The Signs of the Times, vol. 14


September 14, 1888

“The World for Christ” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

We quoted Scripture last week to show that there is no warrant for the idea that all men will be converted before the Lord comes. This week, according to promise, we wish to show the evil tendency of that theory. Among those by whom it is held, the expression at the head of this article is very common, and is considered as an indication of a lack of understanding of the Bible, and of the true work of the church. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.1

Those who hold to the idea that the world must all be converted, claim that any other view must have a tendency to discourage missionary effort. This is not the case, for since they cannot know who will be saved and who will not, but are sure that some will accept the gift which is offered to all, they can faithfully obey the Lord’s command to labor, not knowing “whether shall prosper either this or that,” trusting results to the Lord of the harvest. All we have to do is to hold forth the word of life; if we do this faithfully, we are not responsible for the results. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.2

On the other hand, one of two things, either one disastrous, must result from the theory of the world’s conversion:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.3

1. Since there is not the slightest prospect that the world will be converted, but, according to the apostle’s words, evil men and seducers are getting worse and worse, and false systems of religion are making converts faster than the Christian religion, people who look for the conversion of the world must inevitably become discouraged. No person can long keep up heart in a struggle for the impossible. There must be, if no prospect, at least a promise of success in order for men to keep from giving up in despair. But in the matter of the world’s conversion, there is neither prospect nor promise. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.4

2. But it must be confessed that we do not see the church getting discouraged. Religious workers exhibit a confidence that is mournfully absurd. They will write of the world’s standing armies, of how all Europe is one vast military camp, and how the one thought seems to be war and preparation to kill people, and in the same breath will speak of the prospects of universal peace. Now since it is absolutely certain that there will never be peace on earth until the Prince of peace destroys the fierce people from the earth; since there never will be on this earth universal knowledge of God, until those who know not God and obey not the gospel are punished with everlasting destruction, it follows that those who look for the reign of righteousness before the coming of the Lord, and who think they see indications of it, will be satisfied with a spurious righteousness. In short, they will accept the form for the substance, and will call the world Christian when all it has of Christianity is the name. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.5

Before we present a scripture which proves this conclusion, we wish to show how this theory of a temporal millennium leads naturally to the doctrine of universalism and of future probation, or probation after death. Thus: there has never been a generation since the fall, in which all men have served the Lord. All will admit that the greater portion of mankind in every age of the past have been corrupt; they have not even been professedly religious. But why should the last generation be more highly favored than any other. If it be true that in order for the gospel not to be a failure, all the people in the world must be converted, then it is equally true that for the same reason all who have ever lived in the world must be converted. If it is necessary to the vindication of the power of the gospel, that this or some future generation should all be saved, then it is just as necessary to the vindication of the power of the gospel, that all of every generation should be saved. Thus the doctrine of the world’s conversion before the coming of the Lord, is in reality universalism. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.6

But, as has before been stated, the greater portion of mankind have not known God, and have died in their sins. Therefore, if the doctrine of the world’s conversion be true, it must be that all those multitudes will be converted while in a state of death, or in some future state, which is positively unscriptural. Moreover, that theory does really cast discredit upon the power of the gospel, and makes it necessary for some other gospel to be preached, since it teaches that what the gospel has not accomplished in this life will be accomplished in another. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.7

Again, the theory that the world must be converted before Christ comes, is a denial of the scriptures which states that when Christ comes he will punish the wicked; for if all men are converted, there will be no wicked to punish. And this is virtually an arraignment of God for his judgments upon the wicked of one generation, so that there will not be any to punish, he ought to have done so in the past. The theory really charges God with double dealing; it says that his ways are not equal. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.8

So we see that the theory of the conversion of the world, instead of being simply a pleasing fancy, a harmless delusion, is a monstrous perversion of the Scriptures. It also sets at naught the doctrine of the soon coming of Christ, ignoring all those signs which prove that this generation shall not pass away until all things shall be fulfilled. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.9

Now look at a Bible picture of national religion, and its consequences. We quote from Isaiah 2:2-5:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.10

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.11

This is the result toward which those look who shout, “The world for Christ.” Mark, the scripture does not say that people will actually walk in the law of the Lord, but that “many people shall go and say” that certain things shall take place. That this national Christianity will be only a sham, an outside show, and not real service to God, is indicated by the next four verses, which say:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.12

“Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers. Their land also is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots; their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made; and the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself; therefore forgive them not.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.13

