The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

III. Parker—Stone Kingdom to Be Established at Advent

Of great importance is the testimony of THOMAS PARKER (1595-1677), of Newberry, Massachusetts, another pioneer American minister likewise listed by Mather, 41 who was born at Wilts, England. His father. Robert, was a prominent nonconformist divine, driven from England for opposing Romish ceremonies, and forced to take refuge in the Netherlands in 1607. Thomas was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, and at Trinity College, Dublin, under Bishop Usher, who was also deeply interested in Bible prophecy. Young Parker was an indefatigable student, and in 1614 went to the Netherlands, to the University of Leyden, where he studied theology, and later to the University of Franeker, receiving the master’s degree. PFF3 67.3

Parker was “learned in the tongues as well as the arts,” especially in Greek, and by 1617 was assistant master of a grammar school. In 1634 he emigrated with friends and relatives to Massachusetts, finally becoming minister at Newberry. In doctrine he was an orthodox Calvinist; in church polity, a Congregationalist-with some friction over the polity. In addition to his preaching, he conducted a school to prepare boys for Harvard. Later in life Parker became blind. But so familiar was he with Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, that he could still teach them with perfect ease. 42 PFF3 67.4

Then “in the latter part of his Life, he bent himself unto the study of Scripture-Prophecies,” 43 devoting the remainder of his days thereto, often with fasting and prayer. He wrote several volumes in this field, the greater part of them in Latin. Only one was published, a comprehensive work on Daniel in English, 44 titled The Visions and Prophecies of Daniel Expounded: Wherein the Mistakes of Former Interpreters are modestly discovered (1646). The Introduction by Thomas Bayly describes Parker as “a man of singular parts, eminent in Learning, super-eminent in Grace, strangely mortified to the World, wholly addicted to the service [of] God and the church.” 45 PFF3 68.1

In addition to giving Parker’s own exposition, this work embraces a careful and logical analysis and rebuttal of certain popular expository fallacies that had arisen in England, such as the fourth kingdom being the Seleucidae, with Antiochus or Mohammed as the Little Horn. Parker shows by a series of clear arguments that such positions contravene the demands of prophecy. He shows why Rome is the fourth kingdom, and the Papacy must be the Little Horn. He frequently cites leading Old World expositors-Napier, Brightman, Perkins, Alstead, Pareus, and Morland (on the Waldenses). PFF3 68.2

Parker contends for the consecutiveness and literality of the four monarchies of Daniel 2 and 7, and the establishment of the fifth kingdom at and by the second advent, until which time the church will be trodden underfoot. He holds that the fourth beast of Daniel 7 will extend to the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven—this to be followed by the heavenly kingdom and the New Jerusalem state, which will fill the whole earth. He extends the fourth beast until the great judgment by fire. Still holding to the fallacy of the thousand years as in the past- as did many in the Old World at this time-Parker looked for the end of all things about 1859 on the basis of the prophetic periods. 46 Because Parker is among the earliest and most complete of the colonial expositors, we also note his positions in some detail. PFF3 68.3


The prophetic time periods were of first concern to Parker, the initial sentence in his preface stating: PFF3 69.1

“The interpretation of a great part of Prophecies, dependeth on a just and due accommodation of the number of the years. But the numbers are various, the 1290, 1260, 490, 1000, 2300. To set the beginning and end to one of those without relation to the rest, and so run at large, is easie.” 47 PFF3 69.2

Parker projects two alternative time schemes—one ending the “reign of Antichrist and beginning the glory of the New Jerusalem, about the yeer 1650: the other way, about the yeer 1860, that is above 200 yeers hence.” 48 He adds that two or three more years of study would probably settle the perplexing question. PFF3 69.3


Each of Parker’s expositions is divided into two parts: PFF3 69.4

(1) The controversial phase, disproving the fallacious assumptions of others, and (2) what he himself believed to be the true exposition. Thus, with Daniel 2 he states the “main controversie” in this vision is “about the Iron feet and legs, and the stone that smote them.” First, there is contention of some that the feet “signifie the Successors of Alexander in the Grecian kingdom, and especially the Seleucidae,” and “the stone cut out of the mountain, Christ at his first coming, and his spiritual Kingdom following.” Parker’s terse rejoinder is: “This cannot stand, first, because every metal signifieth a distinct Kingdom, and the fullnesse and complement thereof.” 49 PFF3 69.5

