The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

I. Congregational Ministerial Association Studies Prophecies

Ministerial groups of various persuasions, in different places, as well as distinctive organizations, were studying the prophecies. For example, there was an address by ROBERT VAUGHAN 1 before the Monthly Association of Congregational Ministers and Churches, published at their request. Given at Hanover Chapel, Peckham, in 1829, The Nature and Duration of the Papal Apostacy comprises a comprehensive survey of the prophecies of Daniel, Paul, and John, and depicts the “impressive outline” of the centuries. These are associated “with nearly everything that has been, that is, and that shall be.” 2 We pause but for two points. PFF3 555.2


The “four empires that should succeed each other,” in Daniel 2, are named and described. 3 The paralleling four beasts of Daniel 7, with he ten horn-kingdoms appearing “at the same time” within the Roman Empire, 4 are portrayed. The Little Horn, uprooting three, with eyes and mouth denoting “watchfulness, and policy, “has its identity demonstrated “by the events of history,” as “the character of the papal government became strikingly conformable to the predictions of the prophet.” “The visions of Daniel present a sublime outline of this world’s history.” 5 PFF3 556.1


In Revelation 17, Rome was the “only city ruling the kings of the earth,” standing on seven mountains, or with seven successive governments. “Can we be at any loss then in recognizing Daniel’s Little Horn, and St. Paul’s Man of sin, in the Woman enthroned in the midst of the mystical Babylon? What ecclesiastical domination has Rome ever known, save that of the papacy?” 6’ All three portrayals present the same fate-the Wicked One consumed by the brightness of the Redeemer’s coming, and Babylon the great to fall. 7 And the period of duration leads into a discussion of the 533-Justinian versus the 606-Phocas date for its beginning. 8 PFF3 556.2