The Signs of the Times, vol. 10


March 13, 1884

“Progress of the Work at Healdsburg” The Signs of the Times, 10, 11.

E. J. Waggoner

The first Sabbath in this month was a day of interest and profit to the church at Healdsburg; of profit not only to the church, but to the College, and through it to the cause throughout the State. In the forenoon, Eld. Corliss preached from Colossians 3:2, 3: “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” The responsibilities resting upon those who profess to be members of Christ’s body, were clearly set forth. We belong to the family of Christ, and are individually responsible for the reputation of the family. The danger of becoming estranged from Christ by following the pain and silly fashions of the world, was dwelt upon with earnestness. The true Christian will indeed be dead,-insensible to the allurements of the world. SITI March 13, 1884, page 169.1

After the sermon, the congregation repaired to the usual place of baptism, where six souls were baptized, as evidence of their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ, and their determination to be henceforth new creatures in Christ. Four of this number were students at the College,-two of them from Mendocino County, one from Humboldt County, and one a resident of Healdsburg. SITI March 13, 1884, page 169.2

In the afternoon some twenty of those who intend to labor in the various capacities in the field during the summer, met in one of the rooms of the College building, together with Elds. White, Corliss, Israel, and Healey, to consider some plans for the coming campaign. So far as a division of labor had been made, all heartily acquiesced in the suggestions of the Conference Committee, expressing themselves as willing to labor to the extent of their ability, in any field to which they might be assigned. As testimonies and exhortations were given, the Spirit of the Lord came into the meeting, and all felt strengthened and encouraged. SITI March 13, 1884, page 169.3

We believe that the spirit of love and harmony that exists among the workers, and which seems to be increasing, augurs well for the success of the work. As was stated by one brother, the laborers must press together if they would see the work prosper. But it is God who sends prosperity, and blesses our efforts; in order to succeed, we must draw near to God, and when we all get near him, it follows as a natural consequence that we will be near to one another.We confidently expect to see the cause of God advanced greatly this year. If God is in the work of which there can be no doubt, and the workers go forth accompanied by his Spirit, we certainly may expect great things. SITI March 13, 1884, page 169.4

During the past two weeks the missionary class has enjoyed the presence and labors of Bro. White, who has given much Bible instruction in regard to canvassing, doing colporteur work, and preparing a field for tent labor. Certainly those who go into the field with a definite plan of operations in mind, and are fortified, as far as possible, against every objection that can be made, have a far better prospect of success than those who go out trusting alone to their general, unclassified knowledge, and the inspiration of the moment, for the means to awaken the interest of the indifferent, and to answer those who make objections. It is just this definite, practical knowledge that the instructors at Healdsburg College came to impart. Brethren, remember the work, and pray for the workers. E. J. W. SITI March 13, 1884, page 169.5