These verses show that while they profess that they know God, in works they deny him. They will be worshiping something of their own creation. Since it is utterly impossible that all men should be converted, it follows that those who will not hear to anything else, will gradually lower their standard of what true Christianity is, until it comes down to where the mass of the people are, and then they will declare that the world is converted. This, of course, will cause the world to be satisfied; and so we see that the doctrine of the world’s conversion will result in the hardening of men to the influence of pure Christianity, and will confirm them in their practices. And what will be the final result? The prophet continues:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.14

“Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low.” “And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he arised to shake terribly the earth. In the day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; to go into the clefs of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake the terrible the earth.” Isaiah 2:10-12, 19-21. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.15

In that day of the Lord the earth shall be melted (2 Peter 3:10, 11; Isaiah 24:19, 20), and sinners shall be destroyed out of it; “nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” 2 Peter 2:13. And when the earth shall thus be freed from the curse, then will be fulfilled the word of the Lord which is written: “And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them” (Jeremiah 31:34); for “all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13. W. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.16

“Heathen Philosophy. (Concluded.)” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

Whoever reads the fifth book of Plato’s “Republic,” will find sufficient evidence of his blunted nonsense, or, rather, his total lack of moral sense. In that book, which, like all Plato’s works, is in the form of conversations with the young men of Athens, he teaches that women should engage in warfare and all other affairs, equally with the men, and should go through the same course of training as the men, and in the same manner, namely, naked. Says he: “But as for the man who laughs at the idea of undressed women going through gymnastic exercises, as a means of utilizing what is most perfect, his ridicule is but unripe fruit plucked from the tree of wisdom.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.17

He further teaches that in the model republic the women, as well as all property, shall be held in common, and he adds: “It follows from what has been already granted, that the best of both sexes ought to be brought together as often as possible, and the worst as seldom as possible, and that the issue of the former union ought to be reared and that of the latter abandoned.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.18

Those children that should be thought fit to be saved alive, were to be brought up by the State, in a general nursery, and were never to know their parents, neither were the parents ever to have any further knowledge of their own children. Then the people were to be “without natural affection.” After people attained a certain age, the State was to release its control of their “marriages,” and they were to be allowed promiscuous intercourse, only the issue, if any resulted from such unions, was to be destroyed. We beg the reader’s pardon for intruding such things upon his notice, but it is absolutely necessary in order to dispel the glamor that has been thrown around Plato. There is a growing tendency to regard Plato as almost a Christian, and as really a forerunner of Christianity. We wish to disabuse as many as possible of this idea, for his influence will be as fatal now as it ever was, to whoever comes under its spell. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.19

We have now all the data necessary to enable us to understand how the “philosophy” of which Plato’s is the best sample, would naturally lead to the most absurd and even abominable actions. In the first place we call to mind the fact that the “philosophers” started out in their “search after truth” with no preconceived ideas concerning it, and with no standard but their own minds, by which to test the truthfulness of what they might learn. They professed to be perfectly unprejudiced. According to the Scripture record, they “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing.” Acts 17:21. Like children with toys, they eagerly seized upon each new thought, no matter how contrary it might be to that which they had previously entertained. For the time this new thought excluded everything else, and then gave place to another new idea. SITI September 14, 1888, page 566.20

Many so-called “scientists” of modern times are pursuing a similar erratic course. As a consequence many things that a few years ago were held by “scientists” as sacred truth, are now by the same men counted as folly; and there is no evidence that many “truths” which are now so surely “demonstrated,” may not a few years hence be regarded as palpable errors, and be replaced by others equally erroneous. Indeed, there has never been any agreement among “eminent scientists” even on the most vital points, especially as to the formation and age of the world, and the means by which men and animals were placed upon it. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.1

We believe most heartily in true science and philosophy. “Science is knowledge duly arranged and referred to general truths and principles upon which it was founded, and from which it is derived.” This is a true definition of true science. Anything which has not the characteristics noted in this definition-anything into which conjecture enters-is not properly science. According to the definition of science, there are certain well-established truths and principles upon which the knowledge which constitutes any science must be founded, and with which it must agree. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.2

Now the first great principle upon which all true science must rest, is that there is a God who created all things. This is a self-evident truth-a truth that is patent to the mind even of the uneducated savage. Pope’s familiar lines, SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.3

“In the poor Indian! whose untutored mind
So God in the clouds, or hears him in the wind.”
SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.4

