The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


V. Views on Prophecy, Antichrist, Harlot, and Babylon

Lucunza’s main argument concerns the establishment of his fundamental thesis-Christ’s premillennial advent and sub sequent glorious reign on earth. This he presents in a “masterly and convincing manner.” 20 He wrote fearlessly on Antichrist, which has definite relationship to the millennium, for its destruction by Christ’s coming was to precede and introduce it. Lacunza introduces the evidence of Daniel as well as that of the Apocalypse, though offering certain original and curious views on features of the symbols of the quadripartite image and the four wild beasts from the sea. PFF3 317.4


Lacunza included both Babylon and Persia under the head of gold, made the breast and arms of silver the Macedonian Empire, the brazen thighs as Roman, but the iron ten-toed legs, the Romano-Gothic professedly Christian kingdoms of “divided” Western Europe 21 -“Portugal, Spain, France, England, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Greece. In short, almost the whole of Europe, Asia Minor.” 22 Thus he ends the prophecy as do others. PFF3 317.5

The stone without hands is the kingdom of Christ and His saints, that will utterly destroy the image in its last form. The significant point is that ten toes and the stone, as the final features of the outline, are essentially the same as the Protestant Historical position. PFF3 318.1


The agitation, movement, breaches, and combinations of the various parts of these kingdoms are then shown. 23 And the characteristic intermarriages of the rulers are likewise presented. But these kingdoms “though all contiguous to each other, as are the toes of the foot, set out by being divided and have continued divided, without interruption.” 24 PFF3 318.2


The smiting by the stone and the filling of the earth by the mountain is by others, Lacunza says, regarded “as fully accomplished, and this great event as verified” 25 through the incarnation, with the mountain simply the “Christian church.” 26 For authority, they cite one another. On the contrary, Lacunza contends that the two comings of Christ are “infinitely different” from each other, and we must not “confound that which belongs to the one with that which belongs to the other.” 27 Lacunza declares that the “present church” has not “ruined, shivered, and pounded into dust and utterly consumed all the kingdoms figured in the statue, or in the toes of its feet,” as demanded by the prophecy. 28 Then, he adds, “All this, and much more, which is in Scripture, must one day be verified, for till now they have not been verified.” 29 PFF3 318.3


Then he speaks of this sacred obligation: PFF3 318.4

“To tell plainly and sincerely, all the existing sovereigns, that the kingdoms, principalities, powers, and lordships, are manifestly represented in the feet and toes of the statue, and to induce them with their own eyes to look into the Scriptures of truth. To tell them that their very kingdoms are the same which are immediately threatened with the blow of the stone.” 30 PFF3 318.5


Lacunza’s concept of the four beasts of Daniel 7 is novel and unsatisfactory. Noting the usual explanation of Daniel 7 as paralleling the kingdoms of Daniel 2, with the ten horns as the ten kingdoms, 31 he proposes another explanation. They are construed as four religions-idolatry, Mohammedanism, pseudo- Christianity, and anti-Christian deism, which is already unfolding itself to the world 32 in the French Revolution. PFF3 319.1


To Lacunza, Antichrist was not an individual but was that embodied principle, power, or moral body which “dissolves” the faith of the church, 33 and which is to be destroyed by the second advent. 34 Lacunza analyzes and exposes the absurdity of the usual Romanist view of an individual Jew, of the tribe of Dan, born in Babylon, received of the Jews as Messiah, and conquering Jerusalem. Lacunza’s protest against this standard Catholic position is very similar to the Protestant argument against such a hypothesis. 35 In certain features, however, Lacunza was a Futurist. PFF3 319.2


Lacunza then traces Antichrist, or the apocalyptic Beast, from its earliest germ as the mystery of iniquity in Paul’s day, existing “by the side of and along with the mystical body of Christ.” This defection will become more and more corrupt and apostate, century by century, till at length the apostasy is “entirely accomplished.” 36 He then asks: PFF3 319.3

“Almost all the interpreters of the Apocalypse agree as to a general truth, that the terrible beast with the seven heads and ten horns, of which so much is said from the xiiith to the xixth chapters, is Antichrist himself. How then can this beast, and all the particular things spoken of it, be accommodated to, be possibly conceived of, an individual and singular person?” 37 PFF3 319.4


