The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2



IN CARRYING through to completion an enterprise as extensive as this volume in the Prophetic Faith set, the competent aid of experts has been imperative at various stages of the project. This has involved collaboration in the investigating, gathering, and translating of the sources, criticism of the completed manuscripts by experts, technical checking of all citations and data, critical copy editing, proofreading, and indexing, and effective illustration and mechanical production. Indebtedness is here expressed to all in these categories who have made possible the completion of Volume II, and specifically to the following: PFF2 797.1

To F. A. Dörner, of Berlin, Germany, for collaboration in the long quest Cor the sources in the great Preussische Staatsbibliothek in Berlin, where he joined me, both in 1935 and in 1938, as well as at the Nationalbibliothek of Vienna, in the search for evidence, which was continued in the interim, and up to the outbreak of World War II; to Jean Vuilleumier and Johann Weidner for similar co-operation in the Bibliotheque nationale and Bibliotheque de la société de 1’histoire du protestantisme francais, in Paris; to Alfred Vaucher for effective aid in the various libraries of Rome, Florence, and Torre Pellice, Italy, and at the Bibliotheque publique et universitaire at Geneva, Switzerland, in which latter institution we were joined by Daniel Walther; and to W. E. Read, R. A. Anderson, and L. W. Normington at the British Museum in London. PFF2 797.2

Acknowledgment for essential translation help is here made to the late William W. Prescott and Grace Amadon for the Latin, to John F. Huener-gardt for German, to Jean Vuilleumier for French, to Erich W. Bethmann for both German and French, and to Theodore De Luca and Edgar Brooks for Spanish. PFF2 797.3

Gratitude is similarly expressed for valuable criticisms and suggestions from the readers of Volume II, several of whom have lived, studied, and taught in Europe, and whose familiarity with European languages, history, and religion made their critiques of unusual value. These were: PFF2 797.4

R. A. Anderson, instructor, S.D.A. Theological Seminary. PFF2 797.5

H. M. Blunden, chairman, International Radio Commission. PFF2 797.6

L. L. Caviness, professor of Biblical languages, Pacific Union College. PFF2 797.7

M. L. Neff, book editor, Pacific Press Publishing Association. PFF2 797.8

F. D. Nichol, editor of Review and Herald, Washington, D.C. PFF2 797.9

R. L. Odom, editor of Our Times, Nashville, Tennessee. PFF2 797.10

George McCready Price, scientist; author, teacher, Loma Linda, California. PFF2 797.11

H. M. S. Richards, international radio commentator, Los Angeles, California. PFF2 797.12

W. E. Read, administrator and research investigator, London, England. PFF2 798.1

D. E. Rebok, president of the S.D.A. Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C. PFF2 798.2

H. L. Rudy, formerly educational secretary, Northern Europe. PFF2 798.3

A. W. Spalding, director, social education, Madison College, Tennessee. PFF2 798.4

W. H. Teesdale, president, Home Study Institute, Washington, D.C. PFF2 798.5

Daniel Walther, professor of church history, S.D.A. Theological Seminary. PFF2 798.6

Similar indebtedness is expressed to special readers of major sections of the manuscript, whose expert knowledge in given fields has been a safeguard both to author and reader. These include: PFF2 798.7

Abraham Shinedling, editorial staff of International Jewish Encyclopedia—Jewish writers. PFF2 798.8

Frank H. Yost, professor of church history, S.D.A. Theological Seminary—pre-Reformation period. PFF2 798.9

Otto Schuberth, professor of Reformation history and education in Central Europe—Reformation period. PFF2 798.10

Richard Ruhling, administrator and author from Central Europe—Bohemian expositors. PFF2 798.11

Jean Vuilleumier, former editor Paris Les Signes de Temps—French interpreters. PFF2 798.12

Special mention is to be made of kind personal interest and help from Raymund Klibansky, formerly professor of medieval philosophy at Heidelberg University, and now of Oriel College, Oxford, on Nicolas Krebs of Cusa; A. I. Ellis, superintendent of the British Museum Library; William W. Rockwell, former librarian of Union Theological Seminary; George Henderson, chief of reading room and stacks in the New York Public Library; Louis Gin/berg, Talmudist, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Joshua Bloch, head of Jewish Division, New York Public Library; and M. R. Thurber, book editor of the Review and Herald Publishing Association, and his excellent research staff—Julia Neuffer, Edna Howard, and Eunice Rowe. PFF2 798.13

Gratitude is here expressed to my faithful secretary, Thelma Wellman, for preparing the comprehensive index. PFF2 798.14

Due acknowledgment is here recorded for vital aid from the great state, national, church, and university libraries, and historical society archives of the Old World and the New, which institutions not only afforded unusual research privileges, but made possible extensive photostat and microfilm copying of materials which form the factual basis of this volume. The uniform courtesies and co-operation extended, together with special opportunities afforded, made the quest both pleasant and fruitful, and expedited the search. An Advent Source Collection of over seven thousand documents was thus made possible for permanent reference and verification. There were numerous other institutions from which individual items were secured, but the libraries most heavily drafted upon for the sources were the following: PFF2 798.15

Andover Newton Theological Seminary Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. PFF2 799.1

R. Biblioteca angelica, Rome, Italy. Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele, Rome, Italy. R. Biblioteca casanatense, Rome, Italy. R. Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence, Italy. Bibliotheque de la société de 1’histoire du protestantisme, francais, Paris, France. PFF2 799.2

Bibliotheque nationale, Paris, France. PFF2 799.3

Bibliotheque publique et universitaire, Geneva, Switzerland. PFF2 799.4

British Museum Library, London, England. PFF2 799.5

Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. PFF2 799.6

Bodleian Library, Oxford University, Oxford, England. PFF2 799.7

Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, England. PFF2 799.8

Nationalbibliothek, Vienna, Austria. PFF2 799.9

Preussische Staatsbibliothek, Berlin, Germany. PFF2 799.10

New York Public Library, New York, N.Y. PFF2 799.11

Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. PFF2 799.12

Rare Books Division.
Union Catalogue Division.
Inter-Library Loan Section (through which single volumes were borrowed for photostats or microfilms from libraries all over the United States).

Union Theological Seminary Library, New York, N.Y. PFF2 799.13

Bibliothek des Evangelischen Predigerseminars, Wittenberg, Germany. PFF2 799.14

Trinity College Library, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. PFF2 799.15

Trinity College Library, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. PFF2 799.16

S.D.A. Theological Seminary Library, Washington, D.C. PFF2 799.17

Review and Herald Library, Washington, D.C. PFF2 799.18

Columbia University Library, New York, N.Y. PFF2 799.19

Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin. PFF2 799.20

University of Nebraska Library, Lincoln, Nebraska. PFF2 799.21

Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California. PFF2 799.22

University of Chicago Library, Chicago, Illinois. PFF2 799.23

John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island. PFF2 799.24