The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


III. Continental Society-Formed to Herald Judgment Hour

While still at Geneva, Haldane contemplated formation of a Continental Society, but Drummond actually set the plan in motion, when the Venerable Company in Geneva refused ordination to those who would not submit to its position regarding the deity of Christ. 18 So Drummond dispatched a mission of these deposed ministers to Alsace. The society was fully organized in 1819, M. Mejanel, one of the first representatives, having been expelled from Geneva in 1818, and with him Henri Pyt and others who had broken with the Arian Consistory. 19 The society arranged for the training of missionary students, Haldane devoting much of his time to the furtherance of the society on the Continent. The Edinburgh Auxiliary was formed in 1821. PFF3 439.3

The unique character and witness of the society can per haps best be seen by sketching its annual reports. The first report of the Continental Society for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge-which was its full name-was issued in 1819. These annual reports were not for “general use” but for the “private information of the Secretaries and Members of the Committees of Auxiliary Societies,” 20 and were confidential in character. The organization was formed to meet the still-prevalent infidelity in France and Italy, the inroads of Socinianism or Arianism in the Geneva church, and the attempt to impose the Toulouse version of the Scriptures, containing the Apocrypha, upon the French Reformed Churches in Switzer land, France, and Holland. Another threat to be countered was the infiltration of “German Neology” into the great universities of Germany as well as the development of a mystic spiritism among the illiterate. 21 The supreme motive, however, was to herald the impending judgment hour, as will become increasingly evident. (Title page reproduced on page 444.) PFF3 440.1

The second report lists Sir Thomas Baring, M.P., as president, with Henry Drummond and Lewis Way as two of six vice-presidents, and John Bayford and Joseph Wolff among the committee of eighteen. It states that its “arduous task” is that of “exposing the corruptions of Christianity.” 22 For this reason, “unbroken silence” concerning “names of persons and places” is necessary to avoid defeat of its objectives, and possible danger to the society’s agents. 23 The “rules and regulations” state: PFF3 440.2

“I. The object of this Society is to assist Local Native Ministers in preaching the Gospel, and in distributing Bibles, Testaments, and Religious Publications over the Continent of Europe; but without the design of establishing any distinct sect or party.” 24 PFF3 441.1


The business of the society was to be conducted at monthly meetings “in or near London.” Its committee was chosen yearly at the annual meeting, held each May. The object of the organization was reiterated by the president, in the fourth annual meeting, as being “to preach the everlasting gospel.” In moving the adoption of the report, Lewis Way, in his opening remarks, stresses the times as marked out in prophecy, and the society’s mission as calling men “out of the mystical Babylon.” 25 PFF3 441.2

“This Society yields to none in general importance, but stands pre eminent, with respect to the time, in which its plans are to be carried into effect. There is a time for all things; and I think this is the very time marked out by prophecy, and determined by the circumstances of Europe, when this Society ought to commence a scriptural crusade under that sacred commission, for which you have the highest authority above all other societies, at the present moment, with respect to the spiritual world, to call its members out of the mystical Babylon. That is the foundation, on which this Society ought to rest, and, if built on this foundation, stand it must: it must accomplish the very end, for which God has established it.” 26 PFF3 441.3


After dilating upon the corruption of Christianity on the Continent, the prevalence of infidelity and the philosophical heresy of neology, Way refers to the “latter rain” and the harvest time, and states that “the time is really come to pull down Antichrist.” Then follows this remarkable declaration concerning the hour of God’s judgment: PFF3 441.4

“You have heard the gospel mentioned as everlasting; ... but that word is never applied to any other gospel than that gospel to be preached now, for a specific and peculiar purpose, to pull down Babylon; and, it must be the everlasting gospel, not the gospel according to Calvin, or according to Luther, but the gospel according to St. John; that is the gospel, that will pull down the strong holds of Satan, and lay them in the dust ... you will find that, immediately after the gospel is preached to all nations, great Babylon will fall; because the hour of God’s judgment will be come. Now, the hour of God’s judgment is inseparably connected, by St. Paul, with the appearance and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 27 PFF3 442.1


Then Way immediately expands his meaning of the time and the message: PFF3 442.2

“I am not now preaching a sermon, but giving you an outline, that you may see what prophecy relates to, when it tells you that, as Jerusalem was destroyed, for rejecting the Saviour, and the kingdom passed over to the fourth Monarchy, that Empire now having served the purpose of the Almighty, as a rod and an axe, in his hand, to cut down that people, and to scatter them on the face of the earth, then Babylon itself shall fall: and what is to succeed to that? why, the kingdom of Christ upon earth.” 28 PFF3 442.3

Holding that this includes the conversion of the Jews, Way closes by referring to “the stone cut out of the mountain without hands,” and declares, “This Society stands pre-eminent, on account of the time. I believe now is the time, or never: therefore, work while you can.” 29 PFF3 442.4