The second apocalyptic Beast, Lacun/a says, is expounded by some as the false prophet of Antichrist-some individual person, per haps an apostate bishop. But, holding the first beast to be a “moral body,” he maintains that it is inconsistent to “conceive otherwise” of the second. 38 Then comes this really amazing declaration: “Now the new beast, this moral body composed of many seducers, will doubtless in those times prove infinitely more prejudicial than all the first beast, composed of seven heads, and armed with ten horns, every one of them crowned.” 39 Expounding this contention, he adds: PFF3 320.1

“It is more than evident to every one who gives himself seriously to consider this metaphorical beast, that the whole of it is a prophecy of the miserable state in which the Christian church shall be in those times, and of the peril in which the greater number of believers shall be.” 40 PFF3 320.2

And “fully persuaded of its truth, its importance, and even of its extreme necessity,” Lacunza makes this dramatic announcement: PFF3 320.3

“Yes, my friend, our priesthood: this it is, and nothing else, which is here signified, and announced for the last times, under the metaphor of a beast with two horns like those of a lamb. Our priesthood, which like the good shepherd should defend the flock of Christ, and for it lay down their own lives, shall prove in those times its greatest scandal and most perilous snare.” 41 PFF3 320.4

Small wonder there was consternation, and antipathy toward Lacunza’s book! PFF3 320.5


Charging that the iniquity, hypocrisy, and ambition of the Jewish priesthood in the time of Christ caused the rejection of Messiah at the first advent, he adds: “Has not the church of God in all times groaned under the load of many heresies, schisms, and scandals?” 42 Then he arraigns “the very priesthood of these times” as false shepherds: PFF3 320.6

“If still it appears too difficult to believe, that the Christian priest hood of those times should be the only thing figured by the terrible beast with two horns, relied with new attention upon all the words and expressions of the prophecy, because nothing can be more distinct.... Fell me now, my friend, to what will all these things apply, think as you please, save to a wicked and perverse priesthood, such as that of the last times shall be? The doctors themselves acknowledge it to be-so, they concede it in part, and this part once acknowledged, entitles us to ask the whole. Not finding any thing else to which they can apply what is said of the second beast, (besides that in the xvith and xixth chapters, the name of the false prophet is given to him) they commonly agree, that this beast or false prophet, will be some apostate bishop, full oL iniquity, and diabolical malice, who shall stand on the side of Antichrist and accompany him in all his undertakings.” 43 PFF3 320.7

“Sufficient then will it be, that the priesthood of these perilous times should be found in that same state, and with those same dispositions, in which the Hebrew priesthood were found at the time of Christ; that is to say, lukewarm, sensual, and worldly, without other desires, without other affections than belong to the earth, to the world, to the flesh, to self-love, wholly forgetful of Christ and of the gospel. All this seems intimated to me in that metaphorical expression which the Apostle makes use of, saying, that he saw this beast proceed or arise out of the earth.”” 44 PFF3 321.1


As to the apocalyptic Harlot of Revelation 17, Lacunza would fain omit discussion because of its delicacy and embarrassment, if that were not “to commit high treason against truth.” 45 He observes that “the doctors do all agree, that the woman here spoken of is the city of Rome, in other times the capital of the greatest empire in the world, and now the capital and center of unity of the true Christian church.” 46 Two opinions prevail: one, that “the prophecy was wholly accomplished, in past ages, in idolatrous and pagan Rome”; another, “that till this day it has not been fully accomplished; and [he] affirms that it will be accomplished in the times of Antichrist, in another Rome yet future, and very much changed from the present.” 47 PFF3 321.2

Thus they have sought to “save the honour of the queen” by saying she has nought to fear-“the prophecy having been accomplished, many ages ago, upon pagan and idolatrous Rome,” 48 or that it is “directed to other times yet to come, and will not be verified upon the present Rome, upon Christian Rome, upon Rome the head of the church of Christ, but upon another Rome.” 49 These were, of course, the Preterist and Futurist counter-interpretations introduced by the Jesuits in the Counter Reformation. PFF3 321.3

Piling reason upon reason why these two positions are untenable, Lacunza applies the symbol to the present corrupt Christian church: PFF3 322.1