Express the fact that the existence and power of God are so plainly revealed in nature that the idolater is without excuse, and so the psalmist justly calls the atheist a fool, as one who cannot appreciate even the alphabet of evidence. These principles, therefore, must precede all investigation. They must be so clear to the mind of the would-be scientist, and so firmly believed by him, that they are regarded as self-evident. All doubt concerning them must be settled before he can proceed. They are the foundation of the structure which he is to rear; and no wise mechanic would proceed to lay timbers and build a house upon a foundation of whose stability he was doubtful. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.5

From this stand point it is easy to see why Plato and all the other heathen philosophers did not succeed in finding the truth, and why they did not have any well-defined and systematic theory. In the very beginning they departed from the only source of wisdom: “When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.6

It may be argued that Plato and the other philosophers held some things that were in themselves true, even if they were not systematically arranged with reference to some great central truth, and therefore it may be asked how the horrible wickedness which is portrayed in the first chapter of Romans can be directly chargeable to the teachings of philosophy. A few quotations from Scripture make this point clear, and complete the argument concerning heathen philosophy:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.7

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.8

“And the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” Genesis 8:21. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.Jeremiah 17:9. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.10

For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies; these are the things which defile a man.” Matthew 15:19, 20. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.11

“The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8:7. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.12

These scriptures most clearly prove that man is by nature corrupt and depraved. The evil things recorded in Galatians 5:18-21 are “the works of the flesh;” not those which man has acquired, but things which proceed out of his heart; things which are inherent in his very nature. This being the case, it will be seen at once that whenever a person follows his natural inclination, and makes his own mind the criterion of right and wrong, he must inevitably do that which is evil. One of Bacon’s rules for guarding against certain forms of error, is based on a recognition of this fact. He says:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.13

“In general let every student of nature take this as a rule, that whatever his mind seizes and dwells upon with particular satisfaction is to be held in suspicion.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.14

As we have already seen, Plato’s philosophy made the human mind the lord of itself and of all the world beside; he held that the unaided human intellect was competent to decide between truth and error. Therefore his disciples, trusting in themselves alone-“professing themselves to be wise”-could not fail to choose error, and that of the worst description, because error is most congenial to the human mind. The natural heart will choose that which is most like itself; and, since “the heart is deceitful above all things,” when truth and error are placed side by side, the heart that is not renewed by divine grace, and completely subject to the law of God, will turn away from the truth and cling to the error. True, some things may be done that in themselves are all right, but, being done from a selfish motive, they become really evil. Love,-love to God and to our fellow-men,-is the sum of all good. Whatever is not the result of such love is only evil. We need not, therefore, be astonished at any error that is held or has been held by mankind. Plato’s positively immoral teaching was only the logical result of his “philosophy.” W. SITI September 14, 1888, page 567.15

“Not so Very Strange” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

A San Francisco paper remarks that “it is rather astonishing to read a statement that a middle-aged member and trustee of Dr. Talmage’s Brooklyn Tabernacle has been a ‘medium,’ off and on, ever since he was fourteen years old, when the spirit of a departed uncle took possession of him, and that for a long time past he has been making a very handsome because as a ‘trance’ physician.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 568.1

We see nothing astonishing in it, for we have the best of evidence to show that the churches are full of Spiritualists. Many church-members are Spiritualists and attend Spiritualist séances, but dare not yet avow their belief, lest they should lose caste; and many others are Spiritualists, and do not know it. Is it any more astonishing that a member of Dr. Talmage’s church should be a Spiritualist medium, than that Dr. Talmage himself should preach Spiritualist sermons, telling about how he is going to come back to his people after he dies? If the Doctor expects to come back, it is perfectly natural that he should have some members in training to be able to recognize him, and to convey his message to the people. SITI September 14, 1888, page 568.2

“A Papal Abomination” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

Not long since there was a wedding party on the high seas, off the coast of San Francisco. The parties to the transaction live in Alameda, but they chartered a tug boat, engaged a Catholic priest to perform the ceremony, and went outside the jurisdiction of the United States to have it performed. The reason for this was that the bridegroom and bride were uncle and niece, and the laws of the United States do not allow marriage between relatives. The Bible also forbids marriage to persons so nearly related, but these people had a dispensation from the Pope allowing their marriage. The law of God makes no exceptions in favor of any; the law of the State does not relax its claims, in order to allow certain privileged ones to violate it; but the Pope sets himself above all law, human and divine. The Catholic Church claims to be the conservator of the marriage relation, yet it is the only power that authorizes incestuous marriages. SITI September 14, 1888, page 569.1

