The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3


VII. Nineteenth-Century American Expositors Deferred

Discussion of the remaining American expositors of prophecy, scattered over the first two decades of the nineteenth century-as tabulated in chapter 1, on the Colonial and Early American Writers on Prophecy chart-is reserved for the final volume in this series. The expositors will appear in their proper sequence in relation to the later American aspect of the world wide Advent Awakening of the nineteenth century. We shall now turn for a brief, retrospective glance at the French Revolution, and the attendant wounding of the papal power in 1798, 114 at the terminus of the 1260 years. This, as previously noted, was clearly recognized and proclaimed at the time by various students of prophecy, both in Europe and in America. Following this, we shall trace in detail the world-wide prophetic and advent awakening that first compassed the Old World and then shifted to the New. This will be visualized by a new chart. 115 PFF3 249.2

The completion of the highly important investigation out lined will bring us back again to the American scene at the beginning of the nineteenth century. A preliminary review of the historical setting and background of the great Millerite movement in this country will then lay the foundation for the American phase of the world-touching Advent Movement, which reached its consummation in North America. PFF3 249.3