The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


VI. Keyworth-Dates 2300 Years From 457 B.C. to A.D. 1843

The tide of exposition rolls on. Another able expositor was THOMAS KEYWORTH (1782-1852), well-known Hebraist, who was born in Nottingham. Keyworth went to London as a young man, where he was converted from Unitarianism and entered Cheshunt College to prepare for the Congregational ministry. After serving in several churches he finally went to London, and from 1842 to 1851 was at Aston Tirrold, Berk shire. Modest and simple, he was actively interested in the poor and in the promotion of missionary activity. 100 He was widely praised for his valuable Principia Hebraica (1817). In the field of interpretation he wrote A Practical Exposition of the Revelation of St.. John (1828), which was also well received. PFF3 551.1

This treatise is in the form of a terse comment, with a concluding “Tabular View” of the prophetic symbols of Revelation compared with Daniel. Keyworth introduced his exposition by declaring incisively that it was “a duty for the watchmen of Sion to sound an alarm in the Holy Mountain.” 101 Then he observed: “There never was a time since the beginning of the world, (except when Messiah was about to appear as the man of sorrows), when events so interesting were about to occur, as at the present moment.” 102 (Title page reproduced on page 550.) PFF3 551.2


Stalwartly pro claiming the Historical School view and the standard interpretation of the four empires, he wrote clearly of the division of Rome and the papal Antichrist following. And while the dragon of Revelation 12 was pagan Rome, it transferred its power to the ten kingdoms of the leopard beast for the 1260 years. 103 PFF3 551.3


As the leopard beast represents the temporal tyranny in support of popery “throughout the ten kingdoms,” so, he thought, the “lamb-horned beast represents the ecclesiastical or religious tyranny, exercised by the papistical clergy.” 104 Keyworth is frankly uncertain as to the 666, and the three angels of Revelation 14 are relegated to the past. PFF3 552.1


Keyworth tabulates the leading dates of the Christian Era: 303-313, as the terrible “ten days” of prophesied persecution; 410, Alaric and the Goths; 451, Attila and the Huns; 455, Genseric and the Vandals; 476, the empire overthrow, and the rise of “the distinct kingdoms, or, governments,” as denoted by the ten toes and horns of Daniel 2 and 7 and Revelation 13 and 17; 606 the recognition of the power of the pope as universal bishop; 1204, the establishment of the Inquisition; 1453, the supplanting of the Saracens by the Turks; 1517, the beginning of the reformation from popery by Luther. 105 PFF3 552.2


In perpendicular columns in his “Tabular View,” he parallels the symbols and the meaning. Thus, for the first four trumpets, Alaric and the Goths-and on through the Huns and Vandals, and the total overthrow of the empire. 106 PFF3 552.3

5. SARACENIC WOE, 612-762; TURKISH WOE, 1281-1672

The fifth trumpet of locusts, “emblematical of Mahomet and his successors,” for the five months (150 years), was from 612 to 762. And the sixth trumpet-the Turkish establishment for the hour, day, month, and year as 391 years and 15 days-was from 1281 to 1672. 107 The 1260 years as set forth in Revelation 12, 13, and 17, reach perhaps from 606 to 1866, 108 with the seventh trumpet, or third woe, beginning the millennium perhaps in 1866. 109 PFF3 552.4


In comparing the corresponding parts of Daniel and the Revelation, Keyworth puts the ten toes and the ten horns of Daniel over against the ten horns of Revelation 12 and 13-meaning the ten kingdoms. 110 The little horn uproots three horns, and in comparison the papal tiara has three crowns. 111 The little horn of Daniel 7 and the two-horned beast of Revelation 13 are paired as symbolic of the pope and popery. 112 PFF3 552.5


The judging of the Little Horn by the Ancient of Days is preceded by the seven vials “about to be poured out.” 113 The time, times, and half a time of Daniel and the forty-two months and 1260 years of Revelation are identical. The Son of man taking the dominion, and Satan bound for 1,000 years, 114 are synchronous. PFF3 553.1

8. MOHAMMEDANISM IN Daniel 8 AND Revelation 9

The taking away of the daily sacrifice by the fierce horn of Daniel 8 is paired with the locusts of Revelation 9, or Mohammedanism. 115 PFF3 553.2

9. 2300 YEARS FROM 457 B.C. TO A.D. 1843

As the climax of the series, to his expression “2300 days are to elapse before the sanctuary be cleansed,” Keyworth adds this impressive statement (reproduced with title page on page 550): PFF3 553.3

“2300 years between some remarkable period about the time of Daniel, (probably from the going forth of the edict to rebuild Jerusalem, as the 70 weeks are in chap. IX. dated from that period,) and the overthrow of Mahommedanism, that is, probably from the year 457 before Christ’s birth to A.D. 1843!! Let him that readeth understand.” 116 PFF3 553.4

As a further detail he makes this comment on the relation ship of the seventy weeks and the 2300 days: PFF3 553.5

“Our Lord was crucified about A.D. 33, now 33 added to 457, make 490, and 70 weeks of years, (i.e. 7 times 70) amount to 490, consequently 457 years before Christ’s birth is the commencement of Daniel’s 70 weeks, and probably of these 2300 days.” 117 PFF3 553.6

10. EXTENDS 1290 AND 1335 YEARS BEYOND 1260

The time of “unequalled trouble,” of Daniel 12 Keyworth then pairs with the outpouring of the seven vials of Revelation 16. And in common with not a few, he extends the close of the 1290 years beyond the end of the 1260 years. And the 1335, in turn, he projects slightly beyond the terminus of the 1290 years. Such is the tabular picture painted by Keyworth. PFF3 553.7