The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


V. Huss Discussed Antichrist’s Identity and Prophesied Doom

Huss was not so much an originator as an incorporator. His Latin writings contained many extracts and phrasings from Wyclif, some being copied almost verbatim. 65 Loserth devotes pages to showing their close parallel on the church, the Antichrist, and the doctrine of the Papacy—placing the two texts in parallel columns. 66 In fact, Huss gave up his life for these very doctrines, so fully did he believe and teach them. Therefore, to know Wyclif’s position on the Antichrist of prophecy is to understand Huss, though Huss was no mere copyist. 67 PFF2 116.1

The writings of Huss constantly refer to Antichrist as the enemy of the church—not as a Jew, pagan, or Turk, but as a false confessor of the name of Christ. Antichrist’s location must be within the Roman Empire, subtly finding its way into the church. The pope, with his cardinals and priests, comprises the Mystery of Iniquity and the Spiritual Babylon. And finally Huss avers him to be the vicar of Satan 68 and the great Antichrist. 69 This he stresses in many tracts. PFF2 116.2


Huss fully sensed the persecuting anger of Antichrist that was stirred up against him, and dwelt upon the coming kingdom of God and the last judgment. For example: PFF2 117.1

“And the more circumspect ye ought to be, for that Antichrist laboureth the more to trouble you. The last judgment is near at hand: death shall swallow up many, but to the elect children of God the Kingdom of God draweth near.... Know ye, welbeloved, that Antichrist being stirred up against you, deviseth divers persecutions.” 70 PFF2 117.2


The intimate letters of Huss, written during his exile (1412-1414), set forth with undisguised conviction and clarity his understanding of Antichrist-embracing the pope and his entireretinue as the prophesied “abomination” and “beast.” And Paul’s depiction in 2 Thessalonians 2 is clearly implied by the “beast” who was “sitting in a place of honour” and receiving workship as if he were God. PFF2 117.3

“I beseech you in Christ Jesus, with all your fellow-members of the University, to be prepared for a battle; for the reconnoitres of Antichrist have already begun, and the fight will soon follow. The Goose also must needs flap his wings against the wings of Behemoth, and against his tail, which always conceals the abomination of the beast Antichrist.... The Lord shall destroy the head and the tail—that is, the Pope and his prophets, masters, doctors, priests, who under the false pretext of sanctity conceal the abomination of the beast. Pray, what greater abomination can there be than a harlot who should parade herself and offer herself publicly? Yes, there is the still greater abomination of the beast sitting in a place of honour and offering himself for worship to all comers, as though he were God: ready to sell whatever a man may wish to buy in matters spiritual. Yea, he sells what he doth not possess. Woe be to me, then, if I shall not preach, weep, and write against such an abomination!” 71 PFF2 117.4


Letter XXIX (1413) warns that men should beware of the “chief Antichrist,” whom Huss denominated a thief, robber, wolf, and hypocrite. He admonishes all to heed the prophecy of Christ concerning false christs, “popes bearing Christ’s name,” and adds: PFF2 117.5

“Blessed is he that considers the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place. He that readeth let him understand, saith Christ, the Head of the Church. For what greater abomination can there be in the holy place—that is, the holy office—than that in the place—that is, the sanctity—where the holiest, most gracious, gentlest, humblest, poorest, most untiring, most patient, most chaste of all men hath sat, there is now sitting one [John XXIII]; in name the holiest, but in reality the worst, the most cruel, the most vengeful, the proudest, the richest in this world’s wealth, the most indolent, the most impatient, and the most unclean? Is it not an abomination of desolation in a place apart? Truly is Christ set forth by the false prophets to be in a desert place, which is left forlorn of all the virtues. Christ the Lord prophesied and forewarned His own: When you shall see the abomination in the holy place: he that readeth, let him understand. And afterwards: If they shall say to you, behold Christ (sic) is in the desert, believe it not: go ye not out.” 72 PFF2 118.1


His letters before his martyrdom revealed the burden Huss bore concerning the Antichrist, and the promised shortening of his days of tribulation for the church. Thus on June 24, 1415, writing “To the Faithful Bohemians,” Huss says: PFF2 118.2

“Remember what the merciful Saviour said to us by way of warning in Matthew 24., that before the Judgment Day shall be great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect: but foil the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened. Holding these things in your memory, beloved, press bravely on; for I trust God that the school of Antichrist shall tremble before you and suffer you to enjoy quietness, and that the Council of Constance shall not come to Bohemia.” 73 PFF2 118.3

Antichrist, as comprised of the “Pope and his associates,” fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy, is then portrayed, together with his concern that God will raise up other witnesses after his own testimony is closed shortly. PFF2 118.4

“Surely now the wickedness, iniquity, and baseness of Antichrist has been revealed in the Pope and his associates in the Council: now the faithful servants of God can understand the meaning of the Saviour’s words, When ye shall see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, ... he that readeth, let him understand. Verily ‘a great abomination’ is pride, avarice, and simony: ‘in a place apart’—that is, dignity which lacks modesty, love, and other virtues; and this is what we clearly mark in those who win office and dignity. Would that I were allowed to point out their wickedness, in order that the faithful servants of God might beware of them! Gladly would I do so; but I am trusting that God will raise up others after me, braver men than there are today, who shall better reveal the wickedness of Antichrist and lay down their lives for the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, who will grant eternal joy both to you and to me. Amen. I write this letter in prison, on the day of St. John Baptist, as I lie bound in chains, remembering that St. John also was beheaded in prison for the sake of God’s truth.” 74 PFF2 118.5


On June 29, 1415, Huss wrote his farewell letter to Baron John of Chlum. His conception of Antichrist was unchanged, and his burden the same. Expecting and longing for martyrdom, he recites the sufferings of the worthies of old for Christ. 75 In this connection and setting he makes his final declaration: PFF2 119.1

“The iniquity of the great harlot—that is, of the blaspheming congregation, of which we read in the Apocalypse—is and shall be made bare, with which harlot the kings of the earth commit fornication. In the same place, likewise, it is written that they commit fornication spiritually, that they depart from Christ and His truth and consent to the falsehood of Antichrist, whether by being seduced or terrified, or by being led to hope in the confederacy for the winning of the world’s honour.” 76 PFF2 119.2