The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 2

V. Council Action Against Identifying of Antichrist


During the eleventh session, on December 19, 1516, the public exposition of Antichrist or the time of the mooted judgment, and the hidden “times and moments” of God, was definitely prohibited. PFF2 181.3

“Nor shall they presume to announce or predict in their sermons any fixed time of future evils, the coming of Antichrist, or the day of the last judgment, since the truth says: ‘It is not for you to know the times and moments which the Father hath put in His own power.’ (Acts 1:7).” 72 PFF2 181.4

Picture 3: Lateran Church in Rome, Scene of Epochal Councils
Exterior view of St. John’s lateran church, rome, and interior view of this scene of the famous Fifth council, which sought to halt preaching on antichrist and to extirpate heresy. In the portico, carved into a large block of marble, is the pretentious inscription, “Holy Lateran Church mother and head of all the churches of the city and the world” (insert)
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With printing now in vogue, the tenth session (in 1515) had prohibited all printing of books without previous papal censorship. Here is the action: PFF2 183.1

“No one shall presume to print or cause to be printed, in Rome or in any other city or diocese, any book or any other writing whatsoever unless it has first been carefully examined and its publication approved by our vicar and the master of the Sacred Palace, in other cities and dioceses by the bishops or by competent persons appointed by them and by the inquisitor of the city or diocese in which the books are to be printed. This approval must be given over the personal signatures of the censors, free of charge and without delay, under penalty of excommunication.” 73 PFF2 183.2


Leo’s bull, Pastor aeternus, renewed and confirmed the famous bull Unam Sanctam, of Boniface VIII, in which all faithful Christians were required to be subject to the Roman pontiff. 74 PFF2 183.3

Such was Rome’s own interpretation of prophecy concerning her self. It was the precise opposite of the identification given by her historic opposers. They denominated her as Babylon, the fallen church of Revelation 17, instead of the new Jerusalem bride of Revelation 21. It was the clash of fundamentally opposite concepts. The basic issue lay in opposite interpretations of the prophetic symbols, and therefore of variant understanding of the character of the two opposing churches. Portentous events were in the offing. But before broaching these, let us pause to introduce another pertinent line of evidence. PFF2 183.4