The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


IX. Bourignon Court of Rome Is Harlot of Apocalypse

ANTOINETTE BOURIGNON (1616-1680), visionary, was born at Lille. Claiming to be inspired to re-establish the spirit of the primitive gospel, she gave up the liturgy of Rome, emphasizing the spiritual worship of God. Expelled from France, she fled to Belgium, Holland, and northern Germany. She wrote numerous volumes, and among her principal works are: Temoignage de la verite(Testimony of the Truth), Traite du nouveau del et du regne de I’antechrist (Treatise About the New Heaven and the Rule of Antichrist), Le renouvellement de I’esprit evangelique (The Renewal of the Evangelical Spirit), L’Antechrist decouvert (Antichrist Unveiled). 57 She comments thus on Antichrist: PFF2 635.2

“People think that Antichrist will not reign on the earth until we see him bodily. This is a great error, for he has long been reigning through his doctrine and his spirit of error, though he is not discerned. He occupies the throne of God, and rules over all Christendom under a false appearance of holiness and piety, thus winning the whole world. He has spread such thick darkness on the whole world, that he is discovered by none, and people would think to be committing sin if they were suspecting the court of Rome of being the harlot of the Apocalypse, while she is that in truth. 58 PFF2 636.1

Such is the witness of a voice on the fringe of Protestantism. PFF2 636.2