“A Church Institution” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

The enforcement of Sunday observance stands for the union of Church and State to the fullest degree that such a union was ever effected. It stands for the enforcement by law of all the ordinances and customs peculiar to the church. For Sunday is an institution of the church, adopted from paganism, it is true, but no less a church institution that is the mass. Moreover, it has assumed the rank of a divine institution, so that with many its claims are as valid as those of any ordinance instituted by the Saviour. This is shown by the names commonly given to it, namely, “Christian Sabbath,” and “Lord’s day.” Now if the right to enforce one “Christian institution” by civil law be granted, the right to enforce all other Christian institutions necessarily follows. If people may be compelled to observe the “Lord’s day,” then they may be compelled to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Our friends who are so zealous for Sunday laws will erelong take this ground, or else they will be enforced to admit that they want Sunday observance enforced simply because they do want it, and, being in the majority, are found to compel other people to do as they do, whether they believe as they do or not. SITI September 14, 1888, page 569.2

“Back Page” The Signs of the Times, 14, 36.

E. J. Waggoner

To the question, “Is there anything on the tobacco question that would be useful to place in the hands of a boy of eight ten or who is learning to smoke?” the Youth’s Companion gives the following reply: “Probably not. There is something, however, that might be useful to place in the hand of his father by way of a deterrent.” We have heard of such a thing being used with good effect. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.1

“How to Treat Your Brother-in-law,” was announced as the subject of the discourse at one of the Oakland churches last Sunday evening. No doubt the preacher who selected that sensational topic would say that his discourse was a “practical” one; but we cannot imagine what connection it has with the gospel. Many ministers act as though their hearers are all converted, and sure of Heaven, and that all they have to do is to amuse them on the passage. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.2

The Rescue mentions the rule of the Napa College, prohibiting “the use of tobacco in all forms, and of all intoxicating liquors,” and says: “If it be true that this is the only institution where these are made an issue, it clearly indicates where our children should be sent for education, without fear of contamination, or initiation into evil habits.” But it is not true, for Healdsburg College has from the beginning strictly prohibited the use of tobacco and liquor. Neither one has ever been used about the institution, and no one who used either would be received. A place of any kind were there is a more lively, healthful moral influence than at Healdsburg College would be hard to find. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.3

At the time of writing this item, Sunday, September 9, work on the camp-ground is progressing finely. The large preaching pavilion, 100x150 feet in size, is up and carpeted. Besides this, there are the sixty-foot book tent, the restaurant tent, the store, and a dozen family tents ready for occupancy, and indeed some of them are already occupied. A good company of men are working faithfully, and we are sure that as far as depends on the committee, no item of necessary preparation for a successful camp-meeting will remain unfinished by the 20th of the month, when the meeting begins. We hope that at that time the people will have done everything on their part, and will be there in large numbers. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.4

“Prophetic Lights,” is the name of one of the neatest books that has ever been issued by the Pacific Press Publishing Company. It contains one-hundred and eighty pages, 4x7 inches in size, with five full-page engravings, and numerous smaller ones. The book is devoted, as the name indicates, to a consideration of some of the lights that shine from the Bible for the instruction of men during the night of time. Each chapter is complete in itself, yet there is a general connection. Beginning with some of the prophecies concerning the first advent of Christ, and their fulfillment, and it takes up some of the prophecies concerning nations, that have been fulfilled in a remarkable manner, and then presents other predictions from the same word, which, from a knowledge of the past, we are sure must also be fulfilled to the letter. No theories are advanced, but every prophecy noted is explained by the plain declarations of the Bible itself, and history. The illustrations are all new, and were designed especially for this book. Each one is a study in itself, and aids much in making the Scripture narrative or prediction more vivid. Everyone who has seen the book is delighted with it. It is in two styles of binding, paper and cloth. The paper edition is intended solely for circulation with the SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Price in cloth binding, with the original design in cover, embossed in gold and jet, a $1.25. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.5

