The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

II. Prentice-Lisbon Earthquake Forerunner of End

THOMAS PRENTICE (1702-1782), Congregational clergyman, was born in Cambridge, and graduated from Harvard in 1726. Ordained in 1728, he settled in Arundel, Maine. Then the Indian War of 1737 dispersed the church, and Prentice returned to Cambridge. In 1739 he was installed as associate pastor in Charlestown, becoming sole pastor in 1774. 6 It was during this time that the Great Awakening took place-Whitefield arriving in Boston about 1740. Then, following the great Lisbon earth quake of 1755, Prentice gave emphasis to it as a sign of the times. In 1775 Charlestown was reduced to ashes and its people scattered. Prentice retired to Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he was overseer of Harvard College. PFF3 188.6


Prentice published a sermon of January 1, 1756, Observations ... On the Late Terrible Night of the Earthquake, based on the premise of earthquakes as a token of the approaching end of the age, the climax being when God ariseth to shake terribly the heavens and the earth. Treating specifically of the Lisbon quake, he says: PFF3 188.7

“Go now, in your Meditations, unto Cadiz! Go unto the vast City of Lisbon, and see what God did to them, but this Day two Months past; a little before the Earthquake reach’d us; to the latter of them especially. You have heard, how the Lord then did it; and how he hath by repeated Shocks, and the Flames of devouring Fire, bro’t it since to pass; to lay waste, one of the largest, the most wealthy and flourishing Cities, in the World; and turn it into a ruinous Heap.” 7 PFF3 189.1


First, citing Revelation 18, Prentice says, “May we not look on this dreadful Event, as pointed at in that Prophecy, and a notable Beginning of its Fulfilment.” 8 Then, referring to Matthew 24:27, he remarks: PFF3 189.2

“We should regard terrible Earthquakes, as some of the last Judgments, God brings on a wicked People, and which he will bring upon a wicked World; and as fearful Presages, of their nearly approaching Ruin. Our Lord mentions these as Forerunners, both of the Destruction of Jerusalem, and of the World, in general, and his appearing to the Judgment of the last Day, Matthew 24:27.” 9 PFF3 189.3


These earthquake judgments of the latter days, when the world is getting ready for destruction, Prentice insists, are “Signs of the last Times,” 10 visited upon “Popish kingdoms and cities.” This will reach its climax when God ariseth to shake terribly “not only the earth, but the Powers of Heaven.” 11 (Title page appears on page 186.) PFF3 189.4


Finally, Prentice urges, ‘We should carry our Observations from the terrible Night of the [Lisbon] Earthquake, unto the End of the World, and the Coming of the Son of Man to Judgment.” 12 This leads to the climax of his argument -the events of the sixth seal as a harbinger of the end: PFF3 189.5

“Terrible Earthquakes mentioned by our Lord Himself, as Forerunners of that great and notable Day, should bring it, with all it’s Terrors to the Wicked, and Joys to the Righteous, into our Minds: When, not only the Earth, but the Powers of Heaven, shall be shaken: The last Groans of dying Nature; the Wreck of Matter, the Crush of mingling Worlds, be everywhere heard, and seen, and felt! When the most dismal Consternation! the blackest Horror, shall universally seize the Ungodly And that notable Passage, have it’s fullest Accomplishment,” 13 PFF3 190.1

Following the quoting of Revelation 6:12-17 and 20:11-15, Prentice closes with the admonition: PFF3 190.2

“Let all previous Shakings carry our Minds forward, as they were designed to do, unto that last, that universal Shaking and Dissolution, to that irreversible Judgment of Quick & Dead: When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven, with his mighty Angels, in flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction, from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power: When he shall come to be glorified in his Saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. 2 Thessalonians 1:7,-.” 14 PFF3 190.3