“What we say of the crimes of this woman [of Revelation 17], we say, necessarily of her punishment also. Rome, not idolatrous but Christian, not the head of the Roman empire but the head of Christendom, and centre of unity of the true church of the living God, may very well, without ceasing from this dignity, at some time or other incur the guilt, and before God be held guilty of fornication with the kings of the earth, and amenable to all its consequences. And in this there is not any inconsistency, however much her defenders may shake the head.” 50 PFF3 322.2

And in discussing the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians, Lacunza adds: PFF3 322.3

“The temple of God here spoken of, being then figurative and spiritual, the whole mystery is thereby at once unlocked. The temple of God whereof St. Paul speaketh, is nothing else than the church of Christ, is nothing else than the congregation of all the faithful, is nothing else than these believers united in one, who, as St. Peter saith, ‘as lively stones are built up a spiritual temple.’ And this is the temple of God, where the man of sin, the son of iniquity shall formally sit, publicly shewing himself, and freely operating therein, as if he were God: ‘shewing himself that he is God.’ And what may this mean? What it means appears most clear and conformable to all which we have observed above. It all proceeds towards one object without difficulty or embarrassment. The man of sin, and son of perdition, is no other in principle than a great number of true apostates, who having first broken the bonds of Jesus, and disunited themselves from him, and so verified in themselves what the apostle mentions first, except there should come a falling away first, shall then unite into a moral body, and give their labour to increase and strengthen it in all possible ways; and after that has succeeded, shall rebel, and declare war against the same Jesus, and against God his Father. Whence indeed to this man of sin the name of Antichrist, or Contrachrist is given.” 51 PFF3 322.4

Lacunza ends the discussion by this solemn declaration: PFF3 322.5

“The particular things of which I treat are undeniably of the utmost importance, and of the utmost interest. While, on the other hand, the present system of things in the world, the actual estate of the Christian church, in many of its members, very like to that seventh angel of the Apocalypse, neither cold nor hot, Revelation 3:15. appear to cry loudly upon the ministers of religion, and to intreat them instantly to shake off sleep, to open their eyes, and to look about them and observe more attentively.” 52 PFF3 323.1

This is not Rome pagan, he avers, but Rome Christian and papal, drunken in vain sell-security, when actually on the eve of her utter destruction. If it be objected that she is the spouse of Christ, so, too, was old Jerusalem. But on the consummation of her apostasy, though without a heathen idol in her, she fell, and that without remedy. 53 PFF3 323.2


In his general view of the Apocalypse, Lacunza was still a Futurist, as were most Catholics. The seven-sealed Book is not clearly explained, nor is his conception of the woman of Revelation 12 clear. But the great city of Revelation 11 is professing Christendom. 54 PFF3 323.3


Lacunza contends that present times demand a frank telling of the special message of God, not applicable in other times.” 55 The kingdom of God, as indicated by the image-smiting stone that fills the earth, is not yet come. For that coming we ought to pray. 56 PFF3 323.4


Discussing the in tent of Peter’s term Babylon, Lacunza maintains that it is not literal Babylon on the Euphrates but Rome on the Tiber. 57 He calls attention to the fact that shortly before the execution of God’s sentence against Babylon, a voice is heard counseling, “Come out of her, My people.” 58 PFF3 323.5


Of the prophetic time periods, Lacunza professes to know but little. The 1260 clays-or forty-two months, or three and a half times-are the years during which the great tribulation of Antichrist among he Gentiles is to last. 59 The 1290 arid 1335 days appeared “an impenetrable mystery.” Perhaps, he suggested, the 1290 is shortened to the 1260 for the elect’s sake. 60 PFF3 323.6


He declared that those who in any way gathered themselves together under the fourth beast of Daniel, or pertained to the two beasts of Revelation 13, were to be given to the burning flame. 61 PFF3 324.1


Lacunza believed the present heaven and earth would be destroyed, and a new heaven and earth of perfect beauty would ensue. 62 The paradisaical climate before the Flood would be restored, 63 the axis of the earth perhaps being restored to its original inclination. 64 He held that the New Jerusalem is a literal city to descend from God out of heaven. 65 Such were the astonishing views on prophecy of Lacunza the Jesuit. PFF3 324.2