One of the characteristics of the large annual meeting was the anniversary sermon. In 1822 this was preached by Lewis Way, on “The Flight Out of Babylon.” He held that great Babylon of the Apocalypse is the apostate condition of the Christian “church at large,” and is not restricted to “papal Rome.” 30 Way stressed the responsibility not merely of reclaiming infidel France, proving the deity of Christ to the sophists of Germany, accelerating the ruin of papal hierarchy, and rebuilding the tabernacle of David, but of warning and teaching every man of the impending “time of the Lord’s vengeance” and “redemption,“ immediately preceding and introductory to His “second revelation in glory.” 31 Here we catch a glimpse of the motivating concept of the organization. PFF3 442.5


Way stresses the prophecy of Daniel 12:1, concerning the unparalleled “time of trouble,” which he applies to “this time,” according to those who had “made the prophetical Scriptures” their special study. 32 This “map of prophecy” includes the “last day scoffers” of Peter and Jude, and the repetition of the violence of the days of Noah. 33 Then Way declares, “The lamp of the Reformation, once shining with such luster amid the darkness of Popery, is well nigh gone out for lack of oil.” 34 PFF3 443.1


Along with this, Way notes the growing expectation of the approaching manifestation of the Redeemer, also the unclean spirits gathering the world to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. 35 But the vial of final wrath is still restrained. Way concludes: PFF3 443.2

“How seasonable then is the proclamation! ‘Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity;’ though this be a day of vengeance, it is a day of mercy. The winds of heaven seem to be withheld for a season, that the servants of God may be sealed,-that a great multitude may be gathered to stand before the throne, and sing the song of salvation to God and to the Lamb. The pacification of Europe has opened a door of entrance for the dissemination of Protestant Bibles, and a door of utterance may open of its own accord, to Protestant Preachers.” 36 PFF3 443.3


In the Eighth Report, for 1826, Henry Drummond contends that the “very existence” of the Bible Societies, the Societies to Promote Christianity Amongst the Jews, and the Continental Societies is among the distinct “signs of the latter times; by which expression I mean those days which immediately precede the establishment of that universal kingdom.” 37 The object of the society, he re iterates, is to call people out of Babylon. PFF3 443.4

The Society for the Investigation of Prophecy(left, with Insert) Stresses the years 1843-44; Another fosters their study on the continent(center);other of a local lecture nature appear(upper right). Among the first organisation was the society to spread theas teaching among the jews(lower right).
page 443


Lewis Way makes a second remarkable address. Noting the “positive irreligion” of the Continent, which stimulated the formation of the Continental Society, Way warns against the danger of Protestant relapse, and notes the spirit and state of Babylon. He admonishes against passing all the charges on to the Roman church. Coming again to their great mission, he says: PFF3 445.1

“The term ‘everlasting Gospel’ is never used but once in the Scriptures, and as some societies have taken to themselves a resemblance to that angel who flies through the midst of heaven to declare it, I call on Bible Societies, on Missionary Societies, and on Continental Societies, and on every one who may desire to be placed in the situation of that holy angel, to carry the commission of that angel with them, and what is that? It has never been carried yet, as far as I am aware, in its full sense and application. It is to be found, if you will refer to the next verse, where many of our friends always stop, FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM FOR THE HOUR OF His JUDGMENT is COME.’ Here is the commission of the angel, and it should be that of every society bearing a missionary character, and composed of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.” 38 PFF3 445.2


Way urges that the specific work of the society rests “on the analogy of prophecy”; further, that “this is the time” to send missionaries to declare “the fall of Babylon.” As to the way by which the time may be known, he avers that God made “a calendar for His people.” 39 Prophecy is our guiding light. As Daniel knew by books when the Jews were to come out of Babylon, so those “living in ‘the time of the end’” should know the nearness of “Christ’s coming from heaven.” We are to preach not only against the iniquities of the Church of Rome but on the coming marriage of the Lamb. “This is the time in which we are now living, and this is the language of prophecy both in the Old and New Testament.” 40 PFF3 445.3


Way then dilates first on the proclamation, “Fear God, for the hour of His Judgment is come,” then on “Babylon is fallen,” and finally on “Come out of her, my people.” 41 That triple cry, he declares, is sounding forth. Now come the almost prophetic words addressed to the society-words that should be remembered by us as we come to later developments: PFF3 445.4

“I will say, in reference to this Society, that whether it is done by you or not, the command will be proclaimed. And if you do not preach it, it will be preached by others, as a witness; though it will not be believed. For the Gospel of the kingdom, the glorious kingdom of the Lord God Almighty, in the person of his Son Jesus Christ, is to be preached to all nations, as a testimony against, if not for them.” 42 PFF3 446.1


Hugh M’Neile, whom we shall meet again, also speaks of “powerful witnesses” in behalf of the great truth of the Lord’s second coming, 43 and calls for a bold yet appealing declaration of the sins of Babylon. M’Neile continues: PFF3 446.2

“I am, Sir, I repeat, decidedly of opinion, that not only should the Gospel be preached in Babylon, winning souls by its attractive loveliness; but that these, and statements such as these should be reiterated with affectionate earnestness: that seeing multitudes of our fellow-creatures carelessly dwelling in a burning house, we should not only call to them, ‘Behold here is a safe habitation to fly to:’ but also ‘Behold! your house is on fire.’ Sir, the fire is gaining upon this house, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Now, therefore, is the time for the voice of the Continental Society to be raised, and cry aloud; not consulting the carnal policy of man’s boasted prudence.” 44 PFF3 446.3