He argues, clearly and incisively, that the golden head signified the “whole Babylonian kingdom,” the silver the “whole Persian,” the brazen belly and thighs the “whole Grecian, including the Seleucidae and other successors in the same kingdom.” 50 Secondly he declares that the vision reaches “unto the last days, ... which could not be, if the leggs and feet, the extreme and utmost part of the Image, should end in the Seleucidae.” 51 Thirdly, the “leggs ... of Iron” were to be stronger than the brass, but the Seleucidae were weaker than Alexander, and fourthly, the kingdom of God was to be set up during the feet—and—toes portion, but the kingdom of the Seleucidae was “utterly dissolved before the birth of Christ.” 52 The argument is sound and conclusive. PFF3 70.1


Then, as to the stone’s not being Christ at His first coming, Parker logically argues, first, that the stone was to break in pieces all the kingdoms, whereas the Seleucidae had disappeared before the birth of Christ. Secondly, “his Kingdom that was and is between His first and second Coming, was not appointed for the breaking down of all earthly kingdoms,” but covered the period “for the Church to be troden under foot.” 53 Thirdly, the other kingdoms are to become extinct, and the stone kingdom “alone doth stand in place of them,” and this cannot be until the fall of Antichrist. 54 PFF3 70.2


Parker affirms, further, “the leggs and feet of iron do signifie the Romane kingdom,” 55 for they were a distinct monarchy coming after the Grecian, stronger than the preceding, the ten toes corresponding to the ten horns, or kingdoms, of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12, 13, and 17, continuing under Antichrist to the “end of time.” PFF3 70.3


The stone is the kingdom of the saints to be set up at the fall of Antichrist, destroying all “adverse kingdoms in the world,” 56 without human hands or help, rising about the time of the seventh trumpet, which corresponds to the fall of Antichrist. “Then, and not before, it shall fill all the earth.” 57 PFF3 71.1


Parker presents the standard Protestant Historical School of exposition of the four kingdoms, with such interesting details as the two arms signifying Media and Persia, and the “ancles,” the “joynt” dividing between the “leggs and feet,” denoting the “intercision of the Empire by the Northern Barbarians,” by which the Roman Empire was “dissolved and broken into ten kingdoms.” This took place after Valentinian. The “ten parts” are named as: Britons, Saxons, Franks, Burgundians, Wisigothes, Sueves and Alans, Vandals, Alemans, Ostrogoths, Greeks—some “weak and transient,” some “strong and permanent.” The Goths and Vandals were brittle and quickly dissolved, while the iron strength appears in the Franks. The mingling is endeavoring “again by Marriages to unite the divisions,” but the division persists. 58 The “stone, or kingdom of the Saints,” is to be set up in the days of “Antichrist and the ten horns signified by the feet and ten toes,” and after the destruction of Antichrist is to fill the whole earth. 59 PFF3 71.2


Coming to Daniel 7, in the controversial part Parker again denies the theory of the Seleucidae as the fourth empire and Antiochus Epiphanes as the Little Horn, for he says, “The kingdom of the Seleucidae belongeth to the third Beast, and is one of the four parts into which the Grecian kingdom was divided after Alexander’s death, expressly represented in his four wings and four heads.” This is further proved by Daniel 2. 60 Moreover, the fourth beast was to subdue the world, but Alexander had done that, and the Seleucidae simply succeeded to what he had conquered. But the fourth was to be greater and stronger than I the third. This was not true of the Seleucidae, which was weaker I than Alexander. Further, the fourth was to be different from its predecessors, but the Seleucidae were like them. 61 These arguments, it may be added, are equally pertinent today. PFF3 71.3

