The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


VI. Thorp-Sounding of Midnight Cry Heralds the End

WILLIAM THORP (d. 1833), 63 dissenting minister at Bristol, wrote a number of works as listed in the British Museum catalogue. The title having a vital bearing upon our quest is The Destinies of the British Empire, and the Duties of British Christians at the Present Crisis, published in 1831. It was originally a series of lectures. Not only is revealed the keen interest of many in the “awfully neglected” study of prophecy, but the strong antagonism of others toward its exposition is set forth by this sentence in the Preface: PFF3 611.1

“Those excellent men, who in modern times have directed their attention to the study of the sacred prophecies, have been vilified, misrepresented, and held up to public derision as fools, fanatics, and maniacs.” 64 PFF3 611.2

Thorp then cites Sir Isaac Newton as saying that about the lime of the end, in all probability “a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamour and opposition.” 65 PFF3 611.3


Holding clearly to the Historical scheme of prophetic interpretation for the great “chronological prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse,” Thorp stresses certain “signs” given “as harbingers, announcing the speedy appearance of the Son of Man, in the power and glory of his kingdom.” 66 Then he says further: PFF3 611.4

“By comparing the signs of the times with the numerical prophecies, we may know, with certainty, when the awful and glorious day of the Lord is rapidly advancing upon us. The great and broad outlines of prophecy are obvious to every man who is exercised in the study of the prophetical writings, long before the predicted events are fulfilled.” 67 PFF3 611.5

Stressing the “considerable obscurity” that rests upon the “prophetical dates,” until the consummation should be near, he makes his declaration: PFF3 611.6

“Thus the prophecies of Daniel were closed up and sealed till the time of the end, when the book was to be opened, the seals were to be removed, the mysterious dates were to be developed, many were to run to and fro, and prophetical knowledge was to be increased. The period here foretold, is that in which we are now living; for never since the time of the Reformation has there been such deep and intense attention paid to the sacred prophecies as within the last thirty or forty years. The seals are now being removed, the signs of the times shed a light on the prophetical dates, the prophetical dates reflect their light upon the signs of the times.” 68 PFF3 612.1

Thorp emphasizes this mutual help of the signs of the times “on the prophetical dates,” and the prophetical dates upon the signs of the times. PFF3 612.2

“The general or discursive predictions lend their beams also to the general stock of information; and, altogether, form a concentrated body of light, visible and conspicuous to all, except to those who are wilfully blind.” 69 PFF3 612.3


Among the signs, or precursors, “announcing the speedy approach of the great day of the Lord,” Thorp places first the “present concussion of the nations.” Announcing that mankind had entered a new era, with revolution again on the march, he declares that these “mighty revolutions” will terminate in “the downfall of the papal kingdoms in the western Roman empire; in the annihilation of the Turkish,” the “destruction of the heathen nations,” and the “universal establishment of the millennial kingdom of our Redeemer.” 70 Then he adds: PFF3 612.4

“The simultaneous shaking of all the provinces of the Ottoman empire with the convulsions of all the kingdoms of the papacy, is another sign that the day of God is advancing. Popery and Mohammedanism-the great eastern and western apostacies, rose about the same time; and, about the same time, according to the spirit of prophecy, they may be expected to fall in one common ruin.” 71 PFF3 612.5


The “fearful progress of infidelity” is given as “another prognostic” of the nearness of the end. He continues: PFF3 612.6

“Daniel foretold, that when the reign of papal superstition was nearly over; at the time of the end, an infidel power should arise, and do according to his will; that he should exalt himself and magnify himself above every god, and speak marvellous tilings against the God of gods; and should prosper till the indignation he accomplished. And have we not seen in these latter days an atheistical monster rising out of the foetid and vermin-producing marshes of the mother of harlots, in a neighbouring country; possessed and goaded on by infernal furies, breaking down the thrones and overturning the altars of papal superstition; stalking abroad among the nations, with portentous strides; trampling upon every thing sacred and divine; shaking the foundations, and tearing the very elements of society.” 72 PFF3 613.1


After referring to the “re-ingrafting of the Jews,” Thorp next presents the gospel to the heathen world as the next sign of the end of the age: PFF3 613.2

“The propagation of the gospel in heathen lands, to prepare a place for the church beyond the limits of the papal empire, before it is broken in pieces and annihilated, is another sign indicating the nearness of that day. For the gospel of the kingdom, our Lord has told us, must be preached in all the world, as a witness to all nations; not, you will observe, for the conversion of all nations-for this glorious and immense accession to the kingdom of our Redeemer is an achievement reserved for the millennial age-but as a witness to all nations: and when this witness has gone its rounds, then the end of the age, or the present state of things, shall come.” 73 PFF3 613.3


Thorp points to the societies and organizations bringing this about, and couches it all in the prophetic setting of Revelation 14 as one of the final signs: PFF3 613.4

“The symbolical angel of the Apocalypse, flying in the midst of heaven, and shaking eternal blessings from his wings, having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell upon the earth. This remarkable sign, moving with speed and majesty in the spiritual heaven of the universal church, and indicating the coming of the Lord, is visible to all nations; for the symbolical angel takes wing immediately before the days of vengeance.” 74 PFF3 613.5


Thorp finally presents the last sign as within the church itself. He refers to the parable of the virgins as one of several concerning the second advent, where the state of the church is presented. Stressing the cry at midnight, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh,” he says: PFF3 613.6

“The whole professing church, both real Christians and hypocrites, is thus represented as falling asleep while the Lord delayeth his coming, and roused from its death-like lethargy by the annunciation of his re turn.” 75 PFF3 614.1


Asserting that the parable characterizes the “present state of the professing church,” he declares: PFF3 614.2

“That circumstance is in itself a proof that the time is near at hand. The midnight cry is now heard; is not his coming, therefore, near, very near; even at the door?” 76 PFF3 614.3


Noting the sneer of professing Christians as well as the taunts of infidel scoffers, in asking, Where is the promise of His coming? Thorp stresses this very condition as a sign of the near advent, along with the signs among the nations, in the papal church, the Otto man Empire, and the upsurge of infidelity, as well as the proclamation of the gospel.” 77 To these he adds: PFF3 614.4

“The death-like slumber of the church; and the midnight cry that has recently been raised, and that is now ringing in the ears of an infidel world, and a sleeping church; all indicate that the 1260 years have nearly, at least, run out their course. And when ye see these things, know that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Of that day and that hour knoweth no man; but we may know with certainty, by these signs and these prophecies, that it is fast approaching.” 78 PFF3 614.5


Then comes this remarkable assertion: PFF3 614.6

“To conclude, the midnight cry is now heard, from a thousand voices; behold the bridegroom cometh; he comes in clouds of flaming fire, with all his mighty angels taking vengeance. But who may abide the day of his coming? Not the unbelieving and impenitent; they shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Not the hypocrite and the formalist, roused from their fatal delusions, when it is too late; like the foolish virgins, they shall find the gates of mercy for ever closed against them. Who shall stand when he appeareth? They who wait for him, and who love his appearing, and his kingdom.” 79 PFF3 614.7

Thorp closes with this searching appeal: PFF3 615.1

“Go ye out to meet him; shake off the lethargy with which you are oppressed; gird your loins; trim your lamps, keep them ever burning and shining; be watchful, be sober, and hope unto the end, for the grace which shall be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Behold, he cometh in clouds of glory! PREPARE MY SOUL TO MEET HIM!” 80 PFF3 615.2