The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

III. Tabulation of Individual Points of Interpretation

Though the phrasing is antique, complicated, and oft-times wearisome, a grasp of his prophetic exposition necessitates acquaintance with Brute’s own words. His testimony is so important that his witness is given with considerable completeness. PFF2 77.2


In his first, or shorter, exhibit Brute avers that the bishop of Rome, declaring “I am a God,” sitting in the “Seat of God” and taking away from Him the continual sacrifice, is the “abomination of desolation” foretold by Daniel—a phrase frequently employed by the Lollards. PFF2 78.1

“If the high Bishop of Rome calling himself the Servant of the Servants of God, and the chief Vicar of Christ in this World, do make and maintain many laws contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ; then is he of those that have come in Christs name, saying, I am Christ, and have seduced many a one, by the Testimony of our Saviour in Matth. Chap. 24. And the Idol of desolation sitting in the Temple of God and taking away from him the continual sacrifice for a time, times, and half a time, which Idol must be revealed to the Christian people by the Testimony of Daniel. Whereof Christ speaketh in the Gospel; When ye shall see the abomination of desolation that was told of by Daniel the Prophet, standing in the holy place; let him that readeth understand.” 42 PFF2 78.2


The composite testimony of Paul and John is next declared fulfilled in the “chief Antichrist upon the Earth,” who is to be destroyed by the brightness of Christ’s coming. PFF2 78.3

“And sitting in the Temple of God, doth advance himself above all things that is called God, or whatsoever is worshipped, by the Testimony of Paul to the Thess. 2 Epistle, Chap. 2. And in the defection or falling away shall the man of Sin be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth.... He is also besides, The Beast ascending up out of the earth, having two horns like unto a Lamb, but he speaketh like a Dragon, and as the cruel Beast ascending up out of the Sea, whose Power shall continue 42 months. He worketh the things that he hath given to the Image of the Beast. And he compelled Small and Great, Rich and Poor, Free-men and Bond-slaves, to worship the beast, and to take his mark in their Forehead or their Hands, Apoc. Chap. 13. And thus by the testimony of all these places is he the chief Antichrist upon the Earth, and must be slain with the Sword of Gods Word, and cast with the Dragon, the cruel Beast and the false Prophet that hath seduced the Earth, into the lake of fire and brimstone to be tormented world without end.” 43 PFF2 78.4


Brute likewise denominates Rome as “Babylon” and the “harlot,” whose spiritual unfaithfulness merits her destruction destined for the end of the 1260 years (the forty-two months, or three and a half times during which the “woman” is in the wilderness). PFF2 78.5

“If the City of Rome do allow his Traditions, and do disallow Christs holy Commandments, and Christs Doctrine, that it may confirm his Traditions; then is she Babylon the Great, or the Daughter of Babylon, and the Great Whore sitting upon many waters, with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication, and the Inhabitants of the earth are become drunken with the Wine of her Harlotry lying open to Bawdry. With whose spiritual Whoredom, Enchantments, Witchcrafts, and Simon Magus Merchandises, the whole round world is infected and seduced; saying in her heart, I sit as a Queen, and Widow I am not, neither shall I see Sorrow and mourning. Yet is she ignorant that within a little while shall come the day of her destruction and ruine by the Testimony of the Apoc. Chap. 17. Because that from the time of the continual Sacrifice was taken away, and the abomination of Desolation placed, there be passed 1290 days, by the Testimony of Daniel [chap 12.], and the Chronicles added do agree to the same. And the holy City also hath been trodden under foot of the Heathen, for forty two months, and the Woman was nourished up in the Wilderness (unto which she fled for fear of the face of the Serpent) during 1260. days, or else for a time, times, and half a time, which is all one. All these things be manifest by the Testimony of the Apocalyps, and the Chronicles thereto agreeing.” 44 PFF2 79.1

As he closes his unique initial exhibit, Brute appeals to Christ to take from him “all manrier of mark of Antichrist.” PFF2 79.2


In his second, or “more ample Tractation,” demanded by the bishop, Brute amplifies the foregoing statements and adds many others. Referring to the prophetic symbols and time prophecies of Daniel, that had formerly been cited, Brute declares significantly that He who hides the “secrets of the Scriptures” from the wise, “revealeth the same to Sinners, and Lay-persons, and simple souls, that he may have the honour and glory in all things.” 45 PFF2 79.3