As to the Little Horn, it was to exist at the same time with the ten divisions, but was to grow increasingly greater than the others, whereas Antiochus was not so great as his father, and no three kingdoms fell before him. 62 Nor does the prophetic time period of three and a half times agree with Antiochus, who profaned the temple but three years and ten days. 63 Neither did the kingdom of Antiochus extend to the last judgment, the final fires and the second advent, when all kingdoms become those of our Lord-and not true of the Seleucidae. 64 On the contrary, Parker affirms each of these specifications to be true of the Roman kingdom, and the Little Horn “as to Antichrist of the Romane kingdom.” 65 And Parker dismisses the idea of Mohamet, because he arose outside the territory of the Roman beast. 66 PFF3 72.1


Contending for the Little Horn as the Papacy, because it was “conjoyned with the ten horns,” exhibited the character attributed to it, and existed at the time allotted to it, 67 Parker, in the “explication,” expounds the four beasts, showing each requirement of the fourth beast fulfilled by Rome, with the seven heads as “Kings, Consuls, Tribunes, Decemviri, Dictators, Romane Emperours, Popes, with the ten Kings.” 68 And the ten horns were listed as the Britons, Saxons, Franks, Burgundians, Wisigothes, Sueves and Alanes, Vandals, Alemans, East-gothes, and Greeks. 69 The wars against the Waldenses are then detailed, with the crusades, first used against the Turk, and then turned against the Waldenses. 70 PFF3 72.2


Parker next outlines the chronological sequence of papal emergence among Rome’s divisions, the open enthronement in 606, 71 and its ecclesiastical significance. Then he parallels the two great horns of Daniel 7 and 8. 72 And he declares the Papacy changes laws “by removing the daily sacrifice, or true Worship,” and ordaining holydays. 73 And it continues till the second advent and the resurrection. 74 PFF3 73.1


The Medo-Persian ram and the Grecian goat, and the Alexandrian great horn and subsequent four divisions, are next detailed. 75 Then the wars of the Papacy toward the north, the east, and Judea are sketched, and its attack upon the true worship. 76 But the 2300 evenings and mornings Parker thinks to be “just half so many compleat days, to wit, 1150,” which he suggests as from 367 to about 1517. 77 European writers in this period were likewise less clear over the 2300 days than over any other time prophecy. The time had not yet come for understanding this period. PFF3 73.2


Holding that the seventy weeks of Daniel 9 are 490 years, Parker strangely places the first period of forty-nine years from 1160 to 1209, 78 with the sixty-two weeks ending in 1642, 79 and the midst of the seventieth week falling in 1646, 80 the entire period ending in 1649, 81 at the same time as the 1260 years, which he dates from 390. Parker presents an alternative for the 490 years—from Wycliffe in 1370 to 1860, which terminus would agree with the 1260 years as from A.D. 600. 82 This curious allocation as to time is about the least consistent of all Parker’s expositions. PFF3 73.3

12. Daniel 11 EMBRACES THE POPE (VERSE 36 FF.)

The great literal prophecy outline of Daniel 11, traversing the history of Persia, Grecia, and Rome, is then expounded. 83 Verse 21 Parker applies to the pope, 84 and the verses following to his wars against the Turks, Saracens, and Waldenses. 85 Parker makes the Kittim of verse 30 to be Italy. 86 He again denies that Antiochus is intended from verse 36 onward. He identifies the willful king with Antichrist. 87 PFF3 73.4

Verses 36-40, Parker applies to Antichrist’s exploits—his exaltation, prosperity, disregard of the God of his fathers, and the desire of women, 88 and his wars as well, 89 involving Turk and Christian. Coming to verse 40, Parker says: PFF3 74.1

“Now by those expeditions, and especially by the last against the Turks and Sarasins in the East, the King of the North, that is, Antichrist, rushed against the Mahometans like a whirlewind, with Charets and Horses, and with great fleets or with many ships, and overflowed and passed thorow. At length he came into the Holy-land (as they call) or into Judea, called the pleasant land, many Countries falling under him. He came into the Holy-land, at the last term of his inundation.” 90 PFF3 74.2

Parker believed that the tidings from the East involved the Turks and Saracens. 91 Of verse 45 he says: PFF3 74.3

