The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

III. Spalding-Daystar of Returning Premillennial Hope

JOSHUA SPALDING (1760-1825), ardent pre-millennialist, later lauded by the Millerites, was born at Killingsly, Connecticut. He studied under Ebenezer Bradford, and was likewise a student of theology under Jonathan Edwards and Samuel Hopkins, both outstanding postmillennialists. Set on becoming a minister, Spalding practiced preaching in an old abandoned church at Killingsly. At twenty-two he was licensed to preach, and in 1785 he “settled over” the Tabernacle Church at Salem as pastor. 16 This church was a continuation of the First Church, founded in 1629. It was built by the Reverend Nathaniel Whitaker and was greatly improved during Spalding’s tenure. 17 The Tabernacle Church was the cradle of the Massachusetts Missionary Society and of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Spalding received his M.A. degree from Dart mouth in 1786. Significantly enough, differences with the church board led to his dismissal in 1802. But dissatisfaction over his dismissal led to the formation of the branch church by a large group, of which he became pastor. From this he later resigned, removing to Newbury, New York, where he died. 18 PFF3 230.3

Earnest and godly and fond of study, he was a “great reasoner.” Revivals were frequent wherever he preached, particularly around 1808. He brought out The Lord’s Songs (1805), hymns “used in the late Glorious revivals.” He also introduced the practice of holding religious meetings in private homes, and of getting crowds of people to study the Bible. Spalding’s no table book Sentiments, Concerning the Coming and Kingdom of Christ, Collected from the Bible, and from the Writings of Many Antient, and Some Modern, Believers (1796) had a far-reaching influence. Stanchly premillennial, it was later reprinted and widely circulated by J. V. Himes in the early part of the Millerite movement. Himes designated it “the day-star of returning light to the American churches on the subject of the near coming and kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 19 The preface of the J. V. Himes 1841 reprint declares, “The church will yet honor the memory of the man who, in the midst of obliquy and reproach, stood boldly forth as the messenger of God to a sleeping church.” 20 (Title page reproduced on page 232.) PFF3 231.1


The titles of the nine lectures comprising Spalding’s volume reveal its scope and viewpoint in sharp contrast to his teacher, Samuel Hopkins. These were “The Coming of Christ,” “The Last Trump,” “The First Resurrection,” “The Battle of that great Day of God Almighty,” “The Kingdom of Christ,” “The Restitution of All Things,” “The New Heavens and New Earth,” “The New Jerusalem,” and “Gog and Magog.” This was the new note, or rather the revival of the old note. The destruction of Antichrist is directly connected with the advent by Spalding, who cites Cotton Mather in support. 21 And neither the restitution, the new heavens and earth, nor the millennium, said he, will occur until the glorious advent of Christ.” 22 It will be preceded by a period of great tribulation, and will bring- the redemption of God’s people on the one hand and the destruction of the wicked on the other 23 PFF3 231.2


The overthrow of Great Babylon’s queenship, her plagues, and her destruction will come suddenly and unexpectedly. Daniel 11:44, 45, is applied by Spalding to Antichrist going forth “with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many,” and then coming to his end with none to help. 24 PFF3 233.1


The signs in nature, and particularly the celestial signs of Joel, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are next mentioned. Not only is reference made to strange sights, such as the Northern Lights, visible both in America and in Europe, but the remarkable destructiveness of the elements is noted. Of the celestial signs, Spalding says, “We have seen wonderful and alarming phenomena of darkness of the sun and moon,” 25 obviously that of May, 1780. The glorious advent, he asserted, therefore may soon take place. PFF3 233.2


Spalding prefaces his remarks on the seventh, or last, trump by an allusion to the use of the trumpets in the Mosaic dispensation. These were particularly employed for the day of blowing, on the first day of the seventh month, which heralded the great Day of Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the great Jubilee. 26 These, he held, were symbolic of the final restitution of all things when the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord, and the saints are gathered unto Him at the sound of the last trump, which will close all “probationary dispensations, and times.” 27 Israel of old assembled, marched, celebrated their feasts, and joined battle, all by the sound of the trumpet. Hence its import. This feature is destined to become increasingly prominent in the nineteenth-century records. PFF3 233.3


The day of God’s wrath, with the destruction of Antichrist and the world’s conflagration, precedes the great millennial kingdom, and that day is near 28 Then comes Spalding’s courageous declaration, “If I am alone, I must believe that the great day of God’s wrath which shall consume all the wicked, and drive them out from the face of the earth, will precede the millennial kingdom of Christ and the saints under the seventh trumpet.” 29 “The sixth trumpet, and also the sixth vial, are now passing over us, as the events of Providence do plainly show, and are drawing towards the close; and the seventh trumpet may daily be expected to begin to sound.” 30 PFF3 233.4


Spalding cites Jurieu and Mede, who more than a century previously had declared that France is the prophesied “tenth part” of the great papal city, with its ten supporting kingdoms, this one falling away from the Papacy under the influence of a “great earthquake”- and the upheaval was even then taking place in France, in 1796. 31 Spalding then adds that the current wars of France “greatly support” these early interpretations. 32 PFF3 234.1


Armageddon, or the great battle of Megiddo, as it is called, will “precede and open the millennium.” Many texts support this-the time of trouble (Daniel 12), the deliverance of the church, the harvest, the judgment. 33 And God Himself will fight this battle. 34 The angelic proclamations of Revelation 14 precede it. And the spirit of expectancy will be abroad in the world, despite the fact that postmillennialists are mistakenly looking for peace and prosperity and world conversion, and the deists to an age of reason. But tragic disappointment impends for all such. 35 PFF3 234.2

8. FOUR EMPIRES OF Daniel 2 and 7

Spalding holds to the standard four empires of Daniel 2 and 7-Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia, and Rome-followed by the Papal Little Horn 36 with its allotted 1260 days, “that is years.” 37 Then, at the time appointed, the stone will smite the image, the beast will be slain, and the Son of man will take the kingdom. This is at the last trump. But this cannot be until Antichrist is destroyed. Spalding asserts that it is we “upon whom the ends of the world are come.” 38 The millennium cannot come until after the Beast is destroyed, for Antichrist and Christ cannot reign together. 39 PFF3 234.3


Following the destruction of the old world comes the new earth 40 and the New Jerusalem. In this New Jerusalem there will be no weakness, no error, no sin. It will be “heaven upon earth,” as the seat of the New Jerusalem will be in this new earth to come, coming down from God out of heaven.” 41 But the world will be so asleep to its danger that the warning voice will be drowned by the cry of peace and safety. But God’s elect will hear His voice. 42 PFF3 235.1


No day or year was set by Spalding. But the 1290- and 1335-year periods of Daniel 12 are cited, as leading to the first resurrection and the New Jerusalem. 43 The growing opposition and perversion under universalism is duly noted, and the almost prophetic words are used, “We expect opposition.” 44 The saints live with Christ in His appointed kingdom a thousand years. 45 Christ will come the second time, at the time appointed, and will be announced by the midnight cry. 46 Meantime Christ serves as Advocate before the Father for us. 47 Such was the remarkably clear and ringing premillennial testimony of this daystar of the nineteenth-century advent revival, just as the eighteenth century was closing. PFF3 235.2