The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


VI. Anderson-Sixth Seal Began at French Revolution

WILLIAM ANDERSON (1799-1873), Scotch Presbyterian minister and author, was born at Kilsyth. He served as pastor of the John Street Presbyterian congregation of Glasgow almost continuously from 1822 to 1873, receiving an LL.D. degree from the University of Glasgow in 1850. 113 He was a strong advocate of the separation of church and state. An entire column of entries of his books appears in the British Museum catalogue. His Apology for Millennial Doctrine (1830) entreats its readers to take heed, holding that the sixth seal began its work of terror at the French Revolution. 114 He carried a heavy burden for others, that they might be heirs of the first resurrection, believing that the sealing of the servants of God was under way. PFF3 597.2


Anderson’s Apology was written when he was serving as minister of the Relief Church, Glasgow. He begins by declaring that the destruction of the powers of Europe, the desolation of the Turkish Empire, and the destruction of popery will accompany the second advent. He declares, further, that the two literal resurrections, first the righteous and then the wicked, bound the millennial period. And then the earth will be renovated, rectified, and beautified forever. 115 This, he declares, will begin to come to pass “when the Image of which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed shall be broken in pieces, Satan enchained, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven given to the Son of Man. 116 PFF3 597.3


Lifting his voice in warning of coming upheavals, he adds that “at the opening of the sixth seal (Revelation 6:12), the French Revolution commenced its work of terror,” citing Cuninghame on the seals and trumpets. 117 He contends, moreover, that the sealing work is effected by that angel having the everlasting gospel to preach to all nations, followed by the next angel announcing the fall of Babylon. 118 Then he adds: PFF3 598.1

“The vial of wrath, the seventh, the last, the most woeful, is brimming high ready to be outpoured; and presently the season of peace shall have closed, for the recording of the names of those who shall be heirs of the First Resurrection.” 119 PFF3 598.2


Calling the roll of the centuries, Anderson cites the blighting influence of Cerinthus, who perverted the early millennial view. The abuse spread until it became a curse. Then came other perversions under the apostate church. 120 At last the millennial truth that had been depressed for centuries sprang up again at the Reformation, along with the revival of the study of the Revelation. 121 PFF3 598.3


In his closing section Anderson gives this terse exposition of Daniel 7: PFF3 598.4

“The Vision recorded in the seventh chapter of the book of Daniel, terminates in the same manner as does the Dream recorded in the second chapter. The four empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome,- respectively symbolized by the Lion, the Bear, the Leopard, and the Monster,-having been overthrown and destroyed, the Fifth empire in the succession is the Kingdom of Heaven.” 122 PFF3 598.5