PFF3 686.2

“What conclusions may we draw concerning this matter? The voices themselves believe they are continuing the words of the prophet Joel (second chapter), and that therefore the Holy Spirit of God has not ceased to show Himself in marvelous ways, because at one time at Pentecost He revealed Himself mightily through the apostles and diciples, and they themselves point out that the book of Acts does not mention that ‘sons and daughters, menservants and maidservants,’ received the Holy Ghost at that time. The voices believe that the prophecy of Joel reaches till the end of the world [time] 43 PFF3 686.3

NOTE: For the translations from Swedish and German appearing in this chapter, indebtedness is here expressed to C. A. Lindsay, Leif Kr. Tobiassen, Dyre Dyresen, O. Granlund. J. F. Huenergardt, and Clara Witzke. PFF3 686.4