In the eleventh report, for 1829, Horatio Montague stresses that “Popery is the Apocalyptic Babylon,” 45 with the Continental Society raising the cry, “Come out of her, my people,” as he refers to the papal “Beast of the Apocalypse.” 46 PFF3 446.4

So the real purpose of the society is most apparent. PFF3 446.5


The twelfth report, of 1830, shows an expansion of officers, with The Honorable John James Strutt as president, and Drummond, Way, and Lord Mandeville among the twelve vice-presidents, J. H. Frere and the Haldane brothers on the committee of twenty-three, and Hugh M’Neile as one of the secretaries. William Cuninghame and Henri Pyt presented the following: PFF3 446.6

“Resolved Unanimously, PFF3 447.1

“II. That this Meeting, contemplating the enormities of the great apostasy of Rome, and the insidious and deceiving artifices of those who have embraced heresies (no less injurious) under the fair name of Protestantism, while both are blinding the minds of the children of men, do resolve, by God’s grace, to keep clear of each, and to make no peace with either; as the only ground on which they can possibly be of service, in convincing his children, and calling them out from the fellowship of both.” 47 PFF3 447.2

The unchanging keynote of the society is again stressed in the motion of Henry Drummond: PFF3 447.3

“Resolved unanimously, PFF3 447.4

“III. That this Meeting, impressed with the thought that the day of labour is far spent, and must soon close; and that to be instrumental in the accomplishment of Jehovah’s purposes of grace to his people is the highest honour and greatest interest of his Church, do recognize the great duty and privilege of raising the cry throughout apostate Christendom, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.’” 48 PFF3 447.5

It will be observed that participants in the Jewish Society are likewise active in this organization. PFF3 447.6


By 1836 the Continental Society’s name was changed to the European Missionary Society, with Edward Bickersteth giving the annual address in this “eighteenth year” of the organization. The near advent of the day of the Lord was still the keynote, when God will “visibly and manifestly work his mighty acts,” rectifying every wrong under which the earth now groans, punishing evildoers, regenerating the earth by fire, judging all men, and the bringing in of the new heavens and earth. 49 PFF3 447.7

That day, Bickersteth declares, is the breaking up of kingdoms and churches by the final events of Daniel 2, when the stone smites the image, and all is broken to pieces, “explicitly interpreted by the angel as pointing out Christ’s kingdom breaking in pieces all the previous kingdoms, and then standing for ever.” 50 This accomplishes the complete overthrow of popery, Mohammedanism, infidelity, and every opposing kingdom. It is introduced by the time of trouble, and, Bickersteth adds, by the deliverance of the Jews. 51 PFF3 447.8


The signs in the sun, moon, and stars are manifest, and the sign of the Son of man, as He appears in the heavens to raise the dead and change the living saints, is near at hand. 52 The beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, “in their rage, enmity, and blindness,” make war against the Lord. Judgments are poured out on Antichrist and his adherents. 53 Satan is then to be bound, and Christ will begin His “glorious millennial reign, with his saints, over the earth.” 54 Finally, Satan is loosed for a little season; then he is cast into the lake of fire, the impenitent with him, and the eternal kingdom begins. 55 PFF3 448.1


The actual advent, Bickersteth holds, does not begin the day of the Lord, but is clearly included within it. 56 It is represented as near at hand. So he concludes, “It is then, in my view, impossible that there can be a certain period of 1,000 years before its coming.” 57 Pre-millennialism is axiomatic with this group. PFF3 448.2


Bickersteth feels that during the 1800 years of the Christian Era the large part of the Apocalypse has been fulfilled. He concludes: PFF3 448.3

“The present preaching of the Gospel to the Gentiles-the unprecedented excitement among the Jews-the series of judgments poured out on Europe in the last forty years-the decay of the resources of the Turkish empire, answering to the drying up of the Euphrates-the unclean spirits now abroad-the shaking of every thing through the earth-have all one voice testifying the approach of the day of the Lord. The chronological Prophecies, given to the Church to help her to discern the times, confirm this view.” 58 PFF3 448.4

He affirms that they are living on the “borders” of that great upheaval. It is therefore not “presumption to discern the signs of the times; it is not humility to be unacquainted with prophecy; but it is, in the view of our Lord, hypocrisy to pretend to religion, and yet to neglect the signs of the times.” And again the refrain is sounded forth: PFF3 448.5

“This Society has been formed, in the conviction of the evil state of Europe through its apostacy from the true God, to aid the faithful ministers and servants of Christ in their labours to bring men to repent, to fear God, and give glory to him, that they may escape the Divine judgments in the quickly coming day of wrath.” 59 PFF3 449.1

So prophecy permeated every consideration, and motivated every action. The terms of Revelation 14 were constantly invoked. PFF3 449.2