One of the State deputies of the order of Good Templars reports that the night selected for the institution of a lodge was “prayer-meeting night,” but that the two churches in the community adjourned their meetings, and “came in and helped us, both ministers becoming charter member;” which the Rescue declares to be “a fact on which both the ministers and the order are to be congratulated.” Perhaps the order may be congratulated, but the cause of temperance cannot be. When any professedly temperance work becomes a rival of the church, its usefulness as a temperance concern is gone, for there cannot be any real temperance that is not Christian temperance. We have in this another proof of the fact, which we have known for a long time, that the success of the order of Good Templars bears no relation to the success of the cause of temperance. Temperance has nothing whatever to do with secrecy. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.6

A new book just issued by the Pacific Press Publishing Company, and one which should have a wide circulation, is “Fathers of the Catholic Church,” a brief examination of the “falling away” of the church in the first three centuries, and of the causes which led to the great apostasy. People who have listened to learned discourses about the Fathers as staunch supporters of orthodoxy, should get this book and find out just what kind of men they were. Ample quotations are made from the writings of some of the most prominent of them; and valuable information is given concerning many customs of the church. Following is the table of contents:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.7

The Heathen World; Heathen Philosophy; The Apostolic Church; The Fathers; The “Epistle of Barnabas;” Hermas and Clement; The “Epistles of Ignatius;” The “Teaching of the Apostles;” Irenaeus, Justin Martyr; Clement of Alexandria; Tertullian; Origen; The Great Apostasy-Heathen and Catholic Mysteries; Perversion of the Ordinance of Baptism; Sign of the Cross and Images; Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead; “Pious” Frauds; Immorality in the Church; Relic and Martyr-Worship; Sunday and Christmas; Sun-worship and Sunday; Growth of Papal Assumption; Appendices. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.8

A copious index enables the reader to find out at a moment’s notice any statement by any author that is quoted in the book. Contains nearly 400 pages, bound in cloth, gold title on side. Price, $1.00. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.9

A subscriber wishes to know if the SIGNS approves of Adventists being in common attendance on the meetings of the Salvation Army, of their speaking in their meetings, and partaking with them of ice-cream suppers. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.10

We consider the methods of the Salvation Army to be the worst sort of a caricature on religion, and we cannot understand the condition of mind which will enable a well-instructed Christian man to find any pleasure in them. That they are a conscientious and respectable people among them, is nothing to the point; the fact remains that their proceedings have more in common with the circus or the minstrel show than with Christianity. We are not prepared to admit that they do any good. Their preaching is all emotional and destitute of practical Christian instruction, for the reason that few if any of their speakers have any Christian experience. We cannot believe that men who have just come from the bar-room and the gambling-table, and who have been “converted” by a big noise, are capable of leading people to Christ. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.11

Besides this, the language used by the speakers of the army is irreverent, and sometimes as shocking to the sensibilities as intentional swearing. We have never seen anything entertaining or instructive either on the streets or in the few barrack meetings that we have attended; and we would most earnestly protest against anybody attending their meetings out of curiosity, since no one can afford to hear sacred names and subjects handled in so flippant a manner. The War Cry is the organ of the Army, and here is an utterance clipped from the issue of February 10:- SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.12

“Right here, I want to say that I believe the word ‘faith’ is the most unfortunate one to be found between the leaves of the New Testament. I can’t believe in a God like the God of Moses, I can’t believe in a God who would come down in anger and swear, and call for vengeance, and who had to be reminded by a man like Moses of his promise to save a certain people.” SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.13

This language, which was part of a speech, was “heartily commended” by another speaker. That it is downright infidelity no one need be told, the opinion, in short, is that the Army tends to beget irreverence and immodesty on the part of its members, and contempt for religion on the part of onlookers. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.14

The finest thing that has come to our table for a long time is the new catalog descriptive of the Medical and Surgical Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich. Although we are quite familiar with the institution, and its workings, we read the description from beginning to end, and enjoyed it. Whoever sees and reads it, will second our statement that to see such an institution is almost worth making a trip to Michigan. And the best of it is, the description is not in the least exaggerated. The managers announce that they are willing to be held to a rigid account for every statement or representation made. The illustrations are from photographs, so that they are exact copies of what they claim to represent and they are gems. Whoever is so fortunate as to get one will be sure to preserve it, for it is worth keeping. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.15

We are not above making mistakes, nor above correcting them when we have made them. Last week we said that the camp-meeting at Tramelan, Switzerland, would be in session at the time of the California camp-meeting. We were just one month out of the way. The Tramelan camp-meeting was held August 22-26. SITI September 14, 1888, page 576.16