The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2


X. Forbes-Clear on Antichrist and Year Day; Confused on Millennium

PATRICK FORBES (15641635), titled Scottish divine (Lord of Corse and Baron of O’Neil), was born in Aberdeenshire, and became bishop of Aberdeen in 1618. In his An Learned Commentarie Upon the Revelation he identifies the Beast of Revelation 13 as the Roman Antichrist, as “all sound Interpreters agree,” the time of whose raging is 1260 year days. 68 The hour, day, month, and year of the sixth trumpet was identified as the period of the Mohammedans. 69 PFF2 555.1

The Beast of Revelation 17 is likewise the Papacy. The eighth head (after the seventh is gone), coming out of the fourth, or Roman, beast of Daniel 7, is similarly the “man of sinne.” 70 Forbes attacks the arguments of the Futurist Jesuits Bellarmine and Ribera, and the “Rhemish doctors.” 71 But he, too, adheres to the papal scheme of the one thousand years from the time of Constantine. 72 PFF2 555.2