The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


V. French Work Continues Prophetic Interpretation

THEODORE CRINSOZ DE BIONENS (1690-c. 1750), Swiss Protestant theologian and renowned Orientalist, founded a school at Lausanne. He was definitely an individualist, refusing to sign the Consensus with the clergy at Geneva, and as a result he was not allowed to publish his translation of the Bible. 34 No new or unusual contribution appears in his work on Daniel and the Apocalypse. A brief summary discloses its similarity to other expositions of the time. PFF2 678.3

The seven churches span the Christian Era from early days on through pagan persecution, then popularity, next the tyranny under the popes during the Thyatira period, next the Reformation, and on to the judgment. 35 The seals are thought to apply to the empire out for conquest, but only up until Julian the apostate. 36 The trumpets are clearly punishments upon the corrupted church, first by the early barbarians. Then the fifth trumpet symbolizes the Saracens, with the five months as 150 years; the sixth indicates the Turks, who were to afflict for some 400 years. 37 PFF2 679.1

The tenth part of the city of Christendom is believed by Crinsoz to be one of the kingdoms into which Rome was divided, which severs connection with the Papacy. 38 Revelation 12 discloses the final triumph of Christianity over paganism during the time of Constantine, the dragon representing pagan Rome, under its various forms of government. 39 The first beast of Revelation 13 is obviously the Western Roman Empire, and the 1260 years are suggested as beginning in 445, which would end them in 1715, when Louis XIV died. 40 The two-horned beast indicates the popes, who have authority in matters of faith as well as in discipline; and the image of the Beast, he fancied, pictures the German Empire beginning with Charlemagne. The 666 could be deduced from Lateinos. 41 And the plagues are clearly judgments on the Roman Catholic Church. 42 Babylon is, of course, the Papacy. 43 PFF2 679.2

On Daniel 8 the author maintains that the 2300 evening-mornings are “prophetic days,” and that church and state are to be trodden for 2300 years, which period, he says, cannot begin with the 1260 years, as that would be too late.” 44 He contends: PFF2 679.3

“Nothing is more natural than to place its beginning [the 2300 days] at the very date of this prophecy. Daniel was honored of this second vision on the third year of Belshazzar, which was, as we stated, the year 555 B.C., to which 1745 must be added to make up the two thousand three hundred years, so that we have good reason to hope that, after the year 45 o£ the century in which we live, the church will be cleansed.” 45 PFF2 680.1

The 1290 years are dated from A.D. 455 to 1745, and the 1335 are terminated in 1790, when the time of blessedness would be at hand. 46 So much for Crinsoz. PFF2 680.2