Thoughts on Baptism



Mr. Moore quotes and comments as follows:— TOB 148.2

“Clement is addressing himself to the churches planted by the apostles—churches composed of members, many of whom were baptized by the immediate successors of the apostles—when he uses the following words: ‘Ye were conducted to a bath just as Christ was carried to the grave, and were thrice immersed, to signify the three days of his burial.’—Wiberg on Baptism, p. 228.” TOB 148.3

We cannot say positively that Clement never wrote these words, yet we are left strongly to doubt. No reference is made to any work where they may be found. We think we have had access to and have examined all the writings that are usually ascribed to Clement, but these words are not in them. We have seen what liberty was taken with Sozomen to make him testify to their purpose, and what a strong argument is made out of nothing in the case of Justin; and why, if this quotation is genuine, are we not told whence it is taken? That which is offered in proof must be shown to be proof. We have a right to call in question such loose quotations. TOB 148.4

We do not look upon this, however, as upon the testimony cited from Justin. If this should prove to be genuine, which we have good reason to doubt, we must remember that trine immersion was recognized in Africa earlier than anywhere else; and that Africa was, at that time, the very hot-bed of superstitious innovations in the Christian faith. See Milner, as before quoted. TOB 148.5