Then Brute refers to signs that “betoken the second coming of Christ to reform his Church, and to call men again, by the disclosing of Antichrist, to the perfection of the Gospel, from their Heathenish Rites, and ways of the Gentiles. By whom the holy City was trampled under foot, for 42 months.” 46 PFF2 79.4


After allusion to Isaiah and Paul (2 Thessalonians) on the advent, Brute calls the “abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” the “greatest sign of all.” 47 Connecting this with the 1290 year-days from the destruction of Jerusalem, Brute contends that it is time in his day for the exposure of Antichrist. PFF2 80.1

“Now if any man will behold the Chronicles, he shall find, that after the destruction of Jerusalem was accomplished, and after the strong hand of the holy people was fully dispersed, and after the placing of the abomination; that is to say, the Idol of Desolation of Jerusalem, within the Holy place, where the Temple of God was before, there had passed 1290 days, taking a day for a year, as commonly it is taken in the Prophets. And the times of the Heathen people are fulfilled, after whose Rites and Customs God suffered the holy City to be trampled under foot for forty and two months. For although the Christian Church, which is the holy City, continued in the Faith from the Ascension of Christ, even till this time: yet hath it not observed and kept the perfection of the Faith all this whole season.” 48 PFF2 80.2


Interpreting the Christian church as the holy city—a carry-over from Augustinianism—the time of the error of the Gentiles is believed fulfilled, and now must come their recall by the Word, that there may be one fold of the Jews and Gentiles under one Shepherd. Thus Antichrist will be “moved.” PFF2 80.3

“For although the Christian Church, which is the holy City, continued in the Faith from the Ascension of Christ, even till this time: yet hath it not observed and kept the perfection of the Faith all this whole season. For soon after the departure of the Apostles, the Faith was kept with the Observation of the Rites of the Gentiles, and not of the Rites of Moses Law, nor of the Law of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherefore seeing that this time of the Error of the Gentiles is fulfilled: it is likely that Christ shall call the Gentiles from the Rites of their gentility to the perfection of the Gospel, as he called the Jews from the Law of Moses to the same perfection in his first coming: that there may be one Sheepfold of the Jews and Gentiles, under one Shepherd. Seeing therefore, that Antichrist is known, which hath seduced the Nations, then shall the Elect, after that they have forsaken the errors of their gentility, come through the light of Gods Word to the perfection of the Gospel, and that same Seducer shall be slain with the Sword of Gods word. So that by these things it doth partly appear unto me, why at this time rather than at any other time this matter of Antichrist is moved.” 49 PFF2 80.4


Contending that Britain is the “wilderness” offering the “woman” refuge from the dragon’s wrath, Brute said, “These sayings may be applied unto this Kingdom rather than to other Kingdoms.” PFF2 81.1

“Unto this place [Britain] fled the Woman; that is to say, the Church (which by Faith did spiritually bring forth Christ into the world) whereas she was fed with the heavenly Bread, the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ, for one thousand, two hundred and sixty days, seeing that for so many days, taking a day for a year, the Britains continued in the Faith of Christ: which thing cannot be found so of any Christian Kingdom, but of this Desert: and well it is said, That she flew to this place. For from the East came the Faith into Britain, not by walking in journey, nor yet by sailing; for then should it have come by Rome, Italy, Almaine, France, which cannot be found: and therefore she flew over those places, and rested not in them, even as a Bird, flying over a place resteth not in the same: but rested in this Wilderness for a time, times, and half a time; that is, one thousand two hundred and sixty years, from the first coming of the Faith into Britain until this present.” 50 PFF2 81.2


Brute next contends against the erroneous tales of an “imagined Antichrist—“born in Babylon of the Tribe of Dan” and performing miraculous deeds for three and a half years- and other current misunderstandings. He confutes the arguments one by one. These errors he overthrows by turning to the “Prophecies in Daniel, and in the Apocalyps.” 51 PFF2 81.3


Declaring it plain that the seventy weeks had already been fulfilled, and Jerusalem destroyed, 52 Brute says, “Daniel speaking of 62 weeks, doth not speak of the weeks of days but of years.” Then he places the 1290 years to the revealing of Antichrist—“taking a day always for a year, as commonly it is taken in the Prophets.” 53 Likewise he interprets the meaning of the five months: “Taking a month for thirty days, and a day for a year. And to Ezekiel were days given for years.” Brute then draws the conclusion: PFF2 81.4

“Wherefore it is an unfit thing to assign the 42 months, being appointed to the power of the Beast, unto three years and a half, for the Reign of that fantastical and imagined Antichrist.” 54 PFF2 82.1


