The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

III. Leslie-Heralds of the Judgment Hour Sounding

JAMES LESLIE, 84 of Edinburgh, simply signed himself “Amici” in his eleven-page Circular Letter on the Revolution in Europe, now with a twelve-page Appendix in the third edition. It is addressed “To All Christian Ministers and People in Great Britain.” The previous editions had been distributed just in Edinburgh alone through the “unusual mode” of house-to-house visitation, as a means of discovering the interest of the people. PFF3 590.5

“Accordingly, beginning a course of visiting from house to house, and taking each family in a land, he left a copy with each, informing them that they should have the reading of it gratis, and if pleased with it, they might keep it at a small price. By these means all were warned of the great and dreadful things coming on the world, and our own country.” 85 PFF3 591.1


The result of such a canvass of sentiment was that “almost every other family or person kept them, and paid for them, except the very poor ones, to whom he freely bestowed them.” 86 Stressing the fact of general belief in the second advent, but with decided differences as to the time, manner, and attendant circumstances, Leslie emphasizes the nearness of Christ’s return and makes the impressive declaration: PFF3 591.2

“Several ministers and others in Britain have called, and are now calling the attention of their countrymen to the ‘signs of the times.’ The cry has gone forth, ‘Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come,’ and many have attended to the warning. But it is also too true that many treat it with scorn, or looking upon it as wild, fanatical, bold, and presumptuous, attempt to dissuade others from listening to it.” 87 PFF3 591.3


Leslie describes the time as an “ominous silence” or an “interval of peace,” before the bursting of the storm, during the “pourng out of the sixth vial on the Mahometan power in Europe and Asia.” 88 The earthquake of the seventh vial was taken to be a “political revolution,” soon to follow after the French evolution, which closed the 1260 years. 89 In support, he cites Irving’s Preliminary Discourse to his version of Ben-Ezra: “We now stand (i.e. 1827) upon the very edge and lip of the seventh vial, which is to consumate all wrath, and make a full end of the indignation.” 90 He also cites the appeal of the Glasgow minister, William Anderson, in Apology for Millennial Doctrine, 91 on the time of respite before the coming judgments. PFF3 591.4


Satan’s rule is nearly ended, Leslie continues; the time of retribution is at hand. The signs of the times all indicate it-“The volcanoes of France having begun again to smoke, threatening an erruption.” The French Revolution, at the opening of the sixth seal, commenced the work of terror. But “in the midst of the desolation, the elements are marvellously ordered into a calm, till the servants of God have been sealed.” 92 But the “suspension of the storm we enjoy at present ... cannot be continued much longer.” Next Leslie cites John Hooper’s Present Crisis, on the drying up of the mystic river Euphrates, or “ruin of the Turkish empire,” as a sign of the imminent appearance of our Lord. 93 PFF3 592.1


The concluding sentence reveals the number of Protestant ministers in Ireland proclaiming Christ’s coming: PFF3 592.2

“1 feel happy in acquainting you that about 100 protestant ministers in Ireland are proclaiming his [Christ’s] coming, and perhaps there arc near half as many in England, but Oh! how few in Scotland! May they begreatly increased!” 94 PFF3 592.3


In 1832, in a Letter to the Rev. Edward Irving, Leslie upbraids Irving’s recent course “concerning the gift of tongues,” this having given “great offence to the serious and reflecting part of my country men,” 95 because of his prominence in the exposition of prophecy and the heralding of the advent. So Leslie bears “public testimony” against “these your errors.” PFF3 592.4


In the following year, in The Shaking of the Nations, an essay on the causes of divine judgments with the text “And I will shake all nations; and the Desire of all nations shall conic,” on the title page-Leslie declares, “There never was a time since the world began, wherein it was more shaken than at present.” 96 Yet, he adds, mankind in general seems “quite insensible as to what may be the ultimate or concluding part of this woeful drama thus acting upon the stage of this wicked world.” Satan contrives to get the minds of men so engrossed with “human plans of reformation for the better government of church and state” as to lose sight of the design God has in view. 97 Referring parenthetically to the odium brought upon the advent truth by the Irvingites, Leslie says: PFF3 592.5

“It is true indeed that the religious world has much reason for being displeased with some, who, after having begun to sound the trumpet of alarm in Britain, have also commenced sounding a trumpet of strange tongues, as they thought, or of miracle-working powers.” 98 PFF3 593.1


Adverting again to Haggai, Leslie holds that many now seek the fulfillment in the second advent and the destruction of all things. 99 With this he places Joel 3:16, showing that the great shaking occurs at the second advent. And along with that he stresses the three unclean spirits that, just before the day of God, gather the nations for Armageddon, 100 just as they operated in France before the great Revolution. Then the spirit of the pagan dragon joined that of the corrupted papal priestcraft, and these in turn were joined by the spirit of infidelity. Now, in 1830, they have broken out again. The shock is felt in Spain, Italy, Poland, Austria, and England. 101 PFF3 593.2


The throne of Mohammedanism is also shaking, Leslie continues. And Russia in the north begins to bestir herself, hoping to gain much out of the struggle. The same shaking is also operating in the different churches as well as states. Then conies to pass St. John’s prediction, “These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” 102 PFF3 593.3


After remarking that the common idea of a spiritual coming of Christ had been conveyed to Protestants through the impure channel of the church of Rome, Leslie turns to the 1260 years. He says: PFF3 594.1

“The time of the continuance of the head of that church to oppress the saints, is clearly pointed out by Daniel and St. John, Daniel gives us a time, times, and the dividing of time, in chapter 7. verse 25. John refers to the same oppression, 1st, Under the figure of two witnesses prophecying in sackcloth (Revelation 11:3,) 1260 days. 2nd, Under the figure of a woman nourished in a wilderness for a time, times, and a half, Revelation 12:14. The same oppression is referred to in chapter xiii, verse 5, and the time, 42 months. All commentators agree, that these periods must be understood prophetically; so that 1260 days are so many years, and that 42 months, at the rate of 30 days to each month, amount to the same portion of time; and that time, times, and the dividing of time, is just the same.” 103 PFF3 594.2

10. PAPAL 1260-YEAR PERIOD (531-1792)

Addressing him self to the time of this period, when the saints were put under the Little Horn’s power, Leslie states: PFF3 594.3

“Now the Roman Emperor, Justinian, had that power, he only having the spiritual, as well as the temporal power of the empire; and this he did by an edict, bearing date A.D. 532. ‘He gave full power to the Bishop of Rome to settle all controversies, by which he is declared Head of the Church, and infallible in all matters of faith,’ &c. Counting forward, then, from that date, 1260 years brings us down to 1792, the eventful period of the French Revolution. At that time the Roman Catholic religion was publicly proscribed, her ministers insulted, and her temples profaned by the French infidels; and to complete the degradation, the holy city was assaulted and taken, and the Pope himself carried away captive. And that which is very remarkable, the two French officers in the chief command of the military sent by Napoleon Bonaparte upon this exploit, were called, the one LUTHER, and the other CALVIN! and with orders to tell his Holiness, that ‘his kingdom was at an end!’” 104 PFF3 594.4


While the pope recovered his temporal powers for a time, he never recovered his spiritual authority, and will be destroyed at the second advent. Thus, Leslie says, Daniel’s prophecy was fulfilled. The judgment shall sit, and they shall “take away his dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end.” The “end” being “the END of the four Gentile Monarchs, or the END of the present dispensation,” he concludes that we are “ENTERED UPON THE ‘LATTER DAYS.’” 105 PFF3 594.5