The Signs of the Times, vol. 23


March 11, 1897

“Heresy and Heretics” The Signs of the Times, 23, 10.

E. J. Waggoner

The word “heretic” occurs but once in the Bible; the word “heresy” occurs four times, once in the singular, and three times in the plural. The full meeting of the word “heresy” is very concisely put by Mr. Gladstone, in his article on “The Place of Heresy and Schism in the Modern Christian Church,” in the current number of the Nineteenth Century. He says of heresy, “It means self-chosen and self-formed opinion. The Gospel is not chosen or formed by us: but fashioned by God, and tendered for our acceptance.” SITI March 11, 1897, page 2.1

That is the whole case in a nut-shell. God is the only Source of truth. Only those are heretics who will not accept the word of God. He who accepts God’s will as final is not an heretic, although he may be alone in his belief. Since God, and not the church, is the standard authority, and the source of truth, a man is not necessarily an heretic because he is not in harmony with what is called “the church.” As a general thing it is the majority of “the church” who are “heretics,” that is, choosers of their ways rather than of God’s, while those who cling closely to the word of God are the few. SITI March 11, 1897, page 2.2

God is no respecter of persons; all are alike before Him. Therefore one man has as much right to choose for himself as any other, or as all other men. Therefore heresy is not a term that can properly be applied to a man because of any relation that he sustains to “the church.” Heresy can exist only in relation to God. SITI March 11, 1897, page 2.3

This fact was recognized by the Apostle Paul when he was accused before Felix. He did not admit that he was an heretic, but said, “After the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers,” and then showed that he was not an heretic, by adding, “believing all things which are written in law and in the prophets.” Acts 24:14. SITI March 11, 1897, page 2.4

As no one on earth has the power to define and set the limits of the truth of God, no one has the authority to declare any other one an heretic. Men have no right to go beyond the inspired instruction, “Preach the word.” If the church of Christ does this, it may leave the responsibility of choosing for themselves or allowing God to choose for them, to those who hear; and to God may be left the responsibility of deciding who has chosen well. SITI March 11, 1897, page 3.1