The identification of Antichrist being due, and already discerned by some, Brute believed it should be proclaimed from the housetops. PFF2 82.2

“Let us go forward to declare whether Antichrist be already come, and yet is he hid from many, and must be opened and disclosed within a little while according to the truth of the holy Scripture, for the Salvation of the Faithful. PFF2 82.3

“And because that in the first conclusion of mine answer I have conditionally put it, who is that Antichrist lying privy in the hid Scriptures of the Prophets: I will pass on the Declaration of that conclusion, bringing to light those things which lay hid in darkness, because nothing is hid which shall not be disclosed, and nothing covered which shall not be known. And therefore the thing which was said in the darkness, let us say in the light; and the thing that we have heard in the ear, let us preach upon the house tops. I therefore, as I have before said, so say, that if the high Bishop of Rome, calling himself the Servant of God, and the chief Vicar of Christ in this world, do make and justifie many Laws contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ: then is he the chief of many, which coming in the name of Christ have said I am Christ, who have seduced many. Which is the first part of the first conclusion, and is manifest.” 55 PFF2 82.4


“Seeing then that the Bishops of Rome do say that they are the High Priests; they say also therein that they are Kings, because they say that they have the Scriptural Sword pertaining to their Priesthood, and the corporal Sword which agreeth for a Kings State. So is it plain, that really and in very deed, they say, That they are Christs, albeit that expresly they be not called Christs. Now that they come in the name of Christ it is manifest, because they say that they are his principal Vicars in this World, ordained of Christ specially for the Government of the Christian Church. Therefore, seeing they say, that really and in very deed they are Christs, and the chief friends of Christ: If they make and justifie many Laws contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then it is plain that they themselves in earth are the principal Antichrists, because there is no worse plague and pestilence, than a familiar enemy. And if in secret they be against Christ, and yet in open appearance they say that they are his friends, they are so much the more meet to seduce and deceive the Christian people.” 56 PFF2 82.5


“He [Daniel] applieth therefore four Kingdoms unto the four parts of the image, namely, the Kingdom of the Babylonians unto the head of gold; the Kingdom of the Medes and Persians, unto the breast and arms of silver; the Kingdom of the Grecians unto the belly and thighs of brass, but the fourth Kingdom which is of the Romans, he applieth unto the feet and legs of iron. And Daniel addeth, in the days of their Kingdoms shall God raise up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed, and his Kingdom shall not be delivered unto another, but it shall break and destroy those Kingdoms; and it shall stand for ever, according as thou sawest, that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and brake in pieces the clay, and iron, brass, silver and gold. Seeing therefore it is certain, that this stone signifieth Christ, whose Kingdom is for ever; it is also a thing most assured, that he ought to reign every where, and to break in pieces the other Kingdoms of the world.” 57 PFF2 83.1


“This Babylon, this great City, is the City of Rome, as it appeareth by the process of the Apostle. Because the Angel which shewed unto Saint John the destruction of the mighty Harlot sitting upon many Waters, with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed fornication, and all they which dwell upon the Earth, are made drunk with the Wine of her Whoredom, said unto him; And the woman which thou sawest, is the great City which hath Dominion above Kings, etc. [Apoc. 18.] And indeed in the days of Saint John, the whole World was subject to the temporal Empire of the City of Rome, and after wards it was subject to the spiritual Empire or Dominion of the same. But touching the temporal Government of the City of Rome, it is fallen already: and so that other also, for the multitude of her spiritual Fornication, shall fall.” 58 PFF2 83.2


“Hereupon by the Image of Nabuchadonozor, the Empire of the Romans is likened to Iron, which beateth together, and hath the Mastery of all Metals. And in the vision of Daniel, wherein he saw the four Winds of Heaven to fight in the main Sea; and four very great Beasts coming out of the Sea; the Kingdom of the Romans is likened to the fourth terrible and marvellous Beast, the which had great iron Teeth; eating and destroying, and treading the rest under his Feet: And this Beast had Ten Horns, and as Daniel saith, he shall speak words against the most high, and shall tear with his Teeth the Saints of the most high—and he shall think that he may be able to change times and laws, and they shall be delivered into his power, until a time, times, and half a time In the Apocalyps, Saint John saw a Beast coming out of the Sea, having seven Heads and ten Horns, and power was given to him to make Months 42 So long time endured the Empire of the Romans; that is to say, from the beginning of Julius Cesar, which was the first Emperor of the Romans, unto the end of Fredericus, which was the last Emperor of the Romans.’” 59 PFF2 83.3

