The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

IV. Reaches Conclusions on Papal Antichrist

A further step in becoming more firmly established in his convictions of the antichristian powers revealed in the Papacy, was precipitated by the disputation with Dr. Eck, which took place in June and July, 1519, at Leipzig. The topics discussed comprised not only “indulgences, purgatory,” etc., but centered finally on the question of the “superiority of the Roman Church by human or divine right.” 22 Although the disputation was not very satisfactory in itself, it helped Luther to understand the complexity of questions involved, and to realize the wide divergence between his views and those promulgated by Rome, as well as to realize that the gulf had already become practically unbridgeable. Nothing was left to him but to stand solely upon the divine Scriptures and his faith in God. 23 Dr. Eck considered himself triumphant, and went to Rome to pursue with all vigor the excommunication of Luther. PFF2 254.2


On February 24, 1520, Luther wrote a letter to Spalatin, which reveals his growing conviction about the sinister nature of the Papacy: PFF2 255.1

“I am practically cornered, and can hardly doubt any more, that the Pope is really the Antichrist, whom the world expects according to a general belief, because everything so exactly corresponds to the way of his life, action, words, and commandments.” 24 PFF2 255.2

This year, 1520, also saw the three great Reformation treatises, which kindled the flame in Germany. The first was To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation. He sent it, with a covering letter, to Nicolaus von Amsdorf on June 20, 1520. It is a clarion call in more than one respect. It not only calls for religious reform and the abolition of all clerical abuses, but also for a political away-from-Rome movement. In unmistakable language Luther uncovers all the depraved practices of the Roman court and the anti-Biblical requirements of the canon law. And although he does not attack the hierarchical system of the church as such, he wants to have it separated from all secular commitments. He said, “Now the Pope should be the head and leader of the soldiers of Heaven, and yet he engages more in worldly matters than any king or emperor.” 25 PFF2 255.3

Although Luther does not in this tract identify the pope with Antichrist, he shows clearly how the pope has given full scope for antichristian powers to work in the church, and is therefore directly responsible. The following statements will elucidate this thought. If a fire breaks out- PFF2 255.4

“is not every citizen bound in this case to rouse and call in the rest? How much more should this be done in the spiritual city of Christ, if a fire of offence breaks out, either at the pope’s government or wherever it may! ... PFF2 255.5

There is no authority in the Church but for reformation. Therefore if the Pope wished to use his power to prevent the calling of a free council, so as to prevent the reformation of the Church, we should not respect him or his power.... It is the power of the Devil and Antichrist that prevents what would serve for the reformation of Christendom.” 26 PFF2 256.1

On the next page Luther quotes 2 Thessalonians 2:9. Speaking against the office of cardinals, as superfluous and only created to extract money, he says: PFF2 256.2

“Now that Italy is sucked dry, they come to Germany and begin very quietly; but we shall see that Germany is soon to be brought into the same state as Italy. We have a few cardinals already. What the Romanists mean thereby the drunken Germans are not to see until they have lost everything -bishoprics, convents, benefices, fiefs, even to their last farthing. Antichrist must take the riches of this earth, as it is written. (Daniel 11:8, 39, 43.)” 27 PFF2 256.3

“Antichrist, I hope, will not insult God in this open way. There you have the Pope, as you have chosen to have him, and why? Why, because if the Church were to be reformed, many things would have to be destroyed, and possibly Rome among them.” 28 PFF2 256.4

About Rome, he adds: PFF2 256.5

“There is a buying and selling, a changing, exchanging and bargaining, cheating and lying, robbing and stealing, debauchery and villainy, and all kinds of contempt of God, that Antichrist himself could not rule worse.” 29 PFF2 256.6

“All these excessive, over-presumptuous and most wicked claims of the Pope are the invention of the Devil, with the object of bringing in Antichrist in due course, and to raise the Pope above God.” 30 PFF2 256.7


When his friends Staupitz, Lang, and Link begged Luther to suppress his dangerous book, To the German Nobility, he answered under date of August 18, 1520, that it had already left the press, and made the following statement: PFF2 256.8

“We here are of the conviction that the papacy is the seat of the true and real Antichrist, against whose deceit and vileness all is permitted for the salvation of souls. Personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than that to Antichrist.” 31 PFF2 256.9