“And he shall plant the Tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious and holy mountain. Not between two seas, but seas: because in the Countries bordering on the Mediterranean and Ocean seas, where the Church was seated, signified by the glorious and holy mountain, he erected his Kingdom, oppressing the Waldenses, Verse 31, 32. But shortly he shall come to his end, the yeers 1260 being expired.” 92 PFF3 74.4

Then comes the sixth seal, the seventh trump, and the seventh vial, and the ending of the 1335 years (1290 + 45), and the last plague on Antichrist. 93 PFF3 74.5


The time periods of Daniel 12 and related prophecies (Daniel 7, and Revelation 11, 12, 13) are then discussed with the events that mark them out 94 -the witnesses in sackcloth, the treading down of the Holy City, the achievements of the Little Horn, the relation of the Dragon and the Beast, and the woman in the wilderness. Parker seeks the beginning of all the periods on the basis of the year-day principle. 95 The 1260 years of Antichrist, the 1290 years from the setting up of the abomination, and the glorious state of the new Jerusalem at the end of the 1335 years, are all set forth. 96. PFF3 74.6


Not certain of their precise beginning, he suggests two-one with the beginning of the Papacy “before the year 400,” and the other “the more evident, open and perfect state thereof, about the year 600.” 97 He first gives the arguments for 360 and 390, and offers this diagram: PFF3 75.1

“According to this way, thus we may settle the terms of the years. 98 PFF3 75.2


The 390 years are explained of the Turk on the early time schedule in this way, with the anticipated ending: PFF3 75.3

“The years 390 according to the round number, or at large 391. and an hour, Ap. 9. 14. do appertain unto the solution of the Turks; which, by the dissentions of the Latines, and movings of the Tartars, began to be loosed from about the year 1260. and two years before in some degree: so that the hour may be in 1258. the day, the year following, and the 390 from 1260. See Brov. annal. Thus the Turks will cease to be loosed in the year 1649. and the next year following may they begin to fall together with the Pope, if this former way of Accommodation doth hold.” 99 PFF3 75.4


The second method of placing the years would begin the periods from the more “open state” of the Papacy—after the barbarian incursions and the time of Justinian, when the glory of Antichrist’s kingdom was established, which Parker denominates “reasonable and satisfactory.” PFF3 75.5

“According to this second way, we may set beginnings thus unto the years. PFF3 76.1

Parker says, “The 1260 yeers may fitly begin in the yeer 600, according to the round number.” 101 Concerning the Turkish period, in this second enumeration, and bringing in the 150 years, Parker remarks: PFF3 76.2

“The solution of the Turks, notwithstanding this second way may begin in the foresaid yeer 1260. and continuing 390 yeers may end immediately before 1650: or else beginning from about 1300 may possibly run out 40 yeers after. Or happily beginning in remisse degrees from about 1169 may be extended to 1559. and so the end of the strength of the Turkish Kingdom may be determined by these yeers, proportionably to the five moneths of the Kingdom of the Sarasins, and not the absolute and perfect end thereof.” 102 PFF3 76.3


Parker still clings to a Protestant accommodation of the Augustinian theory of the thousand years, dating them from Constantine’s overthrow of paganism, with the devil’s power retarded till the end of the 1,000 years. 103 He begins them with the seven vials, and again offers two alternatives—from 620 or from 840. 104 Parker believed that the fifth vial began in 1370, with Wycliffe, when that vial began to be poured out on the throne and kingdom of the Beast; and the sixth began with Luther. 105 PFF3 76.4


Parker then concludes that if those vials began from 620, then accordingly the sixth “will end and therewith all the 1000 yeers in 1620.” 106 But if they “begin from 840, then accordingly the sixth vial will end, and therewith all the 1000 years, the space of about 20 years before 1860.” 107 After this will follow the glorious time of the New Jerusalem, and the downfall of Antichrist, the gen eral resurrection, and the last judgment. 108 Such are Parker’s tentative attempts as to the placement of the time of the millennium. He then closes with the generous words: PFF3 76.5

“If any of my Reverend Brethren, otherwise minded, can shew unto me better light, I shall count my self and the Church of God beholding unto them for it, and willing receive it at their hands. In the meantime this is my judgment.” 109 PFF3 77.1