The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

III. James I-Royal Expositor Cites Prophecies to Fellow Kings

Queen Elizabeth had been in frequent perplexity over the conflict between her Catholic and Protestant subjects, the latter looking upon the hierarchy and liturgy of the Roman church as remnants of Antichrist, from which the country needed to be purged. The Second Scotch Confession of Faith, for example, declared: PFF2 536.3

“In special, we detest and refuse the usurped authoritie of that Romane Antichrist upon the scriptures of God, upon the Kirk, the civill Magistrate, and consciences of men.” 10 PFF2 537.1

In this atmosphere and persuasion the Scotch reared and trained their young KING JAMES (VI of Scotland, and later James I of England) (15661625), only child of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stewart Lord Darnley. Upon the abdication of his mother, in 1567, he was proclaimed king of Scotland—of course under regents until he became of age. His marriage to Anne of Denmark brought him into still closer relation with the Protestants. His rule in Scotland was disturbed by continued political and religious strife, particularly between the Presbyterians and Catholics, until in 1586 he entered into a treaty with England which turned out favorably for Protestantism. In 1603, when Queen Elizabeth died, he became king of England. The notable Gunpowder Plot occurred in 1605, the results of which were disastrous to the Catholics. The production of the Authorized Version, or King James Bible (published in 1611), was pro posed by James in 1604. The rules governing the translation were drawn up by James himself. 11 PFF2 537.2


When only twenty years of age, 12 King James wrote his remarkable A Paraphrase Upon the Revelation of the Apostle S, Iohn, as an “Epistle to the Whole Church Militant.” With others, he held the view that the locusts were the different orders of monks, and their king the pope. 13 “The Pope is the plague for breaking of the first Table and the Turke for breaking of the second,” 14 he declared. Revelation 13 King James explained pointedly as “the Popes arising: His description: His rising caused by the ruine of the fourth Monarchic the Romane Empire: The rising of the false and Papisticall Church; her description; her conformitie with her Monarch the Pope. 15 “The propriety of this venture was defended by James, bishop of Winton, the king’s court chaplain, in these words: PFF2 537.3

The Page of Works of James I (Left); Portrait of Monarch by Vaniomer (Center), and Page From the King’s Exposition of the Beast of Revelation 13, Written When But Twenty, With the Papacy, Following Upon the Breakup of Rome, as the Fourth Prophetic Empire (Right).
Page 539

“I may safely say; That Kings have a kinde of interest in that Booke [the Revelation] beyond any other: for as the execution of the most part of the Prophecies of that Booke is committed unto them; So it may be, that the Interpretation of it, may more happily be made by them: And since they are the principall Instruments, that GOD hath described in that Booke to destroy the Kingdome of Antichrist, to consume his State and Citie; I see not, but it may stand with the Wisedome of GOD, to inspire their hearts to expound it.” 16 PFF2 539.1


The “Argument” for chapter 15 declares, “The faithfull praiseth God for the Popes destruction, and their deliverance,” and for “the plagues which are to light on him and his followers.” Chapter 18 says, “The Pope by his Pardons makes merchandise of the soules of men: Heaven and the Saints reioyce at his destruction, albeit the earth and the worldlings lament for the same”—the Papacy being constantly denominated Babylon. 17 PFF2 539.2

On Revelation 20 James asserts that Satan, “having been restrained for a long space, by the preaching of the Gospel, at last... is loosed out of hell by the raising up of many new errors ..., especially the Antichrist and his Clergie,” citing 2 Thessalonians 2 18—still the Augustinian position. This papal Antichrist is signified “by the pale horse, in the fourth scale, by the king of the Locusts in the fifth trumpet, by Babylon, in the 11. and 18. Chapter, by the second Beast rising out of the sea, in the 13. Chapter, and by the woman clad with scarlet in the 17. chapter.” 19 Then King James charges that the pope, calling himself universal bishop, ruling through the centuries, and usurping Christ’s office, has lately sent out his Jesuits to stir up the princes of the earth, and to league them “together for his defence” and to root out all who “professe Christ truely.” This he contends, is all being done “for the revealing of this Prophecie.” 20 It is little wonder that the king’s book on the prophecies was placed on the Roman Index. 21 PFF2 539.3


