The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

VII. Cooper-Identifies Papacy as Prophesied Man of Sin

SAMUEL COOPER (1725-1783), Congregational Boston pastor, was born in Boston and graduated from Harvard in 1743. In the same year he was elected to the pastorate of Brattle Square Church (4th Puritan), in Boston, which became the scene of his lifework. Ordained in 1746, he was an able and eloquent preacher, but wrote little. In 1767 he was given a D.D. by the University of Edinburgh. Intimate with Adams and Franklin, he was active in the cause of American freedom. In 1774 he declined the presidency of Harvard, but was a member of the Corporation for many years. 54 PFF3 179.2

A typical clergyman of the period-with wig, gown, and bands-he was the patron of mission work among the Indians. Polished in manner and elegant in diction, he was made vice-president of the Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1780. Cooper preached the rather remarkable Discourse on The Man of Sin. This was delivered in 1773 in the Chapel of Harvard College, as one of the Dudleian lecture series. As previously noted, the purpose of these lectures was frankly “to prove that the church of Rome is that mystical Babylon, that MAN OF SIN, that apostate church, spoken of in the New-Testament.” 55 (See cut on p. 174.) PFF3 179.3


At the very outset Cooper takes cognizance of the insistent Catholic contention that Antichrist is a single person-not a combination or succession-whose “continuance upon earth will be very short,” 56 three and a half literal years. Cooper then makes the flat declaration, “If Antichrist is not to be found in the chair of St. Peter, he is no where to be found.” 57 Contending that “there is a portion of obscurity intermingled with the light of Scripture prophecies, before their accomplishment,” 58 and “time illustrates what was dark, and explains what was mysterious in the prophecies,” 59 Cooper then avers that Paul’s statement (in 2 Thessalonians 2) involved a long period of time, far beyond the destruction of Jerusalem. 60 PFF3 179.4


Commenting on the term “Man of Sin,” Cooper declares explicitly: PFF3 180.1

“By this Man, in the singular number, the absolute monarchy in the church of Rome is well described; though we do not suppose any particular Pope is intended, but the Bishops of Rome in succession. It gives us a general character of that order of men, and of those who have had the principal share in their ecclesiastical administration: the chief promoters and defenders of the Romish apostacy.” 61 PFF3 180.2


Then is rehearsed its prophesied “opposition” to Christ, its “arrogance,” and its “cruel and oppressive power,” as predicted by Daniel and by John, and as attested by the persecutions under Mary, the massacres of Paris, and the slaughter of the Waldenses. 62 Next the symbol of the mystical woman that was drunk with the blood of saints and martyrs was similarly applied. 63 PFF3 180.3


The climax of the sequel, declares Cooper, will be the destruction of Antichrist at the second advent of Christ, when Antichrist will be consumed. 64 PFF3 180.4

Other Dudleian lectures will be noted later. PFF3 180.5