After identifying the legs of iron with the fourth dreadful beast of Daniel 7, and this in turn with the first beast of Revelation 13, Brute applies the forty-two months from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Frederick. PFF2 85.1


The “feet of the Image,” part clay and part iron, betokening the broken “Empire of Rome,” which “yet endureth,” is linked by Brute to the beast from the earth. (Revelation 13.) PFF2 85.2

“This [two-horned] Beast as seemeth me, doth betoken the Clay and Earthen part of the feet of the Image, because he came out of the Earth. For that by terrene help he is made the High and chief Priest of the Romans in the Church of Christ, and so from below he ascended, on high But Christ from Heaven descended, because that he which was God, and Author of every Creature, became man; and he that was Lord of Lords, was made in the shape of a Servant. And although that in the Heavens the company of Angels Minister unto him, he himself Ministred or served in Earth, that he might teach us Humility, by which a man ascendeth into Heaven, even as by pride a man goeth down into the bottomless Pit This Beast hath two Horns most like a Lamb, because that he challengeth to himself both the Priestly and Kingly power above all other here in earth The Lamb, that is, Christ, is a King for ever upon the Kingly Seat of David, and he is a Priest for ever after the Order of Melchisedech, but his Kingdom is not of this World but the Kingdom of this Beast is of this World, because those that be under him fight for him.” 60 PFF2 85.3


“Also the Bishop of Rome doth make man to worship him as God, because that the special Sacrifice that God doth require of us, is to be obedient unto him in keeping of his Commandments But now the Popes Commandments be commanded to be kept, and be kept in very Deed; but the Commandments of Christ are contemned and rejected. Thus sitteth the Bishop of Rome in the Temple of God, shewing himself as God, and extolleth him self above all that which is called God, or worshipped as God. But in his fall he shall be revealed, because that every Kingdom divided in it self shall be made desolate. He teaching a truth is the Head of the Church; but the Prophet teaching a lie is the Tail of the Dragon. He seducing the World shall be acknowledged to be the verity of the Doctrine of Christ; but after he is known, he shall be rejected and nought esteemed. He giveth to small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, Marks in their right Hands, and in their Foreheads; that no man should buy or sell, but those that shall have the marks of the name of the Beast, or that look to have of him some recompense, small, mean, or great, or else the number of his name, which number is 300. The Pope saith, that in the Administration of every Sacrament he doth Imprint a certain Character or Mark into the soul of him that receiveth it. In Baptism he saith that he doth Imprint, into the soul of him that is Baptized, a Mark that cannot be wiped out, and so likewise in other Sacraments.” 61 PFF2 85.4


Brute states that “some” had set forth’ Dux Cleri (Captain of the Clergy) as the solution of 666. This was an attempt to find the pope a name that yields the prophetic number rather than an attempt to look for a period of years. PFF2 86.1

“The number of his name, according to the opinion of some men, is, Dux Cleri, the Captain of the Clergy, because by that name he is named, and maketh his name known, and that name is 666.” PFF2 86.2

“This is my opinion of the Beast ascending out of the Earth, and shall be, until such time as I shall be of the same Beast better instructed. And although that this Beast doth signifie the Roman Bishops; yet the other cruel Beast ascending out of the Sea, doth signifie the Roman emperors. And although that the Dragon being a cruel Beast, and the false Prophet giving the mark, must be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone to be tormented for ever; I would have no man to judge, but I leave such things altogether to the final Judgment of Christ to be determined.... But I have partly declared how that the Popes Law is contrary to Christs Law, and how that he saith, That he is the chief Vicar of Christ in Earth; and in his deeds is contrary to Christ, and doth forsake both his Doctrine and Life. I cannot see who else may be so well Antichrist, and a Seducer of the people. For there is not a greater Pestilence than a familiar enemy.” 62 PFF2 86.3

Brute’s appeal was to this effect: PFF2 86.4

“My counsel is, let the buyer beware of those marks; because that after the fall of Babylon, If any man hath worshipped the Beast and her Image, and hath received the mark upon his Forehead, and upon his Hand, he shall drink of the wine of Gods wrath.” 63 PFF2 86.5

And the closing paragraphs of Brute’s defense begin, “Thus reverend Father have I made mine Answer to the matter whereof I am accused.” 64 Such is the story of Brute, the Briton—a full century and a quarter before the Lutheran Reformation. PFF2 87.1