The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

IX. Prophetic Interpretation Woven into Formulas of Church

That the prophecies and their interpretation were woven right into the catechisms, homilies, and other standard formulas and instruments of the church, as well as in the writings of individuals, is evident from these extracts from A Short Catechisme, or playne instruction, conteynynge the sume of Christian learninge, sett fourth by the kings maiesties authoritie, for all Scholemaisters to teache, drawn up under Edward VI in 1553, in the first year of his reign. That the establishment of the kingdom was yet future, and not the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages, is clearly stated. PFF2 423.3

“The end of the world holi scripture calleth the fulfyllynge & parformaunce of the kyngdome and mistery of Christ, and the renewing of all thynges.” 92 PFF2 423.4


More important and explicit still is the interpretation of the stone of Daniel 2, which is held to be yet future. This is the catechetical response required of the “scholar” to the “maister’s” inquiry as to what way these things were to come to pass: PFF2 423.5

“For we see not yet all thynges in subiection to Christe: we see not the stone hewed offron the mountayne wythoute woork of man, which all to brosed and brought to nought ye image whiche Daniell, descriveth that the onlye rocke Christe may obtayn and possesse the dominion of the hole world, graunted him of his father. Antichrist is not yet slayne. For thys PFF2 423.6

cause do we longe for, and praye that it may at length come to passe and be fulfylled, that Christe may reign with his sainctes, accordinge to Gods promises.” 93 PFF2 424.1

Then the master responds, “God graunte hys kyngdome may come: and that spedilye.” 94 PFF2 424.2


In 1547 Cranmer and others, including Becon and probably Latimer and Ridley, had prepared the book of homilies, which they called Certayne Sermons, or Homelies, appoynted by the kynges Maistie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, Vicars, or Curates, every Sondaye in their churches, where they have Cure. A second book of homilies was published in 1563 by Bishop Jewel and others. These volumes of homilies comprise sermons appointed by Edward VI and Elizabeth, respectively, to be read as part of the divine service, and endorsed in Article 35 in the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England. In one of these homilies we read: PFF2 424.3

“And concerning the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, which he most wrongfully challengeth, as the successor of Christ and Peter, we may easily perceive how false, feigned, and forged it is, not only in that it hath no sufficient ground in holy Scripture, but also by the fruits and doctrine thereof. For our Saviour Christ and St. Peter teach, most earnestly and agreeably, obedience to kings, as to the chief and supreme rulers in this world next under God; but the bishop of Rome teacheth, that they that are under him are free from all burdens and charges of the commonwealth and obedience towards their prince, most clearly against Christ’s doctrine and St. Peter’s. He ought therefore rather to be called Antichrist and the successor of the Scribes and Pharisees, than Christ’s vicar or St. Peter’s successor.” 95 PFF2 424.4

And in The Second Tome of Homilies, “of Such Matters as Were Promised and Intituled in the former Part of Homilies Set out by the authority of the Queen’s Magesty, and read in every Parish Church agreebly,” occur the words: PFF2 424.5

“If they deny it, let them read the eleventh chapter of Daniel the Prophet; who saith of Antichrist, He shall worship god whom his fathers knew not with golde, silver, and with precious stone, and other things of pleasure.” 96 PFF2 425.1

The “idolatrious Church” is the unbeautiful but outwardly adorned woman of Revelation 17 and 18, and the decking of images is a token of Antichrist’s kingdom. 97 PFF2 425.2