As king of Great Britain, James favored the Anglican Church, suppressing the Puritans and disappointing the Catholics. Some of the latter, instigated by the Jesuits, conspired to blow up the king and Parliament (1605). This Gunpowder Plot, frustrated at the last moment, implanted a deep antipathy toward Rome in the hearts of the English. Parliament enacted drastic measures against Catholics, accompanied by a new oath of allegiance. Cardinal Bellarmine injected himself into the controversy, but James sent forth an appeal (Premonition), in 1609, to all the rulers of Christendom, in which he identified the Papacy as the “mysterie of iniquitie,” urging them to action concerning the encroachments of the Papacy upon church and state, as well as to the defense of the authority and privilege of kings. 22 As might have been expected, there was a rather indifferent reception abroad. It was burned in Florence, forbidden to be translated or printed in France, and refused in Spain. 23 PFF2 540.1

James insists, in his appeal, that the identity and time of Antichrist were the chief questions upon which they differed, and concerning which they must soon search the Scriptures (especially Revelation 13, 17, 18). The king contends that Rome is the “Seat” of that Antichrist, and has become a second Babylon, Sodom, and Jerusalem in its persecution. Twenty folio pages are devoted to the subject of Antichrist. 24 PFF2 540.2


James holds that the time of the worship of the beast (the forty two months) is the period of the reign of Antichrist. This he locates between the first and second advents. 25 The seven forms of the Roman government of Revelation 17, he asserts, are kings, consuls, dictators, decemvirs, military tribunes, emperors, and then popes. The reign of Antichrist immediately followed the government of the emperors, he stated. This Antichrist, he adds, is plainly described four times in Revelation, chapters 6, 9, 13, 17, and the ten horns of Revelation 17 and Daniel 7 are the kings of divided Europe. PFF2 540.3


Concerning the responsibility of the monarchs of Christendom toward Antichrist, James wrote this remarkable passage, closed with a strong appeal: PFF2 541.1

“Therefore I take these ten Kings [in Daniel 7 and Revelation 17] to signifie, all the Christian Kings, and free Princes and States in generall, even you whom to I consecrate these my Labours, and that of us all he prophesieth, that although our first becomming absolute and free Princes, should be in one houre with the Beast; ... and at the very time of the be ginning of the planting of the Antichrist there; and that we should for a long time continue to worship the Beast, having one ... minde in obeying her, ... and kissing her feete, drinking with her in her cup of Idolatrie, and fighting with the Lambe, in the persecution of his Saints, at her command that governeth so many Nations and people: yet notwithstanding all this, wee shall in the time appointed by GOD, ... converted by His Word; ... hate the Whore, and make her desolate, and make her naked, by discovering her hypocrisie and false pretence of zeale; and shall eateher flesh, and burne her with fire.... PFF2 541.2

“To flee from Babylon, lest they bee partakers of her sinnes, and con sequently of her punishment Which warning I pray God that yee all, my Beloved Brethren and Cousins, would take heed unto in time, humbly be seeching him to open your eyes for this purpose.” 26 PFF2 541.3


Attacks like that of the Jesuit Suarez (1613), and of the Cardinal of Peronne (1615), resulted. But James defended his thesis. On the other hand, numerous exhortations were dedicated to the royal commentator—by Napier of Scotland, Groser of Switzerland (1605), Cottiere of France (1615), Bishop W. Cowper (1623), and Aventrotus of Spain (1616)—all of whom took similar positions. Thus the Apocalypse, though at first depreciated by some of the Reformers, became one of their most effective weapons, even in the hands of a powerful king, while the Jesuits in their counterinterpretations sought to wrest it in favor of the Roman church. James’ example proved a powerful stimulus to others. That this could and did happen is tremendously impressive. PFF2 541.4