The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

XII. Goodwin-Turkish and Papal Periods and Future Millennium

THOMAS GOODWIN (1600-1680), celebrated Nonconformist, was born at Norfolk and educated at Cambridge. In 162.5 he was preacher at the university, and in 1632 he became vicar of Trinity Church, Cambridge. Resigning his preferments when he did not conform to all his bishop’s ideas, he withdrew from the university and went to Holland in 1639. Returning to Lon don shortly afterward, he became minister of an Independent congregation, and in 1643 was elected to the Westminster Assembly. PFF2 573.1

One of the most distinguished leaders of the Congregational party, and author of numerous theological works, he became head of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1650, and was vice-chancelor of the university. He was one of Cromwell’s most intimate advisers, attending him on his deathbed. When he was com missioner for the inventory of the Westminster Assembly, he and John Owen drew up the Amended Westminster Confession of 1658. PFF2 573.2


Goodwin taught that the 1335 years would reach to the end, which would be introduced by the resurrection, with the thousand-year reign of Christ following. He called the Apocalypse the story of Christ’s kingdom, and believed the Lord would reign with His saints in a world especially prepared, called “the world to come.” PFF2 573.3


Goodwin followed Mede in his general scheme of the Apocalypse, and expounded the fallen star of the fifth trumpet as Mohammed, with the locusts as the Saracens. The period of the sixth trumpet he held to be that of the Turk, dated from 1453, and “being one year, one month, one day, and one hour (prophetically three hundred and ninety-six years), would not thus be fulfilled ac cording to the latter date, until 1849. 53 PFF2 573.4


The dragon of Revelation 12 he expounded as pagan Rome, and the Beast of Revelation 13, as the description of “the Pope and his Anti-christian church, 54 whereas certain Protestants tend to set up an “image of old Popery in a Protestant reformed way:” 55 The 1260 year-days, he said, may end “about A.D. 1866. 56 For a time Goodwin believed not only that the Fifth Monarchy would be that of Christ and His saints, but that it would come “after the Fourth Monarchy is destroy’d by the Sword of the Saints, the followers of the Lamb. 57” Goodwin also felt that France was the predicted “tenth part” of papal Christendom, or the ten kingdoms comprising the city of Babylon that would fall away from support of the Papacy as is noted on page 724. This appeared in one of his printed sermons, not in his regular works. PFF2 574.1